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Increasing the Font size on your computer

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:40 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
The following tip is from Emptynester.

Hold down the Ctrl key and type the + key. It increases the size of the font. I use it all the time when my eyes get tired and I can't see the little type.

Note: This may not work on all computers.

From DeeClutter:

You're right, Indiana. It won't work on my laptop -BUT that also could be my AOL. If I could get IE to work, I am wondering if it would work on that.

From Harmony:

HaHa! The Ctrl + didn't work for me either...but Dee, try the Ctrl while turning your mouse wheel. Some places that works for me, I can enlarge my spreadsheets and lots of other pages work. However, for some reason that doesn't work on this site. It works on my Yahoo email pages too. Oh, Ctrl turning mouse wheel the other way makes the print smaller.