Diabetes ?

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:43 am

Thank you Nancy.

I love dogwoods but they don't grow well here. My dsil has some in Oklahoma and they are always beautiful.


Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Indiana » Mon Apr 26, 2010 1:10 pm

I had a one touch that was 10 years old so it needed coding. The one I'm using now is a Bayer.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:52 pm

Today I forgot for the 1st time to take my meds after breakfast. I didn't remember them until after lunch. Then about 1:00 the new meter came. I used the test solution on it and it was 111, so I decided to take my BS. I tested with the old one and the new one. The NEW one tested 19 higher. Plus since I had taken my meds so late the numbers were horrible. Called dd1 and she told me to bring both meters and we would also test using her office meter. I hadn't done makeup or hair, since I thought I was staying home, so had to do that first. Anyway we did 3 tests using blood from the same stick. It had went down some, thank goodness. The difference between the three was 8. Her Reli-On was the lowest, and my new one the highest.

Well so much for thinking that my old meter was the problem. I guess I will email the dr. and give him all my numbers since I last seen him and see what he wants to do. My next appt. is a month from today. I had a meltdown over the whole thing but I have calmed down. Plus I accomplished zilch today!

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:45 pm

{{{Lilac}}} I remembered at some point that stress can also effect bs numbers.
I've had a melt down over numbers in the past you are not alone hang in there.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:03 pm

Thank you Nancy! It's always nice to remember that it just isn't us and we aren't alone.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Wed May 05, 2010 11:27 pm

Empty, Dee, Indiana, Nancy and Lynlee, I thought I would update you on my diabetes.

Since April 3 I have only had 2 fasting BS readings under 215 and they were 169 and 175. Other than that, they have been anywhere from 215 to 296! I grasped at any straws I could find to explain them. First thinking it was my thyroid and then when it wasn't that I thought it was the meter. This whole last month while dealing with these high numbers, I was coming to grips with the realization that I was reallllll close to being put on insulin. Yesterday I emailed my dr. I stayed home all day and never heard from them. He is a wonderful Christian and I knew that wasn't like him at all. This morning the nurse called and apologized for not getting back to me yesterday. She said they had my file and were going over it to decide what was the next step for me. They decided to put me on V ictoza. It is new and I am their guinea pig. The nurse told me that more than once. Anyway it is a once a day shot and comes in a pen. I will also take 1000 mg M etformin, twice a day. The shot doesn't have to be taken with food and can be taken at anytime. Of course, I will have to eat with the
M etformin. This V ictoza will stimulate my pancreas to release insulin. If I don't have any insulin, this won't work and I will have to go on insulin. I start in the morning. I decided that would be best and the nurse agreed. She had me come in and gave me 2 pens, which are 2 months worth. Between the time she called me and when I went in at 11:00, another female patient of his had come in for a regular checkup and was having problems like mine, so they put her on it also. So of course, the nurse had to comment that now she had 2 guinea pigs. Well, whatever on that. I am optimistic that this will work for me.

I am leary of starting this right before we leave, but the dr. wants to see me May 10 and again May 24. I have 5 days to adjust to it before we leave and surely any problems would come up in that time.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby DeeClutter » Thu May 06, 2010 7:26 am

Just trusting you won't have any problems, Lilac. All I can say is, wow. Hoping your trip is smooth and with NO problems! Know I was a little anxious with DDIL & DS#2 taking off the same afternoon after her 5th chemo (Tuesday). Especially after she was so sick after the last one -she needed to be hospitalized for 4 days and just hasn't bounced back since then.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Nancy » Thu May 06, 2010 10:32 am

Thanks for the update Lilac good luck with it and on your trip!

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Emptynester » Thu May 06, 2010 11:43 am

Ditto - sure hope the new meds will help.
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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Harriet » Thu May 06, 2010 12:22 pm

Lilac, M etformin (which we've never had experience with ourselves, btw) just happened to come up today in my own research into increasing B-12 levels for HRH. M etformin could become a cause of low B-12 for some people, so some drs are recommending keeping tabs on a patient's B-12 levels while they are on M etformin. Just thought I'd mention it since it was surprising that the info was placed right in front of my eyes just before I read your post. :) Assuming that a person is sometimes a meat-eater, there is usually enough stored B-12 in the body to last a couple years, so there's seldom any urgency, just caution and being aware.

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