Diabetes ?

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Thu May 06, 2010 2:12 pm

Harriet, within a short period of time after being diagnosed with diabetes, I was low on Vitamin D and B-12. I have been on supplements since then and have had no more problems. I took 2 vitamin D of 1000 IU until I tested normal and now I just take one. The B-12 is 250 mcg. I hope HRH can get his B-12 levels up.

Thank you to each of you for the caring support. It means the world to me!

This morning my BS was 222. When I took it post prandial it was 340! I reread all the info and it said the first 7 days is a low dose to prevent gastro problems. It will not really help the glycemic levels until I start the next higher dose. I almost wish I didn't have to take the post prandial because I can see that I will have some scary numbers. So I will continue, with an optimistic attitude.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Nancy » Thu May 06, 2010 2:53 pm

{{{ Lilac}}} Been there with the scary numbers when I was first starting meds.
I used to walk, do house work ect. after meals to help with my high readings.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Thu May 06, 2010 4:55 pm

Dd1 who is a nurse called just as I walked in the house. She was checking on my numbers. I told her I would go ahead and take a post prandial and it was 178. After this mornings reading we were thrilled.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Nancy » Thu May 06, 2010 11:14 pm

That's great news Lilac.
I had a walk before dinner had salmon and a salad it's always a numbers friendly meal for me
and I've been having eggs for breakfast instead of cereal that helps too omlette with a cup of
stir fry veggies in it and some cheese.
[On other days I have olives onions and mushrooms w/ the cheese.]


Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Indiana » Fri May 07, 2010 2:25 am

Lilac thank you for updating us. You didn't mention and you may already be doing this. While on your new meds make sure you have a medic alert bracelet saying diabetic and carry glucose tabs or gel. Also carry your monitor with you.

For a period of time I tested my self before I got behind the wheel just to make sure I was high enough. The new med sounds interesting. I have taken metformin in the past.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Tue May 11, 2010 4:41 am

Didn't exactly know where to go with this post so decided to put it here.

After being sick Friday and careful on Saturday, I woke up not feeling well on Sunday. No nausea, just bones and joints hurt. I was not comfortable sitting up or walking. Dh told me that we needed to cancel the Nashville trip. He was concerned about my health and said I need to recover, not leave on a 12 day trip. I knew he was right. I don't have it in me to get ready, little alone leave.

Yesterday I went to the dr. My A1C was 9! Dr. said that with a change from 6.7 to 9 in under 2 months, that my body is so stressed and that is why this virus is hitting me so hard. I told him dh cancelled our trip and he said he commended him for that because I really have no business travelling with my diabetes so out of control. He told me that he doubts that I have any insulin left. I start the higher dosage of the new med Thursday. I go back to see him the 24th and he said if this doesn't work by then, he will put me on insulin. If it comes to that he is hoping I can do 2 doses a day of 70/30 and get by.

Dh still needs to be in Baltimore next week for that conference. He is planning to drive and will leave Saturday. He said he didn't think the company would make him repay the $800.00 that they have already paid, if he didn't go. But he will go.

I have tickets that we have paid for in Nashville that are non--refundable. Dh says to not worry about that. I'm not but I hate for them to go to waste. I came up with a plan to email a Country Radio station in Nashville, and ask if they would accept them for a free giveaway. Then I could get them in the mail today.

I slept off and on all day Saturday and especially Sunday plus was able to sleep through the night Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I woke up at 12:44 and finally got on the computer after 1. I don't feel tired but need to be in bed at this time of day. I want to feel healthy again! When I feel sick, I realize how much I take good health for granted.


Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Indiana » Tue May 11, 2010 7:35 am

((Lilac)) you are so wise to listen to your body. Only you can figure out things by knowing what your body does. Your doctor sounds wonderful. I'm glad you have a good one. Please keep us updated.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Nancy » Tue May 11, 2010 9:15 am

Thanks for the update Lilac h. sounds like a wise man good to help you to be taking care of
yourself. I have a check up this morning too at the doc's
nearly got the cold behind me that's good news.

edited to add my A!c was good this time.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue May 11, 2010 4:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Harriet » Tue May 11, 2010 10:05 am

Oh, ((Lilac)), I hate you missed your trip and plans. Very thoughtful of you to at least try to get the tickets into the hands of someone who otherwise couldn't have them. If a moment like this was going to be recognized by a dr, thankfully you were at home with your own dr to make decisions and help you.

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Re: Diabetes ?

Postby Lilac » Tue May 11, 2010 10:58 am

Good morning! I woke up feeling stronger but I am still going to take it easy.

Dh finally found the time to check his email and the G eneral J ackson trip we were to take on the 14th was cancelled. They refunded our money! I have emailed a Nashville Country Radio station offering them our Grand Ole Opry tickets to give away.

My BS was 202. At least it is headed down. Maybe the V ictoza will work.

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