Tomorrow in Aust.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby lucylee » Wed Aug 15, 2018 1:33 am

That is wonderful, Kasalia! I’m s little envious too! ;)
Tomorrow is another day.


Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Fri Aug 17, 2018 8:17 am

Went to a presentation today Friday, for a $9000.00 grant. This is for the pavilion for the community garden. Been waiting since July 2017 for this when I did a go fund me thing and started it off. Only a double carport 6m x 6m with concrete pathways to it and a water tank, with 3metre kitchen benches either side of one corner.
All set to go with council approval, just sorting out the concrete.

Thought I would never see the day. Very proud moment for me. :D

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:17 am

I thought you two would like this... mostly Australia submitters on this Facebook group and homemaking. lots of nice women.

Simply Vintage & Homemaking on Facebook
it is always a joy to be here with you!


Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Sun Sep 30, 2018 6:42 pm

Wow can't believe hownfast the time is going. Been super busy withnDH away for 2 weeks helping no.2 son in Sydney with construction work. I have had to spend 3 mornings a week at the gardens, on top of that been out every day he was away opening and closing gates for the workmen on the new pavilion, finally going up Tuesday..Oh for a full day at home! I have never seen our poor Einstein so sad, tail down ears flat and sad eyes everytime I made him go outside so I could lock up.

Our gardener has finished landscaping the back are around the pond and made me some rock steps from one level down to the next, would put up pictures but not sure how so check blog if interested. Now he is attacking the front bank which I have trouble with. I told him no rush and do other well paying jobs first, so suits me by the hour, not paying huge amounts per week. Still more to go, even went to dinner with them while DH was away, lovely young family.

No 2 son now up here having a weeks holiday at local timeshare resort then going camping, which we shall join in with. Haven't had the van out for a year, so looking forward to that.

Happy planner arrived, so much happier with it, going to be my system, sent some mail order stuff through Joanns sale in CA and youngest daughter and DH will be flying home for Christmas and bringing with her. Wish HP set up cheap stuff here, a classic book cost $44 yikes. Anyway got 2 undated ones and 2 minis plus heaps of sticker book, so that will set me up for a few years. Next visit to the states will make sure its sale time lol. or a scrapbook event.

Off to plant beans, tomatoes, etc. Today I am home all day yay miracles happen. Have a great Monday everyone.


Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Kasalia » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:35 am

Well back from holidays, rained the whole time, so had to spend a week, drying out and washing two loads. Mum in the meantime had another fall at the nursing home , 3.30 am call, and my sister and I spent hrs. At the hospital keeping her quiet, but ended up just as frustrated, she wanting to get out of bed, and who can barely walk let alone know where she was.

I cannot seem to keep up with the days anymore, time is just speeding by. I am exhausted and just want to curl up and let the world go by. To top this month off last night came down with a UTI infection, never had one before ever, so now will try to get appointment for this week. Been drinking water like a penguin lol, advice from a blog naturopath.

Thinking maybe time to drop all the work with the community garden, even though I was just reinstalled so to speak at the AGM beginning of this month,. Too much work. Will get through till Dec then take stock again.Not good to make a decision when feeling blah!!!

OK enough rant got to cook dinner lol.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby Lynlee » Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:13 am

(((Kasalia))) and family.
I hope you are able to step back from extra 'volunteer' responsibilities while there is so much personal pressures going on. It has to be tough for you at the moment.
I'd be going with u ral for a while.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Tomorrow in Aust.

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:39 am

(((praying for you kasalia and family)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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