Ta Da! Friday!

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Re: Ta Da! Friday!

Postby Elizabeth » Fri May 05, 2017 8:00 pm

Hi everyone! I have been on the go all day and my foot hurts to prove it. On top of that, I have someone coming to pick up cats for clinic tomorrow and my house is not fit for visitors. I am taking a break at the computer because I have finally found a position that is less painful. My day so far has been: crochet group at breakfast place, lunch with friend, home for MVD documents, MVD, unscheduled errand to get new garage door battery. Of course, to install said battery requires climbing on ladder. Not happening. It is easy to install, I did the last one, but I am not sure if DD15 is tall enough.

My parents found out that DD never got the computer the x promised her when she saved enough money. That was three years ago and the money has sat untouched since then. They are going to get her a laptop with the caveat that she is not allowed to share with anyone. Translation: the x cannot require her to 'share' with her stepbrother like she does on the "family" computer. How "sharing" works is that the adults don't have the guts to get him off the video games so DD can do her homework. DD then has to use the adult's computer and listen to them complain that it interferes with their TV viewing because it is in the same room. It also appears that the x may renege on the hand me down car he promised her (and even put a new engine in!). Why no car? Because it has no AC and that makes it "unsafe" because there may be electrical problems?!?!?! I had no AC in my car for several years during our marriage AND the car had KNOWN, not surmised, electrical problems. Didn't care a lick then. I have told her if she does not get the car as well, she knows what she is dealing with. I may be the one with foot problems, but at least I am not shooting myself there!

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