Tonto Domingo PWYC

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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Nov 26, 2017 7:30 pm

DH and DS9 brought home Subway for lunch. They selected the Teriyaki chicken breast with all available vegetable and no dressing for me. It was wonderful. I ate 1/2 of it for lunch and will eat the other half another time.

I spent 3 hours playing in the dirt this morning. It was very relaxing to be alone and doing something I love. The sun is shining so brightly that it feels hot even though the temp is only 70F. After soaking up the hot sunshine, my muscles feel like jello. Very relaxed.

Hours later I found this post. I forgot to hit submit.

This afternoon I spent some time organizing digital BuJo. I added a weekly overview and tentatively planned the upcoming week in 15-minute segments. I have absolutely zero intention of following my 15-minute schedule all through the week, but I do like that it gives me an idea of what I have time to do.....and therefore what I do NOT have time to do.
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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Nov 26, 2017 8:50 pm

We are home. We left at 8:15 and were home at 6:40 p.m.

First we emptied the back of the car to make room for anything W & R would want to bring home from the church (plus my preaching bag, some food for coffee hour, and dh's guitar and music bag.) It was a lovely, sunny day so we took out the snow brush. Remember that fact!

We picked them up and were to the church in good time so stopped in our old neighbourhood to see our hold house and for them to see what sort of life we lived before. They wanted to know why we would move into the city from such a big home. (Because the house was empty and we wanted to live in the city!)

We had a relatively good turnout and everyone was very welcoming of W & R. Church went well, dh left with the Rev and did the second service while we stayed at coffee hour and went through the leftover donations for them at the church and they packed up a box of items to take home.

We drove over to the other church, stopping to take pictures at the river on our way. They were introduced and welcomed at the other church at the end of the service and then we went for lunch and to my service.

Finally, we took them home, arriving back right at the estimated time of 3:30. By then we saw a few flakes of snow.

We phoned dd and they were making 6 or 12 dozen meatballs (not sure which) and welcomed us over to keep the 'little meatball' occupied while they worked. I had a time with him while he played shy with dh, then he warmed up to dh so I had tea and a protein bar while they played together. Then I took a turn walking, walking, walking. We stayed until all was finished and cleaned up and then headed home.

There was more snow but we didn't need to brush off the car.

We decided to have a chicken dinner out to make things easy after a busy day so stopped and did that. It was a nice break and there's pie to share for tomorrow or tonight but after that we DID have to brush off the car. Dh had left our snow shovel in the car so he used that while I used my arm.

The roads were very bad, there was an accident on the freeway in the opposite direction but we were home in not too bad a time. We were listening to the Grey Cup kickoff but it was delayed as they were trying to shovel the field. It was coming off faster than they could clear the field so it will be a snowball cup (we get those from time to time.) The snow is heavy enough that I imagine seeing a long pass will be hard.

We are tucked into our home now for the night. The snow brush is back in the car! We emptied the garbage and the cans/bottles recycle (the cardboard bin was full so I brought ours upstairs and will try on Monday night.) I started laundry and now we'll take an hour and watch a tv show. I'm having a cup of decaf tea.

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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby Harmony » Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:27 pm

I like reading what you all did for your holiday.

LadyM, my guess is your aches and pains were from all the work on your swimming pool yesterday. I'm just now getting over all the stiffness and pain from Wednesday's work here.

Forgot to stop and get my Rx today on the way home from church. We were focused on our computer search. Thank you Harriet. Our computer is almost 16 years old, used by us both for a lot of stuff so I think we got our money's worth!

We found a really good deal at the 1st store where we stopped. Amazingly, a young fellow very patiently explained everything and we actually picked something & I wrote down all the particulars. When we got home I called DSiL and read it all to him and he said it has all the bells & whistles we needed. When I told him the price, he said he was going down the street to see if they had the same one for him. He was planning to buy his old one from his work but for a bit more this one is lots better so he is checking.

Spent some time deleting or copying everything I don't want transferred and we are ready. If y'all can do this, surely I can too.

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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 26, 2017 9:30 pm

hi d lynn Happy Monday!!! good luck on your car maintenance. I am sorry you have been fatigued! Hope next monday you can do your yoga!

hi d Norma!

hi d lucy! how sweet!

hi d kathryn so happy you could have time with your little one!

hi d lady! glad you were able to work outside!

hi d Harmony!

good night all.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:45 pm

Just got off a 30-minute phone call from DBro. That man loves to talk. DBro called to complain that I gave him bad information. :roll: I had told him a couple weeks ago that our church family was preparing to take donations as a love offering for him. I knew DBro would think it was charity or pity and not accept it. I told him to not be a dufus and take the gift as it was meant. It is done it love and just a way of his friends showing support for him as he goes through chemo. I teased DBro saying it would probably only be a couple dollars...maybe $3 if he was lucky. It turned out to be in the 4 digits $$$$. DBro was very moved by the outpouring of support for him.

DBro has his 3rd chemo treatment tomorrow. The experiment of keeping cold things in his mouth during the 2nd chemo seemed to work because he didn't experience sores in his mouth. I told DBro that I would deliver him drinks tomorrow with pebble ice to keep his mouth cold. He will be hooked up around 8:30am and stay until he finishes the 8 chemo bags of IV. The first treatment took 10 hours. The 2nd treatment took about 8 hours. He is hoping to only have to sit there 7 hours tomorrow. I reminded him if that is all he has to complain about then he is a blessed fella.
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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:21 pm

Toronto's football team has won the Grey Cup this year. Dh likes this team. He always tells people that he has blue in his veins due to being an Argo fan, A Maple Leaf fan, a Ford lover (and certified technician) and he favours the Conservative party.

Dd set us up on her Net flix account and tonight we watched a Sam Kinison HBO special and 2 hours of Planet earth with David Attenborough. Most tv I've watched in a long time. Dh is also watching one football game on tv right now and watched the Grey Cup on his computer while I watched the other stuff. "We" also watched the Seahawks game earlier. Dh watched it, I had to listen and I was doing laundry so I kept walking past the tv.
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Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby Nancy » Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:32 pm

I am done with payroll. The roast was great.
It has been rainy and windy, spooked the dog so she would not take a walk I walked to the corner to see neighborhood lights. Thus morning I walked a bit at the park. I rode the exercise bike for 30 min. This evening. Our team won the football game, collage team lost yesterday.

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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:57 pm

very sweet that that money was raised for him d lady - i will be praying that the chemo won't hit him hard

d navy and d cathy good night to u too
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tonto Domingo PWYC

Postby lucylee » Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:28 am

That is wonderful, LadyM, for your dbro! Joining blessed in prayers that tomorrow's chemo goes well!

We are back from the singing (which lasted approx 2 hours, and which dh expected to be more like a regular church service of 1 hour, and which dgs announced that he did not expect to go to church TWICE today. :roll: ) DGS was very antsy and silly throughout and when I asked him why he thought he even WANTED to come with us, ds said, "Because he wanted to ride around with you two, LOL." * sigh * I can't imagine what my life was like before he was born... can't believe I ever worried about how it was going to be, being a Nana. :lol:

-- also back from Wmart -- where we luckily checked out JUST BEFORE the last register closed and it all became self-check. That was WONDERFUL luck, b/c we bought about $185 worth -- getting all the Thanksgiving stuff I'll have to do this week, plus normal groceries.
Used that Bluebird card -- the Wmart savings catcher thing -- and had $67 on it! So that was like getting $67 free groceries. You can scan the receipt on an app, but I just type it in when I get home each week, and it certainly doesn't require $67 worth of labor. (This is what I have accumulated since last January.) Plus when I entered tonight's receipt, I saw that I had almost $2 left that I had not transferred over to the Bluebird card since last Sunday.
This is really a neat program Wmart has offered.

I have never used Botega (sp?) but ddil swears by it as well. It's another savings app that she uses, but it requires scanning each grocery item. That seems to time-consuming to me, but she says it's worth it.

Sorry you've had such messy weather, Nancy. Here it was a beautiful day, but it was certainly getting cold by tonight. I was in the backseat of the Tahoe, and my feet were freezing all night!

Cathy, ddil has me set up on their N etflix account, but I haven't watched anything yet except a few things dgs wanted to watch one night.
I'd like to watch The Crown -- isn't that the one about Queen Elizabeth?
The disadvantage here is that we only have one "smart" tv & one DVR -- in the bedroom -- and it seems we both want it at the same times.
We definitely need to add at least a DVR to the den tv.

Always cheers me to see that the next day has arrived successfully for Lynlee! ;) I guess it's like, "Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday, and all is well." Sorry your car isn't quite well, Lyn, and I hope you are feeling better as the week goes on.
I have not been doing my exercises lately either -- walking or anything else. Maybe we should make a pact. I'll try to meet my walking goals and you try to meet your yoga goals.

* sheesh * Goals??? I gained THREE POUNDS from Friday morning till Sunday morning. Doesn't look like I'm headed in the right direction at all.

Waving to Norma and AustinGranny! I could use a big dose of "getenerdone" too!

Cheering you on with the new computer, Harmony!!! You can do it!!! (I don't envy you though -- I certainly know how anxious I get when we have to go through the computer adjustment process. I'm scared to look and see how old ours is. -- * lucy is looking at what she thought was receipt taped to side of computer. Nope... that is just the specs, says it's Windows 7, etc. * Oh well.)

Kathryn, I'm so glad W&R were welcomed at both churches.

I have absolutely zero intention of following my 15-minute schedule all through the week, but I do like that it gives me an idea of what I have time to do.....and therefore what I do NOT have time to do.

I like the way you put that, LadyM. 'zero intention of following my 15-minute schedule all through the week.'
It is a good idea though! I should do that. Especially for Thurs & Fri when time is going to be sooo tight around here.

We are NOT going to travel the 1.5-2 hrs with ds/family Thursday for dgd's MRI. DDIL's parents will be here and will go with them, and ds & ddil agree that we would be more useful in letting dgs spend the night Wednesday and getting him to and from school Thursday. That certainly makes it easier for me to do the chicken and dressing. I'll do all the prep work Thursday, and then we will eat it Friday night.

Waving to EVERYONE else!!! I hate it when I miss a bunch of you like this, but these ballgame weekends just knock me out. I haven't even done my Sunday afternoon chores.
Tomorrow is another day.

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