In Motion Monday

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:52 pm

Monday morning here:

I got up at 7 (dh got me up) and was ready to go just before the departure time of 8:30. The breakfast dishes were not done, though. They are in soak. I had to shower and dry and style my hair and I still had time to get the photos up for you ladies. So I think I did very well.

I walked with dh to the meeting site (900 steps away) and said hi to everyone and checked out their facilities. No-one needed anything from me so I came back to have a day to myself. Everyone is going for lunch except dh (I will not go) and so I'm not due back there until just before 4 p.m. We'll drop computers off at a B&B just down the road and then go to the beach for a swim before dinner out.

This is just a 2 day meeting so this is the only night for a group dinner and activity with everyone (two were delayed getting in from Europe due to flight disruptions from the US storms.)

To answer some questions:

Australia is completely metric, speeds, distances, temperatures and weights. Canada is as well, except we still advertise bulk groceries (meat, vegetables) by the pound (with the kilo price in small print below) so the prices seemed bad to me when I arrived. They are bad, but only 2x home instead of the 4x home I thought at first. There are few things that are the same price and a few things cheaper (i.e. sparkling water is 75 cents a litre, as opposed to home where it is $2 or more.)

I finally found the stevia sweetened cola (Naked Life) and it was $4 for a 12 oz bottle. At home Zevia is $1 a 12 oz can. My ginger beer is $2 so I have only had the cola once but it was excellent. There is an orange passionfruit sparkling drink that is less sugar so only 75 calories per 12 oz and I'm really enjoying that (cut with more sparkling water.)

Kangaroos are like deer as a road hazard (except more plentiful.) We probably saw 10 dead ones. No idea who picks them up but you can't take a dead one home with you to butcher. (I asked.)

The high temperature today is 29 (84 F) and it feels hot now in the sun although it is still 77. There is almost always a breeze off the ocean so we haven't been way too hot yet. Sydney was 47 on Saturday which is 116. That must have been a fluke because on Thursday it is to be 24 so manageable (we have to change terminals again so will be going outside.)

Friday and Saturday are rain and cool, below 70, in Wellington (that changes what I'll wear on the plane Thursday since we're arriving late on Thursday night.) We have yet to have a hot day in Wellington and we've only ever been there in summer! At least this time it is close to 70, last time there were days where it didn't get above 55.

Well enough time spent catching up with you ladies. Time to get to work.

Our host has put a bluetooth speaker in so I can listen to music with better fidelity or while my phone is on the charger and I'm in the kitchen. So there's no excuse for me to be sitting here.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:53 pm

good night all.

hi d Lynlee - I am so sorry the girls got a sunburn - hope it feels better fast and I hope your queazy feeling goes away too! Stay cool! Have a great day!

I vacuumed and swiffer dusted and rinsed the dining room, front hall and powder room as well.

What I haven't done that should have been done today
exercise at gym :o
laundry room chores
white laundry (I need to do this tomorrow)

tonight though I can still dejunk my purse from today
list what I put on charge card

I have a hair cut and hair dye appointment at 10 (leave at 9:30 am)
look at errand list
I need to add stopping by town centre to drop of dead christmas lights for recycle
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 08, 2018 9:58 pm

Lynlee: my digestive system is loose today. I hope it just because I've had a lot of fruit lately and not because the kangaroo I had at lunch was too underdone.

Oops, I snuck back in here instead of to work!

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Jan 08, 2018 10:16 pm

Kathryn, what does kangaroo taste like? The pics are nice.

Per usual, my chores today were interrupted. DH wanted help outside. He was working on those trees again. The 2 that didn't fall needed to come down and he tried to get them down but it got dangerous, so we hooked up the rope and truck and I pulled them a bit. It took about 5 tries for the 2 BIG trees, but they are down and somewhat cut up. And that's another 3 hours I won't get back.

After a short nap, we got the outside fire pit stuff burned up. And since we used all the wood we had stacked around the big oak tree, he raked all around that and added that stuff to the burn pile. Looking better around here.

After dinner I got my figures done and spreadsheet printed. Now all that's left is 2 1099's to do and 1 phone call to make. I looked at last year's figures, we are $10,000 over what we spent for subcontractors that year, so I will owe the insurance company some money for sure. We pay our General Liability based on our salary and our subcontractors used. I hope the bill won't be too large.

Not much done in the house. I did get the dishwasher emptied. And a LOL brought in from the garage where it was hanging. I guess I'll try to get caught up tomorrow.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:24 pm

LadyM ... after feeling puny for a while I am just beginning to get my energy back. Started walking again today so I will join you. Willis and I walked two miles.

Harmony glad you got those two trees down... a storm might have put them in places you didn’t want.

Lynnlee... I am working with a queasy stomach and need to watch what I eat. Had tests done and now have a hiatal hernia and I never experience acid reflex or heart burn. Go figure ...

Watching the football championship game and we’re loosing. Knew Georgia was gonna be tuff.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:54 pm

Harmony - I buy kangaroo at the regular supermarket. I eat it in rotation, maybe once a week, and have cut out beef as that seems to annoy my gums. I like the taste. Its a red, very lean meat, Similar to beef, but different, imo. I can get it in steak - diced, or minced/ground. The next go round is mince. I'll divide it up into portions to freeze when I open the pack.

Slow eating breakfast with lots of ice water helped my stomach. I'm suspecting last nights dinner, or the absence of much protein in the meal. BS could have been low as well.
I'm yet to try lunch.
I think my head is saying now is the time.
Just begin.
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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:46 am

Harmony: Kangaroo is a red meat but very mild tasting and both dh and I felt it was very close to beef. We had burgers and sausages made from it yesterday, both bought from the IGA grocery store. From an environmental standpoint it is the best meat choice here.

I've got the pictures up from Sunday's trip to Rottnest. I won't bother copying my travelogue here since I used my post from Sunday's PWYC to write the travelogue.

I realize I never wrote about today (your time!)

So we were supposed to have Monday 'off' except for a mid-day bbq. But we ended up going out for coffee in the morning with 2 of the people who have arrived for the meeting. We then went to the grocery store, and dh returned the rental car (I wrote about this at some point.)

The bbq was to be at 1 but people arrived early and I was allowed to just sit in the cottage and write while the guys talked tech stuff. Once the meat went on, I came out and visited with the people. The locals I had all met at coffee times through the past few days. The meeting attendees I know from other meetings or listening to them on teleconferences with dh.

We had a lovely afternoon just visiting and eating. There were kangaroo burgers and sausage, a lovely egg and potato salad (made with mayo made from lemon juice not vinegar so I enjoyed it.) Grapes, cherries and peaches rounded out the meal.

People headed on their way around 4 ish and our host went off to the airport to pick up the last two attendees (who were late arriving because of flight delays.)

Dh and I didn't feel like dinner at all so ended up with him having Chinese and me having scrambled eggs with frozen veggies, onion, bacon and cheese. We have almost a half pound of cheese left. Not sure what I'll do with it when we go.

I wrote all evening and dh went to bed early. I was in bed with lights out by 10:40 so it wasn't too bad.

I'm now all caught up on writing so will have a rest and then some lunch.

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Re: In Motion Monday

Postby Lynlee » Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:30 am

I've had a mostly quiet day.
Phoned dm.
I'm still feeling a bit dizzy at times so have let myself off taking an afternoon walk.
I did break off some doc seed heads, pick up blown down branches, binned those and bins taken to the curb.
Found 2 more cards in the letter box. still trying to walk straight coming back down my long driveway..
I'm not sure what I want for dinner. Maybe rice veg chia seed plus ?
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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