Motivated Monday

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:11 pm

d nancy ... did you call the pharmacy - so scary that the meds are wrong. I am so happy you had a lovely day! good for you on adding more veggies and being creative

Such good news d kathryn!!!

sorry my donwannas are so catchy 8-) :lol: d twins wonderful about getting to the work out! School is cancelled - I still can't imagine your area getting snow! I have learned so much about the weather in the south! Kids will be thrilled - I am sure there are a lot of happy children in your neighbourhood. Welcome back to your dd. have a safe drive tonight returning the rental car.

I am glad you caught up on your sleep. I am so enjoying your trip!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:57 pm

I am good I have done this or some thing similar, h is here I gave him a heads up when he called to say he was on his way. The dog is here too for alerts. Dinner is over. I have been painting rocks. No meal time insulin then will check my bs # in a bit 3 hrs. In so I seem fine yea! Bs is up in ack range took meal insulin. Dog gave an alert just before I was going to check my #.

I am good back on track now. H is in cave basement now.

PM routine x.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:06 pm

Waving from Tuesday
Its cooler again today with 31C/90F inside.

A load of washing is on the line. I rejigged a couple of sections. I'm not sure what that will mean for the over grass section, but used a different knot so it will be easily adjustable - least that's the plan.

I need to get to the library, pay a bill and a shoe store, but the wearies have got me.
I'll try to do lunch soon and go. I'll feel like it even less later.

Kathryn - it was good to read of your travels, and see the pics.
Prayers for blessings for the new family. Wow. A promise of a new life.

Prayers for all, especially those with illness, elder issues, and those seeking to change their lives.

PS - thought for today recognises that essence of genius makes use of the simplest ideas.
KISS love to RR.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:13 pm

Lucylee, you are not the only one whose stomach does backflips when it gets good news.

(((Kathryn))) Glad for the good news, though!
Sounds like such a beautiful day yesterday!

Blessed -- yes -- you were asking about snow in the South. Oh my... all the memes you see on FB are exactly right. Alabama is closed tomorrow, LOL. Seriously, all the schools around here -- probably all the schools in the northern half of the state -- are already closed. DDIL thinks everyone totally loses their minds down here when they predict snow flurries. She's kinda right. And sometimes, it's even worse in the southern part of the state -- something about the moisture from the Gulf of Mexico? Like that day when dh and I started to college town. We started seeing flurries about an hour south of our town... then it started getting thicker and thicker on the sides of the road & in the trees... at the mid-point of the state, people were building snowmen. We drove on another hour or so, the roads began to get more and more icy... and then-- BAM -- traffic STOPPED completely and we actually turned back and came home!
The thing is, no one is prepared here. They will bring out some trucks and sprinkle sand and salt on bridges across rivers (on MAJOR highways) but otherwise, it's every man for himself. Snow plows are unheard of. And a lot of times, we get as much or more ICE than we do snow, which creates more dangerous driving problems.
The reason it's so crazy though, is that it NEVER lasts more than a day or so, and I'm pretty sure dh has never been "stranded at home" for more than a couple of days. If he sees one idiot on the road, he thinks he can drive too, and off we go. I think once, maybe twice, in my memory we have lost electricity and been without for more than a few days because of winter weather. When a storm rarely lasts more than 24-48 hours, there is really no need to go buy up all the milk, bread, and toilet paper in the county, you know? (We were without power for about a week a few years back when tornadoes came through this area. That was rough.)
Anyway -- it's not so exciting when you're already out of school b/c you're retired, but it's interesting to watch and see what it going to do. They are predicting possibly a few inches here.

Yes, Nancy -- did you call the pharmacy? Glad you're doing okay, but maybe you should check w/them before future doses?

Good gracious, I caught the donwannas and I wasn't even online!
Dgrands were here all day -- dh kept them while ds & I attended the funeral visitation @ 11:00 a.m., and then they stayed all afternoon b/c ds & my uncle were trying to fix a shortage in ds's truck headlight. He came and got them and stayed a while, and they went home around 4:30 or 5:00.
So much I need to do, but I just lost my motivation completely!

I did manage to clean up the kitchen after we ate. Dishes are still drip drying though... need to put them away.

I can't believe y'all have gotten to five pages before I even had a chance to check in! I am WAVING TO ALL!!!! :D

Dmom called and she is going to try to finish up her mouth first, before the feet -- the oral surgeon today said her mouth was definitely healed and ready for the "studs" -- I'm not sure what they call the -- anchors for the lower denture plate. She is sooo hoping this will end some of her discomfort and disappointment with the fit of the dentures. And she discussed a few other options that remain for her before she would throw in the towel and just give up on dentures entirely. I will have to drive her to and from the appt to have that procedure done, maybe within the next two weeks.
She also said some of the swelling had gone down in her foot and she had managed okay today, although she did not have to walk far at any time, so it wasn't like she had been on her feet for any real length of time.

Retired teacher's meeting is postponed for a week -- because of the weather. I'm glad of that -- I need tomorrow at home to get caught up on laundry. That just did not happen today.

DDIL called to tell us when she had scheduled swimming lessons for both dgrands this year. As y'all might expect -- dh is disappointed b/c it means dgs can't accompany us to one of the bigger festivals we always go to with ds. I am just shaking my head... I'm thinking, it might be a more restful trip without him, you know? * sigh *
DH just doesn't feel well AT ALL so I am trying not to let his mood affect me. If he is upset about anything emotionally, half of it is caused by his physical state.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:38 pm

waving hi!!!

waving at you on tuesday too d lynn!

hello d lucy!!! I had no idea that snow would close the schools! The kiddos are thrilled, I am sure! you made me giggle about the memes - so sorry traffic stopped and you had to come home! It makes sense that snow plows aren't available if it is rare to get that kind of weather. The ice is scary - we don't get ice often but when we do it is really scary to drive - we just don't go out then - I can see how hard that is. I know the last time we had ice we had trouble with electricity. I also would not think of your area having tornados. I am glad you have a wonderful evening.

hi d nancy too!

dishes are washing, counters cleaned, quick vacuum, everything put away
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Jan 15, 2018 11:56 pm

There, got the refugee donation list complete. My in-box zero took a hit today as a dozen emails have flown through. Lots of excitement. This time I think I'll try and create summary pages and copy the information over to those since tracking the contents of emails with unchanging subjects is hard.

I'm waiting for dh to ask me to come meet him. I'll do a quick tidy and then maybe I'll just walk over there now and wait in the a/c in the lobby. I need the steps, only at 5K for the day so far.

P.S. so glad I brought my bullet journal (I had debated leaving it at home due to weight.) It has all the information on ages and other details for this family so I can answer questions quickly without having to dig through computer files.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby Lilac » Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:46 am

I had the girls today, starting at 11:30. Always have interesting conversations with dgd6. At one point she asked me how I kept my house so clean. I told her that I don't have kids or pets that I have to clean up after, so it stays clean longer. Then later she told me that I need to turn into a grumpy old lady so that I can get a divorce and live in a small house with 10 cats. I don't think so. I told her that I preferred living with her grandpa.

Dd2 suggested that her, the girls and I go to the 4:35 showing of Ferdinand. She had stopped by on her lunch break. So I fixed a crockpot meal and it was so nice to come home to a ready to eat meal.

It is 2 outside and windy. It is just bitter cold. I feel sorry for anyone who has to work out in it, plus pets and livestock without proper protection.

Saturday I finally did the undecorating and got all the decor put away. Then late yesterday afternoon I started taking ornaments off the tree. It was close to an 8 hour job but I was watching some L ifetime Christmas movies that I had recorded, so that helped it not feel like such a job. The tree is still up and naked. We will get it down tomorrow. This morning before the girls came I took all the cars, trucks and motorcycle ornaments off the skinny tree in the basement. I did get that tree down and wrestled into it's box.

Dh and I have been living on what lucylee has called E lvis time, in the past. It had been being 2 am and for 2 nights it was 3 am. This morning I woke up before 7 and got up. So with only 4 hours sleep and no naps, I hope I can get to sleep earlier. So I better try to accomplish that.

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Re: Motivated Monday

Postby lucylee » Tue Jan 16, 2018 2:12 am

:) Lilac!
Tomorrow is another day.

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