Sunday Systems

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Re: Sunday Systems

Postby Harriet » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:07 pm

Great job on your course, Twins'. I had not understood that it was away from home until you were already gone.

Happy for you in church meeting successes and finishes, Dee.

My cellphone is dead. Makes me sad. Maybe I am a bad phone owner, I don't know. Somehow, there is no record of its former existence, although it is right here - it just doesn't remember itself. I use a cellphone very little but do send photos to my computer to save when I have a plan, or when I just love them. So I am going to believe that I can live without the photos that are lost and try not to be remembering each one, etc. The oldest were of my dmother in the hospital, and I know if she were here she would hate those photos, anyway.

I have a new phone. At the Ver izon store I learned that things are different now. Except for tax, you don't pay up front (dd19, who was with me, rolled her eyes because of course she had had to save up for her purchase 5 months ago). Maybe it was this, or maybe the promise of the "if-it's-on-the-phone-it's-saved-on-the-cloud" feature, but I upgraded. So I am the slightly reluctant owner of a pix el 2, and dd19 has seen to it that I have been fingerprinted and voicematched . Getting the clear case means I can have changeable art on the outside - just need to figure that out.

However, they didn't activate it properly, so even though it has some pics from today on it, and some of my contacts newly listed, and discusses its day with me, it isn't really there. I have to go back to the store again. Sigh. The same thing happened to dd's young man and to someone else in his family, both at the same store. Unfortunately, I didn't hear their stories until I got home with an un-activated phone.


I got a copy of the proposed budget after the service today, along with everyone else who attended. I mean... ..It's not like I was on any need to know basis, or anything. It is.. ... an increase. And the meeting is next Sunday. I SO want to say not my circus. Hmmm... ..

Ds has stayed with me for an hour and a half this evening, going over this remarkable piece of paper, with an expression sort of like both these smilies on his face at once. :shock: :D He's helping me formulate brief but to-the-point things to say at the meeting. (I had no idea of this, but my little boy has become, like, a budgeteer or something - one of the hats he wears as a deputy firechief.) And he knows how to state all the pertinent questions in fewest words, the order in which to put them, plus he thought of some year-over-year percentage comparisons that should be mentioned. But, basically he gave me a pep talk.

In other news, shopping with dd19 was fun. Found a sale on the cutest red tennis shoes for ToddlerC - she loves them.

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Re: Sunday Systems

Postby lucylee » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:18 pm

My system for this Sunday has been pretty much non-existent. We went to church, but I have just been totally exhausted all day and napped all afternoon.
Finally talked to ds on the phone around 4:00 and then, since he had roused me up a bit, I called dmom, whom I had not talked to since Thursday.
Talked to her while I cooked supper, then called dh's cousin and talked to her while I cleaned up the kitchen, took the garbage to the road, AND while shopping at Wmart, LOL! She and her dh have missed church the last three weeks, and dh said we should call them and check on them -- they call us if they hear we're sick or anything.
So -- except for phone calls, I feel I"ve done nothing much at all today, but buying groceries and putting them away, even with dh's help, is no small accomplishment, you know?
I also did my allergy shots.
Wrote the check for the newspaper man.
And I really need to refill med dispensers before I call it a night.

It would be nice to walk away the pounds, but the way I feel right now, I don't know if that will happen or not.
I need to check out Nancy's workout plan in H&F.

Glad you're home, Twins, and I hope you can get some rest! Having a day home alone maybe will help.

Glad to hear your church meeting went well, Dee, and I hope you don't end up being roped in to too many new responsibilities. It is certainly understandable that the other lady would want to give up her responsibilities with a husband with Alzheimer's.
Your dsil (and dd, of course) continue to be on my mind... I can't imagine the stress they must be feeling these days.
You are reminding me that I have not typed teacher meeting notes yet... * sigh *

And Lynlee is reminding me that I am falling behind in Bible/devotional reading from yesterday and today...

It's nice to see these young men who are still affectionate with their moms and grandmoms. :D DS (like dh) has never been very openly affectionate, but dgs is very happy to hold hands when we're walking anywhere, and he tells me he will "never" be too old to hold my hand. We'll see how that goes...
Congrats to LadyM's dgd on the new teeth, too!

Blessed -- did your household have the flu, or just people near you?

Oh, (((Harriet)))... sooo frustrating to have a phone that isn't doing what it should, and to lose pictures like that. :cry:
OTOH -- isn't it nice when little boys grow up to be such helpful young men? :D

I try not to be paranoid about it, but it IS getting kinda scary, isn't it -- all the horror stories about people dying with it. A 47-yr-old woman in our state, apparently healthy otherwise, from what I could tell from the story in the newspaper. Children. I can see why some people ARE paranoid. I think it is hurting our church attendance. (Not people staying home b/c they're sick, but b/c they fear exposure.)

Well... LadyM was talking about planning the week.
The week ahead makes me want to run away and hide my head. Y'all help me keep my feet to the fire, okay?
Monday -- dh check-up w/cardiologist
Tuesday -- ironing, transferring dvr stuff to dvd's for a friend (will probably be able to start that Monday night, but friend is the lady who sprays our house for bugs, and she will be here Wed)
Wed -- hearing exam appt
Thurs -- ds drops off dgd around noon, I will have to pick up dgs at school at 3:00. DDIL will pick up dgd at 9:00 pm, but dgs will spend the night.
Fri -- take dgs to school at 7:30, pick him up at 1:00, go to college town
Sat -- ballgame
Sun -- church, leave dgs with ddil ;) I predict he may be "bored of" us by then and that we will be beyond exhausted
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday Systems

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Jan 28, 2018 11:21 pm

Harriet: before going back to the store, try phoning the carrier and asking for help. In New Zealand we had to do our activation that way when doing it over the computer/phone failed for me. The lovely lady patiently helped me and then dh with the process. We took well over an hour of her time but didn't have to leave the hotel room.

We had a home cooked dinner for the first time this month. Dh did up the dishes after. I'm going to insist on eating at home for the next month (except pub night) in order to gain control over my eating. Dh can go out alone if he wishes or bring in take-away but I'm not going out any more. That will also include lunches between church services. I'll have to bring a bag lunch.

I had my snacks today and had 2 on the way to dd's after my service and 1 when we got home, with a cup of decaf tea.

Now to update my food diary, flip the laundry and then go to bed. Early start in the morning.

I spent the evening on the phone with my music friend. She's had a lot happen in her life since we talked last. I managed to open the mail (and found an overdue bill because the bank changed the credit card due date while we were away.) Bills are paid. I've also sorted ds's dirty laundry (he gave me another 2 loads when I dropped off the 2 loads that he had left here) and started that. I promised it by Tuesday morning. He was up when I dropped off the laundry but was wobbly and heading back to bed. Not sure how he'll get through a 12 hour overnight shift but he thinks he might be well enough now.

While at dd's I was sticking my tongue out at dgs because Klara (his stuffed lovey, but also a character in a book) was doing so in the story. He thought that was hilarious and then dd had me do it again and she caught his reaction on video. I'm really pleased!

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Re: Sunday Systems

Postby Lynlee » Mon Jan 29, 2018 12:24 am

Harriet - I have a problem with oats, and have given up on trying every brand that claim they are uncontaminated, or whatever, so that simple hearty breakfast is not a choice for me. I love not having gut pain. I've been using quinoa flakes in with my buckwheat seeds and it does make a porridge consistency. Additions are few cashews, whatever dried fruit , and shaved ginger.
I've realized the sorghum cereal doesn't suit me either. (I need to give away a box.) Finally I remembered the year we grew sorghum, and then made hay bales with the remains, I was covered in red scratches after being around collecting the bales and stacking them in a hay shed. Or maybe that is - stacking them under a roof, as there were no walls. From some stage I'd have red welts from sitting on grass, so maybe its all related.

yoga. thinking of meditation while waiting for bus has helped my day.
council - queue to pay rates, finally give notice on ddogs demise. We were a chatty waiting group.
Supermarket - bananas and new anticeptic - mine was years out of date, and a bit at the top of my leg - a sit upon bit - is taking its time to heal. I think it was little bumps, that I scraped trying to figure out what they were. Also a zinc cream mix. I might alternate the treatment.
chatty persons waiting while waiting for bus. Prayers for man, alone, going for radiation treatment by bus.
Walking home my prayer mantra is working again. Sometimes my heart doesn't sing it.
unpacked and put away.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Sunday Systems

Postby lucylee » Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:03 am

Memories... ddad always used to try to get us all to try sorghum molasses on our Christmas breakfast biscuits. No one ever did except him.

Well, one ta-da for me, and thank you, Dee, for the reminder!
Teacher meeting notes are typed and emailed to the VP for her approval/proof-reading. (Pres doesn't do email.)

Another pair of dh's khakis are in the washer. Every time he wears them, he gets blood on the legs b/c he has these spots that just start bleeding spontaneously. Every. Single. Time. Sometimes they itch and he knows he scratches, but sometimes, he just feels blood running down his legs.
We are going to PLEAD with doctor to let him cut back to ONE Eliquis tablet per day, rather than the two he is taking now. His blood is so thin it is ridiculous, and I think the main reason they put him on Eliquis was fear of stroke from the a-fib. A-fib appears to be completely eliminated now, so he's getting pretty sick of blood on his pants all the time!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday Systems

Postby Nancy » Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:26 am

I did a kitchen spiff aka p m routine, also rounded up the trash upstairs to go out tomorrow in the day light. I have one more med to take in ten min then it is off to bed foe me. I am feeling better and rested taking care of myself has helped yea!

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