Groundhog Day Friday

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Re: Groundhog Day Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:18 pm

LadyM: I watched the news clip and thought that in that split second, time would have slowed and it would appear the truck was going slower than it was. I'm willing to bet he was going as fast as he could. And I wasn't sure she saw that he had failed to stop and then moved forward in front of the train. It is possible he never stopped or that he did but then took too long to clear the tracks.

I did some computer cleanup stuff, then rebooted and have signed back in here and my google accounts (the cleanup wiped out cookies so I had to sign-in to things.)

The computer is running better now.

I'm off to bed now. Really!

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Re: Groundhog Day Friday

Postby Lilac » Sat Feb 03, 2018 12:14 am

Dgd21 gave me a great haircut this time. Last time she put long layers in the back that I did not ask for or want. This time I told her that those layers do not work and I just wanted the bottom cut 1 1/2 inches and that I want to grow those layers out.

Last night at the ballgame we could tell that dgs13 was not feeling well. After the game we were waiting to talk to him and his stepm was near us. His dad was not there. Dd2 and her do not speak unless they have to. Dd2 did mention to her that he didn't look like he was feeling well. Stepm commented that he was just fine. Later dd2 texted her ex and asked him to please keep an eye on him. This morning exsil took the boys to school. He told dgs13 that if he felt sick to go see the school nurse and let his mom deal with whatever. Keep in mind, he was off today and dd2 was teaching. Dgs13 felt horrible and went to see the school nurse, who since it was Friday happened to be his aunt, my dd1. He wasn't running a fever but she looked at his throat and it was really red plus had a white mass on one side. She called dd2 at school. Luckily today was a health awareness day at her school and so it wasn't a normal schedule and she was able to pick him up and take him to the dr. for a strep screen. It is strep. Luckily when she called her dh, he was already in town, so he met her at the clinic and took him home. Dd2 then texted her ex that dgd13 had been diagnosed with strep. He was incredulous that she had already gotten the "whatever" taken care of. Dd1 is a school nurse at the early child center and they only go to school 4 days, so she spends Fridays at dgs13's middle school. I am betting he was really glad to see her this morning. This flu really has dd2 freaked out. Dgd6 said that her teacher asked who had flu shots and only 5 had them. She then stressed to them, do not come to school with a temperature.

When I tell you ladies that the heating element to my drop-in Maytag stove burned out tonight. I mean it burnt out as on fire and shooting sparks. I pulled the pan of tater tots out that I was reheating. Then I told dh and he was out of the recliner and up the stairs in record time. Even though I had turned the oven off, it just kept doing the sparking thing until dh shut the breaker off to it. The model and serial numbers were on a piece of paper stuck to the upper edge of the door jam. I took a picture of them with my phone and then held it up to the mirror while I wrote the numbers down. I told dh that I thought that you would just install a new heating element inside the oven. He was just sure that we would have to figure out how to get the drop-in stove out to do it. Once we had the numbers, he looked it up and you can just install it from the inside. So tomorrow he will go see if he can get a heating element at the furniture/appliance store that sells Maytag. If not, we will have to order one. I have had heating elements quit working before but never catching fire and shooting sparks.

Dgs11 has a basketball game at noon tomorrow. It is suppose to be 60 ish, so hopefully dd1 and I can walk. Sunday is suppose to be 30's, warm up Monday and really cold again on Tuesday. Then a warm up again. Crazy weather.

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Re: Groundhog Day Friday

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 03, 2018 1:09 am

I am off. Sun. Off as well so just tomorrow. H was able to take care of some paperwork for the farm and got take out for us it was a big wait but still early enough for us. I got the dishes unloaded and laundry is current.

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