Simple Sunday

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:00 pm

Home from church, lunch and shopping. We rarely drive to town on Sunday but the shopping list contained several items that were needed now. DH and I teamed taught Children Church and it went smoothly. DGS21 was at church and joined us for lunch. Afterward we went to Sam's for list buying. We had to lay 4 seats down in the SUV in order to have enough room to pack everything in. We picked up DGD7 on the way home which meant there weren't enough seats available. How can a giant vehicle not be big enough? SMH

When DH wakes up then I'm going to try for a nap while he watches DS9 and DGD7. My eyes are heavy now so I need to get busy and do something so I don't nod off to sleep.
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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:46 pm

Well... ..
Pharmacy 1 did not have anything for us - ? - HRH had misunderstood the message while he was feeling poorly this morning and I was at rehearsal. Oh well. I went ahead next door and picked up a few groceries.

blessed, he is very easy to get along with generally, yes, empathetic, tender hearted. With sister and mother, not so much. Sister was reared by mother and therefore sees the past mother's way. He was reared by father and sees it father's way, believes his sister is naive and was sheltered from some hard truths, now won't believe HRH. They manage to muddle through, though, and I will give his family credit that they all say more "I love you"s than my family did. My parents were more than 20 years older than HRH's and people were just not demonstrative in their world. At some point, HRH's family embraced demonstrative affection big time :roll: , and his family are determined to hug, the cousins social-media each other 'til the cows come home, and say "I love you", even between cousins. My cousins are super fun and enjoy each other a lot, but to say "I love you"? They would think you were nuts. :? And don't come at them with a hug. :shock: Eeeewwwww! lol

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:20 pm


Still having extremely high temperatures here when the humidity is factored in.

That being said, I cooked something in the oven tonight. We bought some boneless, skinless chicken breasts yesterday. I made a new-to-us dish called "Giant chicken fajita kebobs" It was a bit spicy for me, but I can use less spice next time. I went by the recipe tonight. We had some leftover tortilla shells so I made rice and green peas and supper was served.

Second load of laundry is in the washing machine. No blankets this week. I have been trying to do one huge blanket a week. I think I have done most of them. Dh has 4 huge blankets that seem to get used a lot.
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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:36 pm

Declawed paper tiger rounds purged three notebooks. Yea for progress rescued some nice pages and got them cut & punched and in a disc bound note book I do not like the wire bound ones pages came from one of those. Got in a nice long nap too.

Folded and put away 2 lol last one in the dryer. H worked on his room downstairs.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:24 pm

sorry i couldn't come back... I had a gallbladder attack of all things :shock: french food a couple times this week and a cake from our local pastry shop for dd's b day and I got hit. I am not in pain anymore - yay! I was shocked by this one!

d harriet I have a cousin who is super I love you and hugger and excitable - her childhood was a struggle for her and she became like this. I wonder what his family would do if you came running at them and give big kisses (with the sound - "kiss, Kiss"! :lol:)

hi d cathy!

hi d nancy!

hi d lady!
it is always a joy to be here with you!


Re: Simple Sunday

Postby Kasalia » Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:39 pm

Just saying Hi after my big week, and catching up on everyones elses, while sitting in the sun having lunch, trying to get warm. The house is cold, and will probably light the fire early. Been having lots of driveway pumpkin soup lately (driveway because that is where they all grew) :lol: looks like Sunday has been a family day for most. Waved goodbye with lots of hugs to DD who drove home Sun.

The house is clean with a dirty neck, don't you love Pam and Peggy's saying, so working on a plan, but sitting in the sun is really procrastinating. Need another cup of tea!!!

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Re: Simple Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:43 pm

That is so interesting, Harriet, what you said about the age differences in your parents and HRH's and the corresponding their affectionate ways. Or at least public displays of affection, I mean. My dmom said once that ddad thought SHE was not affectionate enough with dbro and me. I certainly never felt any lack of affection from her -- and ddad wasn't super-affectionate either, but he certainly became more so as he got older, and especially after he learned he had the blood disorder that eventually became leukemia -- but when I read your post, I thought, WOW. :shock:
Dmom's parents were older, born in 1911 & 1915, and were in their 30s when dmom, an only child, was born.
Ddad's parents were born in 1920 & 1921, and were 18 & 19 when he was born. He was the first of three, all born within approximately 4 years. By all indications, you'd think ddad's home life was much more tumultuous than dmom's -- my dgf was away in WWII, they were not financially secure until ddad's teen years, I'd guess, if then... but now that you mentioned it, my aunt and uncle almost ALWAYS say "I love you" when they say good-bye, on the phone or in person, and it is not unusual at all for my cousins to do so, also. When ddad & his siblings were growing up, their house was always full of cousins and friends and aunts and uncles... soooo different from my dmom's.
My maternal grandparents were very special to me, and I pretty much thought my dgdad walked on water, and I never had any doubt that they both felt the same about me -- but I have a feeling their parenting styles were very different from the two young, poor teenagers who were struggling to raise my ddad & his siblings. It's so interesting to think about how our circumstances shape the people we grow up to be, isn't it?

Philosophy aside... it HAS been a relatively simple Sunday, thank goodness.
:arrow: Went to church, disagreed TOTALLY with the preacher's perspective in his sermon, left fussing about that (not arguing with dh, we were both saying what we wish we could say to the preacher!)
:arrow: Normal Sunday chores, nap, read the paper, talked with dmom briefly (awoke her from nap and she had undoubtedly been VERY sound asleep)
:arrow: Cooked supper, cleaned up kitchen
:arrow: Wmart, groceries, etc...

I've also done a couple loads of laundry, b/c I was very far behind on that task, and the week ahead doesn't look good either. Need to get a load out of the washer right now...

Kasalia, I'm glad you had at least part of your family to celebrate your birthday with! That has to be hard, having one daughter so far away. Our son lives about a mile from us, but he has been out of town since Wed. night, and we had not talked to him since he left. DH was getting very antsy to hear from him. (He just called a minute ago, thank goodness!)

My house certainly is clean with a dirty neck... and will likely stay that way for a while.

DH is waiting on the computer, so I'm going to sign off.
Tomorrow is another day.

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