Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:27 pm

Norma - I'm excited for your visit with family. Enjoy!

Zy is a special SHE! I do remember him traveling across the country (west coast to east coast) to help CM. I think Kathryn & Ken provided the airplane ticket for him. And didn't Webbie join him? My memory seems to think Webbie drove from Florida to join Zy in the cleanup effort. I think there were others but I can't recall them all.
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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby Harmony » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:40 pm

Nancy, those are little things, sounds like they were trying to come up with something to say. Outside of the price, that is. Lots of times an agent will suggest a bigger price trying to get people to sign up quickly. We had the opposite. When our agent suggested a price I said No, really? So we let her post it that way thinking we'd for sure be lowering it...but we were in some sort of a bubble where there was hardly any inventory in our price range...and it sold in the first week. Buyer went down $8,000 and we accepted cause we thought it was too high in the first place.

Someone will come along and just love your house! They won't mind little things. I did read in a real estate forum how people do not like a lot of heavy air freshener smells because they think you're trying to hide something awful. Some people are allergic. Once I put a metal pie pan in the oven with some sugar, vanilla and cinnamon mixed in and turned the oven on low. Dumb real estate agent went over and yanked the oven door open and asked me "did you know you have something in here?" How dumb.

We were told to open blinds and drapes to let sunlight in too.

Had a nice long rain storm. Certainly not like NC though.

Not an exciting day, but the usual stuff done. Typed a letter for DH who felt his handwriting wasn't good enough. He wrote a fellow from the youth group who went off into the army. Nice.

Oooh I smell popcorn....

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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:42 pm

get dead moss off roof

I misread that as dead mouse off the roof and thought it was a reasonable request but couldn't figure out how it got there in the first place!

I've been looking at affordable houses lately and trust me, it can be difficult to overlook clutter but it is possible and someone looking for an affordable home is more than willing to do so. On the other hand if you start scenting your home, I'll assume you're masking mold smells. I'm getting good at figuring how much of a smell will leave when the carpets are pulled out. If the smell is too strong, I start bouncing up and down on the floor looking for signs of rot in the joists.

Poor Carolina Miracle, twice in one lifetime is too much. I hope things go better this time. Yes, I used Ken's points to get the ticket for Zy. Talking with the booking agent was a hoot, since I didn't have some of the answers she was looking for about the person who'd be traveling. I was type-talking with him as we made the booking. She couldn't quite figure out why I was giving a transcontinental ticket to someone I had never met except over the internet!

Webwoman drove up from Florida and stayed in her van while helping out as well. It was a SHE community effort.

And I remember the Sunday School lesson CM was working on as they evacuated was about Noah!

I made it through the day. I was vibrating pretty badly and my ears hurt about 90 minutes ago but the quiet of the apartment is settling me down. We did Beethoven's 5th tonight. It was on top of an overfull day, although I put myself to bed between 2 and 4:45 in order to reset from a busy morning out with dgs to get him a new car seat. There was no way he'd last until Black Friday in his old seat (he's growing too fast and already technically too tall) so I insisted on getting one NOW and I'd pay the delta between today's price and the Black Friday price. It won't be more than $50 and now he can see out (he's still rear facing but not reclined as well.)

He's so cute it is a joy to be with him. We went to Kiddytown which is a local children's store here. I buy as much as I can from them. Same price as Amazon for the seat but proper service. Dd sat down and read the whole manual in a nursing rocker while dgs and I played in the store. The staff couldn't get over how good he is. He mostly played in a Little Tyke house and would poke his head out and say "Boo!" when staff walked by.

At one point he carried an oversized demonstration doll (for a car seat) into the play house but couldn't manage to get it over the sill. He put it down, flipped it in as if it was doing a somersault and said "Wheee!" as he did so!

Tomorrow may be a quieter day. I think ds is working all weekend so that means I won't be house shopping with him.

Dh is home safely. We picked him up from the airport and he rode in the back with dgs and talked with him on the way back to their place.

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Re: Friday Fake it 'Till You Make it

Postby lucylee » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:25 pm

Hang in there, Harriet! So glad you can stay in touch!
Tomorrow is another day.

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