Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:20 pm

What helps you now as a homemaker that you would never have thought, in the past, that you would learn or use?

Definitely the SHE cards. Learning to do them using 3x5" cards taught my brain how to focus on one thing at a time. Learning to do digital SHE cards made it possible to do them consistently.

What thirst for knowledge gives you an edge?

I hesitate to say that I have an edge. My edge seems rather dull if I compare it to others. I do think my thirst to learn and embrace new things does help me. There is never a time when there isn't something new to learn.
It brings joy to my heart to watch DGS21 use OneNote effectively and efficiently. I showed him how I use OneNote and he took the tiny bit of knowledge that I shared and used it as a springboard to learn more on his own. A couple of months ago, he shared his Bujo OneNote Notebook with me so I get to watch him do daily updates in real time. It inspires me.

Homeschool Day #57 was a success. DS10 was focused and eager to learn. He flew through the assignments in a fraction of time they normally take. I really REALLY love days like this one.

Kathryn - you are the most experienced traveler that I know so I am sure you have already thought of and implemented everything. I wondered what I would do in such a circumstance. I thought of wearing a mask or scarf over your nasal passage to maybe reduce breathing in germs from other people since your immune system is already compromised & fighting off the cold.

One year ago today DBro was told he had Stage 4 cancer and a low chance of survival. WOW! What a year it has been. He wore a mask for much of the past year during chemo so I think that is influencing my thoughts of Kathryn wearing a mash while she is sick and around so many people.

Lunch was with DFriends at a monthly gathering at small town Community Center.
Then, I took DS10 to return library book and check new ones out
Then, DS10 attending Robotics with some other homeschoolers
Then, I dropped DS10 off at his best friend home to play
Then, I went to local store to get fall flowers - pansies and mum's
Then, I went to grocery store to buy sale items and picked up a couple more pumpkins to put with the flowers in decorating the front of the house.

Now I have 15 minutes to put my feet up before picking up DGD7 from school. She will stay with us for the next couple of days/nights while DSIL has his long awaited and once considered impossible surgery.
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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby lucylee » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:56 pm

What helps you now as a homemaker that you would never have thought, in the past, that you would learn or use?

What thirst for knowledge gives you an edge?

Hmmmm... my mind is a total blank. The card system DOES help -- especially in regards to remembering things -- when to get my hair cut, when it's time for annual check-up, etc... BUT... the card system does NOT * DO * the work for me... and that is my problem. I need a little less conversation (planning/making cards), a little more action...
but maybe I don't have enough THIRST... b/c I sure don't feel like I have an EDGE right now. Oh my goodness, no. No edge for me.
I just feel tired and totally unmotivated to do anything. The floor needs vacuuming sooo bad and I'm FINALLY home alone for an afternoon, (DH is playing golf) with a church meeting coming up in 2 hours, and I'm just in rebellion. I donwanna do it and I'm notgonna do it.

DGD slept well last night, and she and I went to the post office, bank, drug store, grocery store, doughnut shop, and dmom's.
Reset "sling box" so dbro * 4 HOURS AWAY * can get his program -- available on dmom's cable but not his? (I do not understand.)
Home, stopped at Sonic for lunch, dgd refused to eat much of anything. DS, ddil, dgs came over and picked up dgd. Dgs reported that he LOVED the pumpkin patch (field trip).
Talked to dbil on phone re: weekend plans and meeting tonight.
Emailed church secretary again. She has no memory of nor evidence of any meeting prior to this one either, since last December that is.
(I think it is a little bit ridiculous that the main church business body, which traditionally meets quarterly, is having their first meeting of the year in OCTOBER.)
Paid satellite tv bill.
Picked up toys.
I think I'll take a nap.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby Nancy » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:16 pm

I am back inside got the rose bush that was not happy where it was moved and one other small er one as well put in a different spot. Neighbor has a pipe that needs replaced they learned after the work that was done yesterday. Enjoying the sun we are having today. Other neighbors are draining their pool for winter.

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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:17 pm

It's 13 minutes until carpool leaves and I just finished the queries for my new report. They are accurate and complete. I realized that they may also be accurate and complete for warehouse transfers as well! If so, that is another set of queries and a second report that does not have to be done. It is only necessary to have a parameter for the user to choose which type of order they want to see. The data format will be identical so, I need only make a simple if statement for the title. (Assuming of course it really does work for the transfers).

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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:43 pm

LadyM: I debated putting my Buff over my mouth and nose. But that would mean that I could not sip water which was what I was doing to stop the coughing. I took a decongestant and an antihistamine along with a vitamin C before the flight and only coughed hard about 10 times (one or two coughs, not a coughing spell.) Still, in such a small space it would be disconcerting to others. I was in the window seat so was pressed up against the window to be as far from my seat mate and turned and coughed into my sleeve facing the window so to keep germs as far from him as possible.

In my long-flight comfort kit I carry a cloth mask to wet and breathe through while sleeping since planes are dry and it reduces my snoring. But this was a short flight so I didn't have that kit with me. It won't protect me or others from germs, just droplets. It was bought in Thailand to protect us from the visible air pollution while we walked along the street.

I'm home and in bed. I haven't unpacked yet but I did pick up the mail, water the plants and put out the garbage. The last two I was to do before leaving on Sunday and forgot. No wonder I got off on time!

Our Uber driver home was a delight. It was rush hour and he apologized once due to the weird routing but I told him to use the GPS since it had the real-time updates and would get us home quicker. We went through many residential areas as a result, just as I do when I come home from dd's.

Dh and I were both lucky to get in on time. The fog had caused a ground delay earlier in the day.

I'm skipping dinner but might have toast in a little while. Dh had grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches.

It feels good to lie down but I think I'll get up now for a little bit.

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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby Nancy » Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:56 pm

I think this message board gives me an edge. Meant to put that in earlier. Last load of Laundry is ready to go in thhe dryer. Finished a dish cloth, started the next one two times lol. Laundry is folded.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:39 pm

I think this message board gives me an edge.

Nancy - I totally agree! I learn so much here as well as being inspired and motivated. This SHE village is a treasure!

I'm home from taking DS10 to speech practice. I told him he didn't have to give a speech, but I asked if he would just go and watch others practice. While we were driving there, he was listing all the reasons he wasn't going to give a speech (stage fright being the main reason).
However after he watched other kids practice their speech, then DS10 changed his mind and wants to enter the speech contest. Now he has to get busy and prepare the props and visual aids.
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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:42 pm

Typed at 1:30 today just before we lost electricity :

((Kathryn)) glad you will have a guide through the rest of the day.

That was smart thinking about the funnel, Dee. Funny how sometimes our minds just zero in on that thing that might not have been done.

We believe we may be watching/hearing the height of the hurricane here. Whatever is coming down - rain, leaves, debris - is coming sideways, or loop-de-loop. Dd says it certainly sounds like a tornado. I should shut down soon.

So maybe they were right to close schools, although there has been some criticism.

Ds got here to pick up dgs7, after we made a

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Re: Thursday Thirst for Knowledge

Postby Harriet » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:54 pm

Let me think... ..

after we made a ... .. I must have been thinking of the cardboard guitar we made. Dd painted it red with a yellow lightning bolt. Cute. Dgs7 loves to make things out of cardboard.

He and his Daddy had only been gone a little while when our power went out. Dd texted ds to let him know, since they were on their way to pick up toddlerC. HRH then drove out later just to make sure everyone's power was out and not just us. He met ds about a half-mile away and returned with the news that many trees were down in the direction in which ds normally picks up toddlerC, and he'd had to go on a long detour.

Ds fixed up his generator, dstepson already had his set up, but we just hunkered down, assuming it wouldn't be long.

I got the non-tech church Desk Day caught up by sitting at the window for enough light.

Dd and I went out and brought home take-out, seeing many people with their children in PJs, lol, or doing homework in booths.

We got home about a half-hour ago, just in time to see power come back on.

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