Saturday Circles

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:10 pm

Kathryn - I love your DSon's new-to-him home! It looks like a perfect home to me.

This afternoon DSon and I teamed up to select a new gas heater for DMom. One of the heaters in DMom home quit working at the end of winter last year. DMom didn't want to spend the money to replace the non-working freestanding gas heater but DSon ignored her wishes and went and bought one for her. Honestly, DMom was being nonrealistic. She has to have heat in all parts of her home. The heater is 21 years old and not able to be repaired. DMom would have been FURIOUS if I had done what DSon did.....but she doesn't get mad at him for overruling her. Whatever.

Tonight we took DGS12, DS10, DGD7, and DGD7 to visit with their Great Grandmother (DH's DMom). In the morning, they will have breakfast with their other Great Grandmother (my DMom).

The kids are settling down in preparation for going to bed. They are all sitting semi-quietly & having screen time. I know this probably breaks all the recommended things to do before going to sleep, but it is what it is.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby BookSaver » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:38 pm

I'm glad to see that Kathryn traveled safely and is back home again.
Very grateful that our PWYC friends have been spared major hurricane injuries and damages.
I'm smiling at the report of LadyMaverick's visit with grandchildren -- what a terrific day!

I saw Twins' Mom's and Helia's mentions of doing taxes and had a moment of panic because for the past several years I have taken the automatic extension for state taxes that extends the deadline from April to October. It was a relief to pull my file (first a relief to be able to immediately find my file 8-) ) and see that yes, this year I really did finish and mail those forms before the first deadline in April. *\o/* I'm taking it on faith right now that we received the refund, because I don't have the energy at the moment to locate the bank statements to verify.

It is after 9PM on a Saturday and I just answered the phone because I was afraid it might be a family emergency. No, it was someone claiming to be from a national research survey -- that's all I listened to before I said, "No, thank you" and hung up. I've been getting a lot of those calls and I know they are all related to both sides of the coming election. However, I thought it was illegal for telemarketers and such to call this late. What the what? :x

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 13, 2018 10:50 pm

Off to bed now. My last post reminded me to go find a notebook with sermon sparks in it which I did, second try. Not quite as good as Booksaver's success, but pretty good. Unfortunately, I had no notes on the passage for next Sunday. Then I looked through my old services and I haven't preached this passage before. So I need to really get thinking on this. I'll need a spark and sermon title by Tuesday at the latest.

I talked with the journalist this afternoon as well. The Trip Advisor reviews of the hotel that is also hosting the refugees finally caught her attention (on a tip) and her article led to an arson attack on the hotel. The hotel claims the reviews are fake so she wanted to talk to someone who had written one. Hence the call with me. The reviews are not all fake and we weren't 'outing' the refugees to subject them to attack, we were warning travelers that this hotel is taking your $222 per night and giving you a very subpar experience. This is exactly what Trip Advisor is about. I have the reservation emails and the credit card statements showing I stayed there.

There was nothing fake about the experience and the fact that I will avoid Radisson as a chain because they have still not pulled their branding from this hotel. If the hotel wanted to protect the refugees from being exposed, they shouldn't have mixed regular full-price patrons with the 577 refugees. When I was there, it was only 400 so I believe the people who wrote reviews saying it was chaotic. I didn't have a chaotic experience but having to wait 5 - 10 minutes each time for elevators was a bother and the lobby was always busy and sometimes hard to walk across because of the number of people crowding around waiting for the single working elevator.

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Re: Saturday Circles

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 13, 2018 11:41 pm

Work is over. I got laundry folded. H just put a box downstairs and had me put it in the the tool room. H was able to grill our burgers for dinner. I wiped down the counters.

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