Missed it Monday

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Re: Missed it Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 22, 2018 5:52 pm

Did a store run. Glad for that just got a few things at the local market. Tomorrow I will cook up a whole chicken in the crock pot. Missed the post Harriet wanted me to delete / edit. I have a plan for dinner. I am not having Caffeine after dinner, not repeating that mistake again today. :shock:

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Re: Missed it Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:17 pm

Just got off the phone with the cat coordinator. I am glad I don't have to transport cats tonight. She has two of mine, and will need her bedroom back, but it is not a good day for her. We will transfer Wednesday. I also talked to her about a past volunteer who would like to return. (He came to the party). He is one of her least favorite volunteers. He has definite shortcomings, but I know them and can work with him. There are some days we just need an extra person at clinic to make bathroom breaks easier! He is very knowledgeable about cats and likes to talk to potential adopters and they like to talk to him. He is a champion feral trapper and a top notch foster who is willing to take on many and difficult cats. The coordinator gets aggravated because he disappears when it is time for things like taking equipment to and from the van. Not his best quality, I admit, but what he is willing to do is still useful.

Funny thing: my first foray into animal org board service was when I was elected to oppose this person. However, we had pretty similar approaches and instead of opposing him, I could say the same things in a less incendiary manner and it was more acceptable. I do not think he should rejoin the board though! I didn't say it was easy to be that buffer.

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Re: Missed it Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:19 pm

((The LadyM family)) So sorry to hear of this difficult experience.

I was concerned, too, to think of your dh dead-lifting a possibly-squirming 80 pounds. He may need some muscle-ache pain-reliever later.

Lynlee, it is so difficult to decide about the time given to groups, even groups that are pleasant and helpful. There's a lot to think about. As far as feeling you may be different from facilitators, though - remember the last thing they need is cookie-cutter sameness of everyone. In the first place, b-o-r-i-n-g. In the second place, only people "coming from a different place" bring the encouragement needed by others who are thinking THEY are from a different place. How bland, to bring nothing to a group except "ditto". ;)

Busy is happening... .. (gasp)

My week is dominated by getting the house ready for Saturday company, who are basically dd20's company, and will only be here for one meal and one movie. HRH is saying he and I should get outta Dodge. But I doubt that - we should be available I think. Also I need to visit colorist soon or bust. Also a Wed lunch out, I imagine. Plus the beginning of serious budget meetings Sunday at church.

Then my life really starts to get busy... ..

The next week is dominated by a double-lesson Tuesday study I'm teaching (preparing most of day Monday). Then one appt later in the week. Then getting ready for an all-day Saturday trip with ladies from the church, beginning way early in a.m. And just hope to get enough rest that night for a usual long day Sunday - probably with more budget stuff.

Then I must get ready for the next week, intense with meetings, appts, one long day away Thurs, and then that weekend dd38's family arriving, plus the promise I made of making crafts (sigh) with/for 20 or more children, which just became 23 since I'll have 3 of my own grands.

and all the while, all my brain wants to do is sew, making me my own worst enemy.

Calgon? Tardis? Time-Turner? Maid? Sudden trip to Jamaica? I should be able to think of something.

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Re: Missed it Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:21 pm

So sorry abt your pup. What was the final reason to do this? Smart to send ds10
Off to play to be distracted. Hard on a person at any age. I was just a year ago I had to make this decision to let my Sadie the Wonder Dog go. Still miss her greatly.

I once had a very large 100lb boxer name Gunny who never left my yard and seldom would come inside. He wouldn’t use a leash and wouldn’t get in our van either. My then husband had to literally pick Gunny up to get him in the van and then carry him to the vet.

I met a woman in the grocery with her service dog today. He was a 120+ lb brindle mastiff dog She trained him herself to wake her at night because she stops breathing when she slepts. She also shared she has anxiety attacks and tends to be antisocial. She told me he helps her interact with people in public cause everyone reacts so positive with him and she loves talking to people abt him.

She also shares that though many people with service dogs don’t want people to pet them, she welcomes that because she likes to promote what he does. I asked how she got him certified as a service dog and she explained although she herself trained dogs in the past, she used a special person to help her.

We had the most wonderful conversation and I shared with her the success that Nancy has had with her dog. When it was time to move on she extended her had and introduced herself and I did the same. As I walked away she called out... it was so nice to meet you Ms RR to which I replied... I hope to see you again Ms Stephanie. The entire meet and greet put a smile on my face.

Getting ready for my procedure and colonoscopy tomorrow. I don’t usually have problems drinking the stuff I need, but being in pain is making this difficult. Uge!!! Haven’t eaten since yesterday per instructions but the way I am feeling right now it doesn’t bother me because I have no appetite....
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Re: Missed it Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:19 pm

Getting answers, being proactive and learning all you can to take best care of yourself! you Go, girl. We will be thinking of you.

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Re: Missed it Monday

Postby Sunny » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:36 pm

Happy Birthday, Lady M. I'm glad you had a restful 48 hour zone-out.

((RRose)), I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

(((Lady M, Ds10, dfamily))). I am so sorry you had to make this hard decision. I'm sure you will miss him greatly.

The weather has been a bit cooler here this past week, especially at night. We do need some rain, though, and are supposed to get some by Friday from the storm that will cross Mexico.

Dh will be having a kidney scan tomorrow at noon at the VA Med Center. He has had one done some time ago, so I guess they want another for his records.

Waving hello to everyone, but time to run. DMinnie wants out and dh just called me. (He has taken to using his phone to call me if I'm not in the same room with him.)
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Re: Missed it Monday

Postby lucylee » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:37 pm

(((HUGS))) and prayers for so many of our village feeling under the weather and/or having medical procedures tomorrow or soon -- ddil gets a dental implant on Wednesday, so I will include her in that number also!
She also sees a rheumatologist on Monday for the first time, and is concerned about the high cost of some common medications that she may (or may not be!) prescribed -- so we all need to be looking for the half-full glass on that situation.
DGS has to see an eye doctor Monday also -- eyesight screening at school has him at 20/40 vision, and suggested he get a check-up with real eye doctor.

(((LadyM & family, especially ds))) -- I am so sorry about the ddog.

Harriet said:
so difficult to decide about the time given to groups, even groups that are pleasant and helpful.

This is certainly true. My SS situation falls into this category. I know we are not as involved as we perhaps should be at church, but I feel dh and I both have a very strong faith, and right now, between babysitting and doing some of the things we want to do, we do feel we are stretched about as far as we feel we can go.

As Harriet ALSO said -- BUSY is happening...
This is the PODA activities around here for the week...
* Tomorrow * -- teacher group lunch, carpooling to some lady's house out in the forest, I have no idea how long we will be gone. She is a published author apparently and everyone who knows her is very excited about this trip. I told dh I think I will go -- despite my anxiety disorder! -- "b/c I am desperate for mature conversation." LOL ;) He said, "I'm not mature?" I just LOL...
* Tomorrow night * -- starting about 3:30, actually, we will be on Granddaddy & Nana Duty, since ds needs afternoon babysitter and ddil has 7:00 a.m. dentist appt Wed.
* Wednesday * -- I will take dgs to school and then have dgd till they return from dentist, at which time we will be going to school for Grandparents Week/Book Fair & possibly lunch... and Wed. night, I may possibly accompany them to a fall festival at a neighboring church -- I may be needed b/c ds & ddil may both be providing music with our church bluegrass band.
* Thursday * -- we are taking them to the county fair here in town
* Friday * -- our only chance to see our local high school football team
* Saturday * -- dbil and Xdsisil are having lunch w/dniece and nephew at dbil's house (next door) and we are invited, after which ddil wants me to accompany them to ANOTHER fall festival and dgs will spend the night...
* Sunday * -- church again and I told ddil, who volunteered to do children's church, that I would assist if needed
* Monday * -- keep dgd while ddil goes to rheumatologist

I don't think there is anything on the calendar for a week from today, but next Wed. will be Halloween and I will likely accompany ddil again b/c ds will be out of town.
HOW IN THE WORLD do some of you keep up this pace all the time???

In the meantime, the laundry is piling up and my "colorist" is also saying "ME ME ME * and I have still not typed the church council notes from the 11th... and I must get birthday presents ordered for dgd!

DH does not want me to spend Christmas money until after Thanksgiving, and I guess that might be wise... but I'm trying to get prepared. I've started my Christmas Countdown cards, and I figure I can put things in my "cart" on A mazon and hold it till shopping day. Maybe they'll put things on sale for Black Friday too?

Queen Elizabeth -- I love it!

I would rather deal with pessimists than people who are convinced that positive thinking solves everything.

I can see both sides of this issue, Elizabeth. DH here is much like Dee's sil, I think. DH's philosophy is to "Prepare for the worst and maybe you will be pleasantly surprised."
OTOH, ds goes blissfully through life, assuming that "Things usually have a way of working out for the best," and usually, he is right.
I want to see myself as an optimist, but I know with all the anxiety issues and worry I display, I probably need to work on this quality a little more.

Waving to EVERYONE!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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