Satisfying Saturday

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:15 pm

hello. just a quick hi. hi!

I am a bit ping pong brain today so I am trying to focus in on what I had planned.
wishing you the best!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:51 pm

Still satisfied with my desk. I'm hanging out here because it is so pleasant.

It occurs to me if I start doing 'desk day' chores instead of sitting down to do a specific chore, maybe I'll be going through the folders in the drawer and pick out an item to do. One at a time. You know, the way time management people say you are to do things!

Just now I paid bills and updated quicken. By moving all the chits into the reconcile folder, that made the unsightly envelopes on my desk sightly (apparently that is a word!) Anyway, they look much nicer empty than full! I'm still working on a solution, trying to figure out if I could use a really artsy Scandinavian napkin holder dh bought me years ago. We'll see. I've cleaned it (it was out on a cupboard in the kitchen so had a bit of greasy build-up) and am waiting for it to full dry. It is a bit big but also attractive.

The bill I paid was a transfer to dd for paying for the museum parking pass for us when she bought our membership. So now that piece of paper has gone from Pay to Pending since I'm waiting for the permanent parking pass and membership card to arrive in the mail. When it arrives, I'll shred the printout. I had to watch about 7 videos before I got comfortable with the flow of papers but this one was obvious to me so I think I'm internalizing at least the action papers.

Next Konmari challenge is to sort through our outer wear. I was going to do that before dinner but it is dinner time now, so I'll wait until we're home. I probably won't finish tonight but at least I'll get it started.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Feb 09, 2019 7:33 pm

Making more progress on paper work letters are ready to go in the mail next week yea!
42* & sunny.

I emptied the ice out of the wagon, and picked up after the dog in the back yard.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Lynlee » Sat Feb 09, 2019 8:48 pm

My Saturday turned into a Sabbath Day after I'd been to an online mtg.
My Saturday night sleep was 8 hrs, a new record (I think)
for the last 28 years so that is extremely satisfying.

Its 93f inside already at 10.45am so I'm planning going somewhere cooler.
I'll check the movies, or go to the coast if there is nothing I want to see when I can get there.
I may do both as I don't think it will cool off here anytime soon.
Just begin.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:01 pm

Lynlee: did you do anything different to help trigger better sleep?

We walked to the pub. Our first long walk in 2 weeks. The sidewalks and busy roads are mostly clear. Sometimes one side of the road is better than another. The long parking lot we cut through was pretty good, the parking lot for the other building is so-so. Two sidewalks were sheer ice so we avoided both of those by changing our route home. It felt good to walk outside and get some fresh air.

Pub night was lovely. I got my bullet journal ready for next week.

I'm at my goal for steps for the day (over 5K.)

The outerwear is still being piled up on the spare bed. There's sure a lot of it. The bottom of the closet is emptied but I still have to climb up to get down all the hats. Once everything (but boots) are piled on the bed, I'll take a picture. Then I'll start sorting.

A lot of this won't spark joy but it allows us to be outside in bad weather so it can lead to joy. Or at least relief from being house-bound.

I asked dd if I could take dsgM2 to Toddler Tuesday at the arts centre before checking the weather. I had to laugh, the weather app said light snow but the accumulation is 6" over the 24 hours so that honestly doesn't sound light to me. The government website just says snow. No accumulation, no weather warning, although it is a bit too far out for a weather warning.

I have to go downtown that day for haircut so regardless, I'll be downtown. The question was if I would have dh drop me at dd's, me take the bus with dgs to the toddler time, then lunch out, then dh could watch him while my hair was cut and then I'd take him home and bus back to my place from dd's.

I also invited dd out for a Mothers and Daughters time (me, her, dgdJ0) but she's still feeling like hibernating after a very busy week (new windows and new window treatments so two days of installers.)

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:03 pm

I had an amazingly awesome super wonderful day. ALL BY MYSELF FOR 10 HOURS!!! Not really all by myself because I was surrounded by people but all by myself in the sense that I didn't take care of anyone except ME. I came home full of energy, my mind cleared and feeling refreshed.

Since I got home I listened to nonstop talking with everyone telling me about their day while I fixed the kids a meal.

It has been a very satisfying day.
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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:06 pm

Kathryn, I have 2 clear plastic pockets attached to the bottom of my bulletin board in the office. I have 5X7 manilla envelopes in those pockets and they are marked with the companies / banks I keep my receipts for until the statement comes. So after I've dealt with the receipt I put it in the right envelope. Everything's in one spot to take out and reconcile when the statement comes.

Not very pretty, but I could use prettier envelopes I suppose; anyway, this works for me. DH's receipts get thrown on the kitchen counter and I take them from there, or my purse.

Picked up Rx at pharmacy. Stopped in at library. Went to store and got a few things.

Mail was awful today. A check and a notice that a 1099 was coming FOR 2018. Never had a clue we'd be getting this check... and the 1099 is late getting here ... and my taxes are already in. So I don't know how we'll handle this. All this from a lawyers office. They should know better.

And the letter about my insurance audit. AK! A new place with a bunch of different requirements for more information I was not prepared to give and do not even have all of it. I worked all afternoon on that and did the best I could. Unreasonable requests, we think. I don't know how this will turn out. We could have a huge bill to pay if it does not go our way. In 20 years I've never had requests like this. Why now?

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Lilac » Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:50 am

Dd2 and I tag teamed to get the girls to their games. Her dh came later and that helped. After the 4 games we went to P izza H ut for a late lunch. Dd2 and I realized how good pizza is straight from their oven to our table. Only problem was we both ended up burning the roof of our mouths.

When I got home I noticed dh didn't look like he felt good and he said he had a spell of nausea but was feeling better. He had went to the dr. the other day for a 6 month check up and he told her how he been feeling rough then would be better and then back to sick. She said it is going around and today he said she told him some people are taking up to 8 weeks to kick this.

I was talking to dd2 late this afternoon. She had just picked up her first grocery order from W almart and thinks this will work well for her. When she got home she had 1 banana. She thought she was ordering 1 bunch, so we were laughing about that and she will have to figure out how to do it for next time. When she placed the order yesterday, she thought they would be going to the farm after the games and could pick it up on their way. Their 128# plus goldendoodle had had surgery yesterday. He had a knot underneath his tummy and next to a front leg. The vet said it was the size of a softball when he got it out. Anyway her dh wanted to wait another day before they load him up for the trip. While we were talking their door bell rang and we hung up. She called a little later to tell me that the neighbor couple to the south had came over with a 9 x 13 pan of a Mexican casserole. With Christmas, the weather and them only being there every other week, they hadn't met any of the neighbors. This couple is retired and gave her their home and cell numbers and said they would be glad to let the dog out, pick up mail, etc. if needed. The lady apologized for bringing the casserole in a glass pan. She thought she had a disposable one but didn't. Dd2 said she told her that was no problem and she would get it back to her. Dgd9 was sitting there eating some of the casserole and heard our conversation. She told dd2 that she needed to wash it before she returned it. Dd2 was laughing as she was telling me "see, she doesn't cut me any slack and thinks I know nothing". I was laughing and thinking to myself that the apple didn't fall too far from the tree because until she left home, dd2 thought the same thing about me.

LadyM, I was so glad to read that you had taken 10 hours for yourself. It was well deserved.

Dee, I too made a note of it for next year on the T urbo T ax extra charge. For some reason dh couldn't get it back to where it needed to be to change it.

After I signed up for Medicare, I received a letter stating that they would take reduce my first deposit to cover 2 months of Medicare B payments. Then yesterday, I received a letter asking (demanding) a payment for 3 months and it is due by the end of the month. It said they would drop the coverage if they don't receive it and it would take awhile to reinstate it. I have the money, that is not my issue, I just don't know why I have contradicting notices. So I guess I will call them on Monday, just for some clarification on the matter.

Guess I better drag myself to bed. I say this because I am a lifelong night owl. If sleep was optional, I would just settle for naps. I can remember as a kid having an early bedtime and I was to lay there whether I went to sleep or not. The same with naps, db1 and I had bunk beds. I was on top and I had to lay there while he slept and couldn't get up until he woke up. Needless to say, I did not put my girls through that. I had BTDT. Dd1 is an early to bed and early to rise person and dd2 plus all 5 kids are night owls. Dgs13 used to not be that way, but now he fits right in with all of them.

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Re: Satisfying Saturday

Postby Lilac » Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:52 am

Harmony, so sorry about your mail today. Lots of stuff to sort out. (((Harmony)))

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