Fill in the F Friday

The daily PWYC thread, where we gather to keep in touch, keep accountable and keep motivating each other.
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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby RunKitty » Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:07 am

FREEDOM is my word because we are no longer snowed in! :)

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Re: Fill in the F Friday

Postby Harmony » Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:23 am

I am finally here after finally getting myself to the eye dr. today. Fooey (oh that's PH) for recovering from those drops. I've had a headache right above my eyes all day, even though I took something for that; and a few hours after I was here I looked in the mirror and my eyes were as big as I've ever seen them. I've never had this long to recover from eye drops.

I go back to see the ophthalmologist in a couple weeks. They could not adjust my glasses with anything new to help my sight. I'm 20/30 and 20/60 in my eyes and they are checking to see if my right is actually a lazy eye. It's always been weaker than the left one, but at one point they were able to get it to correct to 20/20, but haven't been able to do it in the past several years.

Good thing is, nothing else is wrong, so there's hope I'll get my good vision back someday.

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