Stay the Course Sat.

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Re: Stay the Course Sat.

Postby Nancy » Sat Dec 07, 2019 4:27 pm

Lunch is over.
I have walked the ddog.
LM how big was the roast in pou ds? How long did you cook it?
Half of our manuals are in Spanish here.

Ddog has been bathed.
Towels are in the wash after dogs bath.
Work clothes in now.

Dinner is RTA [ ready to assemble ]
Rolls turned out great yea!
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Dec 07, 2019 8:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Stay the Course Sat.

Postby CathyS » Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:17 pm


Harmony in Canada half of all manuals are in French, unless it's and international kind of product, then there will also be Spanish and other languages. It's just a repeat of the English stuff. My standard reaction is to toss the French booklet straight into recycling.

I woke up before 5 this morning even thought we went to bed after 10. We watched the Grinch movie that was on TV. I just laid in bed hoping to get back to sleep and when dh woke up we had a delightful cuddle, which I needed. I was feeling very down before he woke up. After lunch I laid down and slept for a couple of hours. We did some driving around this morning and took care of some errands together. Dh brought up the fact that we hadn't done this is quite a while. We stopped at the Bagel place and bought a Challah. We are using it to make French toast for supper. I don't think we've ever done that before.

We bought 4 bottles of wine at a winery this morning that just so happened to have 2 full sized coach buses in the parking lot. Dh had already decided that he was going to buy all of the wine at this place. Most of the people inside were already in 1 of 2 lines. Dh hates lines, but he stood quietly in a line up and I listened to the excited chattering of the tourists from Toronto. Besides the $40 that we spent, the people in front of us spent over $110 for a box of wine. Most of the other people had enough to fill a case. There were possibly over 50 in line. What really bugged me was the fact that this place wasn't even in the top 10 of wineries in the region, never mind the local list of top 10. It is probably the easiest one to get to off of the highway and has a huge parking lot for buses. Maybe I have become a wine snob. I wanted to go to the winery across the street from us, which has the second highest rating for the area. (4.8 stars on TripAdvisor)
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Re: Stay the Course Sat.

Postby lucylee » Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:26 pm

I'm TRYING to "stay the course," but MY course was (is?) Disney or bust, LOL... and Georgia is NOT cooperating.
DH says our best bet for a Citrus Bowl bid is for Georgia to somehow beat LSU today... and that does NOT appear likely, here at halftime.
* SIGH *
Of course, ANYTHING at all could happen, and we won't know till tomorrow afternoon.
OTOH, dh also says Jacksonville, FL, the Gator Bowl, is very likely our second most likely trip, and if that's the case, dgs is already excited because, (in his words) "That's the oldest European settlement in North America."
DH says there will be lots to see & do on that trip, as well. Dh is just very disappointed because this year everything was working out well for ds to be home and able to go if we got . We could actually still go to Disney IF we got a Jacksonville trip, but ds does not want to go -- he'd be arriving home around daylight Friday morning and have to turn around and leave before 10:00 a.m. for a trip to KY and MO. He just doesn't want to put himself on that tight a schedule, even to go to Disney... and ddil doesn't want to go without him... and dh and I aren't up to taking both kids on a trip that long by ourselves.
So... ALL of what I just typed may be null and void by this time tomorrow, LOL... all this fretting and wondering is just totally based on sportswriters' best guesses at what teams will go where. :roll: :roll:

It's just nice to have a 7-yr-old who is so accepting of whatever comes his way. He's happy as a lark, whatever we do. The mouse is good; history is good. It's all good, as far as he's concerned.

Anyway, this morning, ddil and I (and the dgrands) went to the estate sale at my friend's parents' house. I did buy the old-fashioned school desk I was interested in -- the price was reduced to $34.50, and dfriend actually let me have it for $30. It came from the school my dgfather attended, so I was doubly glad to have it. DDIL helped convince me that I should, despite dh's opinion that our house was too full of everything. :P
We got a few other odds and ends, stuff that ddil thought would make good Christmas presents for ds, dgs, and dgd, and I got a couple picture albums.

Dgs and dh are watching the football replay show from last week and we're all keeping up with the LSU/GA game... then we'll go out and eat supper.
DGD has claimed one night next week to spend the night.

Harmony, IKWYM about those difficult light sockets! I HATE those things! DH here can't climb up on chairs/etc anymore to do it, so I'm the person who has to climb up there and unscrew those little screws... and we have recently learned that the larger LED bulbs don't fit in the old fixtures. I got sooo frustrated the last time that happened.

Mmmmm... your dinner sounds sooo good, LadyM!

Maintenance is here....................................................................................................and I am here lol. 8-)

Oh my YES. I know THIS feeling, blessed... right there with you!

Dee, I am also thrilled with a sleep score in the 80s, which I got last night, actually! I'm averaging in the 70s since ddil gave me this FitBit.

Waving to ALL...
thinking especially of Sunny and her dh, sending lots of good wishes their way...
and missing Harriet!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Stay the Course Sat.

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:10 pm

DGS22 and I spent over 4 hours together this afternoon. Most of the time was sitting across the table from each other talking non-stop. I have no clue how we can talk and never run out of things to discuss. We both have strong opinions about subjects and 75% of the time we don't agree. We never argue though. We each state our opinions and why we think that way then we agree to disagree. lol

LM how big was the roast? How long did you cook it?

I already threw the package away so I'm not sure the size of the roast beef. I would guess about 3 lbs. I set the Instant Pot on meat setting which is 30 minutes. I left the house before it was finished. DH said everything cooked perfectly.

I stopped by DMom home and visited with her and DSis. They are doing good.

The kids and I went to watch DGS22 in the parade. We all came home with our pockets bulging from all the candy thrown to us from the parade. Sugar overload! Just what we needed. NOT>
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