Sat. Grind

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Re: Sat. Grind

Postby CathyS » Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:06 pm

Dh and I ended up going out to a Chinese food buffet. It was very filling. When we went in, it was overcast. When we came out, it was snowing like crazy! I think there is only 1 inch expected, but who knows. Dh brought a load of wood in, so we can have a nice fire in the fireplace tomorrow while he watches football and I cook a pork roast and make scalloped potatoes to go with it.
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Re: Sat. Grind

Postby MysteryWoman » Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:52 pm

Good evening! We are tea drinkers in this house. I will drink coffee with enough chocolate, milk, and sugar that it just barely tastes like coffee, but DH won’t touch the stuff at all.

DH and I went to the Container Store in search of little wire shelves for our freshly cleaned out cabinet. None of the other stores we tried had such, even though we already had some — purchased long enough ago that we don’t remember where we got them. Then we went to the ice cream shop next door. :D We went in DH’s car. I don’t know how much riding I intend to do in that car. It is very low-slung, and I practically have to do the limbo to get in (and I don’t fit in the back seat at all), and I’m very good at clocking my head both getting in and reaching for the door to close it. We took my car to church. (We were on for live stream tonight.)

Dinner today was “Thai pizza” — a pizza crust covered with satay sauce, topped with chicken, scallions, carrots, and ginger. (DD, who doesn’t care for anything spicy, had her pizza crust with plain peanut butter and apples — something I started doing for her when we had this dinner when she was young, and I expected her to grow out of it.)

I really should wrangle DH into helping me strip and remake our bed. I got a no-slip pad to put between the mattress and box spring, so I’m going to need help maneuvering the mattress. Not to mention that it’s all just easier with someone on each side of the bed. Plus we’ve been using an extra blanket on top of the quilt for a while, so it’s high time to put a warm blanket under the quilt instead. We may have had 60 degrees for Christmas, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing such warm days again anytime soon.

We’ve only got a dusting of snow here, Cathy, but there was more further from the lake.
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