Write it down Wednesday PWYC

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed May 01, 2024 2:14 pm

CI after lunch I ate a chicken leg early.
had late bfast more like brunch.
Went to the meat market & got a few things.
Also one other errand completed.
Walked ddoggo too.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 01, 2024 3:16 pm

I seem to be slower moving than normal although I do have 5496 steps so i must be moving. Maybe my mind is moving slower.

I experimented with using dehydrated potatoes (hash browns). I don't remember ever being around anyone who used them so I am sorta clueless. After soaking them I tried cooking half of them in a cast iron skillet and the other half in the air fryer. The skillet method easily won that experiment.

The 16 burritos I made on Monday are gone. DS15 asked if I would make more so I have that in process. I am going to do the burrito mixture a little differently this time. Instead of using canned refried beans I am pressure cooking a couple lbs of dried pinto beans in the instant pot. I am going to leave the onion out of the burrito mixture this time and replace the potato with rice. Ground hamburger, rice, beans, salsa and cheese will be the ingredients for this burrito mixture. I haven't inputted the ingredient change into cronometer yet but expect the macro and nutrients to be close. Each burrito was 337 calories.

I spent some time decluttering one of the dining tables. Random things seem to accumulate there so easily. The table is constantly in use for a variety of projects so keeping it absolutely clear seems almost impossible. That flat surface is where I lay out the kids cards each day so if I want the table to be clear all the time then I would need to find a different surface to lay out the cards. The cards are working well so I am not going to make that change at this time.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Wed May 01, 2024 3:45 pm

Dh and I went to a nursery for more tomato plants. I got a rosemary, a parsley and an oregano for inside the house.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Wed May 01, 2024 4:24 pm

Oh, I love to write it down... I just don't love to DO it. :lol:

However, this morning, I have been DOING.
* called our tax man... he did NOT know about dh's death... :cry: I had to tell him... and he was shocked and sad, and very sympathetic... but he answered my immediate question about the retirement system withholding, and said he thought I'd be fine for 2025 taxes, but he would look over our past filings and let me know if he thought of anything I might need to be aware of or do for the coming year.
* talked to dbil
* gathered up a large box of books to donate to the library sale -- and restored a tiny bit of organization to book shelves.
* did morning stretch, Bible reading, and 15 minutes walk away the pounds
* played the piano for a while, all gospel, uplifting songs

DID NOT s2s, so far. ;)

Church tonight... need to s2s and wash hair.

Prayers for continued safety, LadyM. (((HUGS)))

(((Twins))) and prayers for continued healing and for relief from pain.

I should water indoor plants, too.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Wed May 01, 2024 4:37 pm

CI again it is 1:30 my time.
I did a round outside and removing the honeysuckle vine off the fence I have half of that done now yea!
Learning as I go on this project.

Too windy to burn and a bit warm there.
I have sausage cooked for pizzas to make and freeze up.
Got 2 pizza box mixes bc they are easy and quick.
Taking a breather now.
After dinner CI
Made the pizzas they are yummy had one and froze the other three.
The only snag I need to remember pan on the mini pizza pans before I do them next time.
Dishes are done.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed May 01, 2024 8:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed May 01, 2024 6:21 pm

Just sent a glowing review to HD and the greenhouse. The plants I was waiting for came early by Fe dEx, in excellent condition, well packed. They are soaking their little footsies now.

Other than that, I have been less productive outside - it's hot and I may be wearied from several exuberant gardening days. I did toss potting contents of 2 large hanging baskets after 2 years assuming they won't be very nutritious going forward. Didn't realize in fall that I was going to be this disappointed in it. Found and transplanted 2 volunteer flowers for which I see no reason not to have high hopes. We'll see.

Perhaps this evening I'll plant the newcomers, if temps subside.

A text from dd25 tells that her boss just gave her a private office she didn't even know was available. I have seen that office when visiting her work, because it was vacant briefly then. It's lovely with a wall of windows, pretty view. It belonged to the I T pro who quit for a while, was rehired at bigger salary, keeping same office, but has now quit again. The only fly in the ointment is that another employee dd works with daily really wanted it, oops. Hopefully, everyone is made happy in some way, sometime. I guess now there's nothing stopping her from taking some violets to work.

Dd looks like me, but she inherited her father's ability to have career success. Where was I when the career-smarts were handed out? What is it they say, "behind the door"? Yes, that's where I was. Although, four decades ago, our sex was lucky to be found in the secretarial pool if we entered business enterprises.

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Re: Write it down Wednesday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Wed May 01, 2024 9:03 pm

Instead, I potted up a basket. Filled another with mixture, ready for decisions.

Just not feeling great and didn't think I could manage the work in the beds. Maybe I made the wrong choice, because with baskets you're actually carrying them. Forgot that.

Just a little sandwich for supper and HRH brought me a kit kat bar saying, "this is what you need". I scoffed that thing right up.

Not my finest hour making the household good things to eat.

Of my card for the day, 4 of 5 done. Laundry missing.

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