Sunday All Around the Village PWYC

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Re: Sunday All Around the Village PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 05, 2024 8:22 pm

((((Twins)))) Congratulations on the successful sale of the cards. You have the beginning of a business if you choose and proof of being a successful creative artist.

Gummies are easier to get here than alcohol. There are grow farms EVERYWHERE. I would guess a half dozen within 10 miles of me. It is a booming and interesting business since state law and federal law don't match. I don't pay much attention to it, but it is impossible to not hear about things. The business is illegal federally but legal according to state law. I have been told they can't deposit money into traditional banks because the banks are federally regulated and the money will be confiscated.

DD47 and SO had an interesting experience last week. They were driving on highway when they came upon the police were testing everyone for alcohol and drug. She was a bit shocked to see how other countries do things. DD47 and SO passed the tests without any problems.
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Re: Sunday All Around the Village PWYC

Postby Harriet » Sun May 05, 2024 9:01 pm

Thank you, LadyM, for pointing out to me I missed Twins' experience with the Artisan craft fair at Temple.

Twins' - what LadyM said! When you feel like it, tell us about it in A,C and N thread - you really had a lot of positive response.

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Re: Sunday All Around the Village PWYC

Postby CathyS » Sun May 05, 2024 9:08 pm

Dh takes 2 gummies every night to help him sleep. He took 3 one night to see if it would help even more and he discovered that was a huge mistake because he needed my assistance to get in and out of bed because he got messed up. Last year we couldn't give the excess away because everyone can grow 4 plants, so friends that smoke it have enough. Right now we have 2 pounds of the stuff. Neither one of us smoke it.
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Re: Sunday All Around the Village PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 05, 2024 10:03 pm

Storm fatigue is real. I am tired of hearing storm predictions and watching storms day after day over the past couple of weeks. I feel a little whiny saying that because we have not been hit by bad storm while many have. Once again, we are getting pelted with THE SKY IS FALLING predictions. They are saying tomorrow afternoon we will have multiple strong tornadoes with 200 mile winds and softball size hail. All the other times they said this over the past couple of weeks the tornadoes have missed us. However, it does remind me to be thankful to have all the normal things tonight. A roof. A floor. A wall. A bed. Tomorrow night I might not have them. Storm fatigue can cause drama mode. #Fact

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