Friday PWYC

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Friday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 10, 2024 8:18 am

And now, it's Friday!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby CathyS » Fri May 10, 2024 8:59 am

Yes, it is Friday.

Finished paperwork at 8:53. Time I want to leave... 9. How's that for cutting it close?

Thanks for opening the village today Twins' Mom.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Fri May 10, 2024 9:37 am

I woke up at 4 ish & stayed up instead of going back to bed.
Got some good progress on qt projects yea!
This is our warmest day yet at 80* .
Did my 1st round of weeding on one section of the fence by 8:00 yea!
Rounded up and stages more containers for filling as I do more in other beds in the back.
Glad I remembered long sleeves and long pants today too.
Dgson graduated from college!
Had a good talk with dd and we have a plan for the weekend.
I moved cans of weeds and the seeds have been swept.
I sorted and started laundry.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri May 10, 2024 8:56 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri May 10, 2024 9:46 am

At least it's finished Cathy!

Neighborhood teen has walked dMillie, dcleaning lady is here to do her magic. Dh is coming home tonight.

I wish I were able to do more. remembering first surgery, fourth day after. I was doing very little. I don't want to try to go too fast. I need a shower badly and am debating going for it this afternoon.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby Dove » Fri May 10, 2024 10:57 am

Good morning :)

Way to go on beating your paperwork deadline, Cathy! Having only six minutes to spare still counts :)

Nice to have progress made so early this morning, Nancy.

I hope your hand & wrist are no longer feeling painful, ((Twins)). It must be so frustrating to want to do things that you can't right now, but very smart of you not to go too fast.

Had a nice but busy week. Enjoyed meeting up with dfriend for breakfast -- & talking until nearly lunchtime! :) I've got several loads of laundry going this morning. On my way home from an errand the other day I stopped into a B arnes & N oble to browse. Noticed that for the first time their selection of magazines in the women's section has really dwindled. A few months ago S am's stopped carrying magazines, & our local grocery store stopped more than a year ago. I'll have to check the book & magazine section at W Mart next time I'm there. I enjoy reading W oman's D ay & F amily C ircle occassionally, especially around the holidays, but would rather not have to buy a subscription.

All of our Southern SHEs have been on my mind after seeing the severe storm warnings last night on the W eather C hannel.

Happy to report that I'm finally working my way through emails that have piled up. Filed a few in folders, deleted dozens. Will continue working on that today. Made macaroni salad earlier & have spiffed the kitchen. Enjoying some hot cocoa while cuop here. Dinner tonight will be Steak Bites, baked potatoes & mixed veggies.

Waving ~~~ to everyone! Hope you have a wonderful day. :)

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri May 10, 2024 10:59 am

Be careful, Twins'! Being a little earthy is cool. Remembering .. ... wasn't it Napoleon who wasn't so sure Josephine should shower? :?

Dd44 called and wants to take me to lunch. So, my hair is in curlers at the moment and I'm hungry from not eating yet, lol.

Have called ds to let him know the ruminations of his sisters re: times they are taking me away from here, dd44 today, dd25 tomorrow. He likes to hear when they are out of his way, lol. Dd44's family will be going to the zoo over the weekend with her dsisil's family, the boys' cousins.

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri May 10, 2024 11:00 am

Dove, I feel the same way about magazines. I want one, yes. I don't want a commitment!

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Fri May 10, 2024 3:43 pm

I just realized I hadn't posted today.

I slept in and my day started off slower than normal because I was up twice during the night. Tomas (Border Collie Poodle) was sick and it required DS15 and me to do extensive cleanup. YUCK doesn't begin to describe it. We think DH is over feeding the 2 big dogs and their digestive system is overloaded. I talked to DH this morning about it and we are going to reduce the amount of food given to the 2 big dogs. I need to set up a routine feeding system for the big dogs so we know exactly how much food they are receiving. Micro food is closely measured because it is such a small amount (1/4 cup).

I immediately had feel good memories of reading magazines as I was CUOP. I found Woman Day online. When I went looking for Family Circle, I found that it ended in 2019.

I pulled out the paper that I have used in the past for the kids to list 5 things they will accomplish today. DS15 has no need of this paper now because he is busy from the time he wakes up to late at night. However, DD12 tends to be less motivated so I gave her the paper to fill out for today. I didn't want her to be the only one so I also did a list of 5 things to do today. I reminded DD12 these 5 things do not include routine items on her daily cards. I suggested to list 5 things that are fun and/or bring joy.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri May 10, 2024 10:24 pm

Just finished putting up the broccoli and labeling for fridge.

Our lunch out was very nice. I believe I cleaned my plate of pineapple fried rice veggie. And we got to see an old friend among the staff at the Thai place. Dd loves Thai and has it whenever she has the chance, so our choice was clear. We got the last booth, though, and the place filled up fast, with a line of people waiting on getting a table. We tried to do a pharmacy errand on the way home, but that line was long and we let it go. Lunchtime is not the best for going out to do things.

Company came in the afternoon, surprising us. They said they had chatted with HRH on fb but he was quite sure they hadn't. Oh, well. Dstepson dropped by while they were here.

This evening before dark, I sprayed all the new plants with foliar spray.

Dd and I have a tentative plan of waiting on planting until after she and the young man have done the lawn mowing tomorrow.

Oh, dear, sorry that the puppy is sick!

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Re: Friday PWYC

Postby lucylee » Sat May 11, 2024 1:18 am

Are y'all seeing the Northern Lights? There is some sort of solar storm going on, and we are supposed to be seeing them as far south as even Mobile, on the Gulf of Mexico. I'm at the other end of the state, but I cannot see ANYTHING... I suspect because (1) there is a good bit of light from town in my horizon, but neighbors less than a mile away ARE seeing them and posting pics all over Facebook... and (2) my across the road neighbors to the north have a HUGE house, with the current fad of putting lights ALL OVER the house... I mean, like at every gable and every window, and their house is as bright as a football stadium. Shaking my head... I think their lights are on a timer, and maybe they go out at midnight? I'll look again in a little while.
I would go out and drive around further into the county, but I have two exhausted children here tonight. Both too tired to shower after ballgames; they put on pj's and collapsed as soon as they ate their supper. DGS is on the couch; dgd is in my bed.

I put in J&C, all my paper work stuff today went fine... tomorrow, I will need strength to get past my social anxiety and go to class reunion with dfriend and her husband. I want to go to the reunion, I want to take my thank you cards -- my class AND the senior football players from my class both sent floral sprays to dh's funeral, and I do like seeing my classmates... but y'all know... MMN. (Makes me nervous.) Especially the part about going WITH my lifetime best friend and her husband, who was a friend of my dh's most of their lives. He's a couple years younger than my dh, but I think they always knew each other and probably played ball together growing up, and all that. He's a super nice guy and I know I'll have a nice time with them, and it will be a lot easier to go into the crowd with automatic seat-mates and all that. I'm not having real panic attacks or anything like I used to... maybe my brain knows if I can get through the past month, I can get through anything? But my recurring stomach troubles do make me anxious. I guess that's what Imodium is made for. I took some before eating gumbo with ds for lunch today, and I've been fine all day.

I am also going to make a quick appearance at dh's reunion -- same day. His is at 2:00 pm, and mine is at 6:00 pm. I want to stop by his because I'm going to deliver the thank you note personally to them, also, since their reunion will be a good time for them to all be together and be aware. Otherwise, only the person who actually ordered the flowers will be likely to actually read the note.

Sooo sorry about the sick puppy, LadyM... I do NOT envy you that clean-up.

My yard man -- if you don't care what you say, LOL -- FINALLY mowed today. He is an older man -- 80-ish -- and probably should not be doing this anyway... but he is also the man who rents our rental house for basically nothing per month ($300). In the summer months, he gets $100 every time he mows the yard... so his "net" rent actually drops to $100 per month -- IF he mows every other week. Because we have had a lot of rain -- but definitely not EVERY DAY -- he had let the yard go to what would have been a full 4 weeks on Monday. I called him yesterday and told his wife it REALLY needed mowing by Saturday morning because I had people coming over Saturday evening. I just did NOT want dfriend and her dh to see it looking like a jungle, you know? I bet their yard looks like a golf course. They owned a tractor dealership before they retired.
Anyway... he did get it done this morning and I was very relieved. I figure he needs the money, and he and his wife are long-time renters, and very GOOD renters (as far as making their own repairs for most small things and making significant improvements to the house such as flooring and things like that.) They were also long-time friends of my dinlaws, and he was always a general handyman and whatever they needed after my dfil had his stroke. So I just can't fire him... but I sorta wish he would decide to tell me he can't keep this up.
If I could trust myself to keep the hydrangeas alive, I'd be praying for a drought already.

I may try to do the FIVE THINGS I WILL DO TODAY also... but if I include cards and daily routines, I'll still be ahead of the game around here.

Tomorrow --
* breakfast with dgrands
* deliver dgrands to other grandmother
* 15 min exercise
* s2s
* dh's reunion
* my reunion
(I know, that's six, but s2s and exercise should probably go without saying.)
What is this about Napoleon and Josephine? Harriet? I must read up on this...
Do continue to enforce REST for yourself, Twins. Let that wrist HEAL. (((HUGS)))

Dove, I take too many magazines, and they tend to pile up, but I do love getting a new magazine in the mail. I remember Woman's Day and Family Circle also.
Thanks for keeping us Southerners in mind during the recent storms. Fortunately, we were lucky, nothing around here except some rain. I think middle Tennessee was the worst area anywhere near me.

Nancy, you certainly get your five things accomplished and then some! You go, girl!

LOL, Cathy, on cutting time close. I've been late to two of the dgrands' ballgames since dh passed away. I have started setting an alarm for the time I need to get ready, AND an alarm for the time I have to leave! :roll:
Tomorrow is another day.

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