Wednesday Energy

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Wednesday Energy

Postby Harriet » Wed May 22, 2024 6:55 am

It's mid-week. Do you know where your energy is? :)

lucylee said last evening that she's been wanting more of that stuff!

Can you relate to that?
What are your best tips about energy?
When (or after making sure of what) do you feel plenty of energy?

If you had more energy, what would you do with it? Does that inspire you?

Enjoy your energetic Wednesday!

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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby CathyS » Wed May 22, 2024 7:20 am

Thank you for opening the village today Harriet!

I was up until almost 1 o'clock reading. I finished the book I started. Because it was non fiction and regarding a man who had been abused physically by his mother, I had a hard time with it, but I wanted to read it because he overcomes the abuse by writing about it. Therefore, not a lot of energy here yet. I have made dh a coffee and we'll see how the rest of the day goes.

Dh has an appointment with his cardiologist at 1:30. I will go with him.

Supper will be a cottage roll with potatoes and onions.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 22, 2024 9:26 am

Good morning!

I took DD12 to school in the middle of a thunderstorm with heavy rain. No serious weather but there was no way to avoid getting wet.

I feel like I need a clone of myself. I have so many things waiting for me to take care of and I can't get to all of them.

The laundry is backed up with 3 times the normal amount of dirty clothes.
Dishes are piled in the sink and the counters are covered.
The 2 dining room tables are covered with stuff.
We unloaded the vehicle last night but didn't put things away.
The animals need to be checked on and get back on track.
Food is always a necessity. What will we eat today? I'm leaning toward ordering pizza and not focusing on trying to eat healthy today.
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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby Nancy » Wed May 22, 2024 9:56 am

CI / I'm alive well and we had rain so I do not need to water!
I slept well got some extra sleep again today the rain & no truck up the st. that I heard gave me an hour more.
Cathy I appreciate hearing about how writing helps with working through child hood abuse from one's mother in the book.
Proud I got the roses pruned while the weather was perfect! Yea!
Working on my journals lists etc. now.
Waving to all have a great day!

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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby Harriet » Wed May 22, 2024 10:17 am

LadyM, when you have a busy household in the first place, your time away is sort of magnified, isn't it? I remember my dmother commenting that we always get more credit for cleaning a messy room, and I think she meant credit from ourselves. Maybe you will at feel even more satisfaction when you get each room or chore back to its proper state.

Hoping Cathy and dh have a good appointment today. Cathy, that sounds like a book with real redeeming value, even if hard to read.

Energy seems to be more available to me when I eat right, and I guess the most obvious energy-sapper (zapper?) would be cake-like sweets. Too much in the way of cookies, buns, etc. can be like a flag waving at me, reading: "you are not going to feel very energetic now, are you?" :roll: Getting veg and fruits into meals, also beans/peas seems to fill me up while being non-confrontational with my energy level.

Energy is more available when I'm either very clear on what my "next-up" project or chore is, or when I'm really interested in my project. Fuzzily wondering about the day does zap me. Also being detoured or roadblocked from my routines, such as when my darling daughter has bottle-necked the laundry twins, or when I would do something loud like vacuuming, but it will disturb in some way.

Good nights' sleeps make a difference. (Happy to hear about yours, Nancy.) If a nap is needed, I do better when I proactively nap, rather than trying to muscle through with poor attention span. It will take me longer to do things if I'm finding myself dragging. But getting the sleep through the night is still best.

Today for me is getting ready to host WonderBoy tomorrow, being his chauffeur twice, having a nice meal for the household when he and dd25 get home, spending time with him tomorrow evening.

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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 22, 2024 10:28 am

Although I felt energized yesterday, not so much this morning, so thank you, Harriet and Lucylee for emphasizing energy. Lucylee, your lack of energy I think is part of grieving process; I recall after Mother died I felt the same.

I need to do some things today, including but not limited to:
-pick up dog seresto collar
-send thank you card for meal last week (oops)
-check with neighbor about backflow inspection for the neighborhood sprinklers, has it been done?
-drop off graduation card that we forgot to take on Saturday night
-what else?

Typing is much easier without weight of cast although the rigidity of my wrist still affects the keyboard. Although rigid and limited in weight, I'm still happy for freedom!

LadyM, I'm still trying to get things back in place from our trip that ended 15 April.
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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby Harriet » Wed May 22, 2024 11:25 am

Also hoping lucylee's appt with her mother and dr goes well and they learn something about her pain.

No doubt Twins' has a point, lucylee, about this particular moment being one when your energy level may be down because of emotions and the work of grief.

Today was smoothie day, and I had a lot of dark green kale for that along with other greens. Wish I could interview my cells or something, lol, and find out if they have more energy this way than, say, my dry cereal day. Interesting. I think there's more protein in it - I need to dust off my old cronometer records and find out.

For energy, my ddad would remind, "Activity breeds activity." Sure enough, if I am sitting one minute, there's an excellent chance I'm sitting the next minute, too. ;)

I have measured for some mending. Laundry could use another round. Vacuuming was not complete. So I do have clear direction today.

I have discouragement, because although UPS says "a label was created" on the 15th, the return quilt package has not yet been received by UPS. Sigh. I know how easy it is to be very busy and not get things out promptly, but a little communication would be nice. HRH says he doesn't think I can work with this place/lady again, if only because of the nerves it causes me, worrying about it.

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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 22, 2024 11:49 am

My day is moving along.

** 38 cards completed
** laundry has been loaded, dried, hung up/put away two times. Laundry isn't completely caught up, but it feels manageable now.
** I took DS15 to the store, an errand and to his boss home. We had some time in the vehicle to talk one-on-one. I think DS15 is settling down and doing better now.
** mail retrieved, opened and dealt with. Four packages arrived while we were in hospital. Those packages opened and items put away. Our phone/tablet cables and charger cubes have been restocked.
** DH made breakfast sandwiches for us both. This is one of his favorite meals to make and he did very well. No memory problems with that task.
** DH started loading dishwasher but walked off in the middle of loading dishes leaving the dishwasher door open with trays pulled out. This is surprising because he would normally never do that. I didn't say anything but just watched and observed. After about 30 minutes I shut the dishwasher door. i am going to continue to silently observe to see if DH will remember to go back and finish that task.
** DH said he doesn't remember how to make our daily tea. This is a big clue for me because this memory loss isn't short term. We have made daily tea the same way for years.

Next up - animal checked and feed/watered. 3 dogs, 2 cats and 3 rabbits.
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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 22, 2024 12:19 pm

Hummm, LadyM. Keeping things under observation is wise.

-grocery Push off to tomorrow. The big thing we needed was milk, and I see that dh took care of it on the way home from bowling or early this a.m.
-pick up dog seresto collar
pushing off until tomorrow
-send thank you card for meal last week (oops)
-check with neighbor about backflow inspection for the neighborhood sprinklers, has it been done? Emailed, he is checking on this to be sure.
-drop off graduation card that we forgot to take on Saturday night
-what else?

-made reservation for dinner out at beach next week at a special place (8 p.m. reservation for four of us, had to enter credit card no as they charge for last minute cancellations)
-have decided not to try to get a haircut before we leave on Sunday
-texted about restarting workouts when we come home from the beach
-walked the dog a lap, even tho dh walked her earlier
-boiled eggs to go in a salad earlier, and took out chicken to grill, and add to salad.

It's amazing being able to get my left hand wet again. I have some seriously flaky skin going! I guess I do feel pretty energized!
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Re: Wednesday Energy

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 22, 2024 1:57 pm

Continuing to make slow but steady progress.

** I washed the dishes in the kitchen sink by hand and put them away. DH did return to the dishwasher on his own and put the clean dishes away. I haven't noticed any dishes put in the "wrong" places in the cabinets. Apparently that memory is working for him.
** I want plain food instead of more processed food (I don't want to eat takeout pizza). I filled the instant pot with potatoes and will gather toppings to make loaded baked potatoes.
** DH remembered he got a text yesterday to confirm his appt with doctor tomorrow. He doesn't remember what he did after receiving the text but HE REMEMBERED something that happened yesterday. I called the doctor's office and confirmed the appointment.

Taking stock .... P&P reminded us to focus on the 3D's. Dishes, Dinner, and Duds
** Laundry is back on track
** Kitchen is in better shape. It still needs focus on the stove and counters
** Food prep is happening.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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