Thursday Thoughts PWYC

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Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu May 23, 2024 8:56 am

Where are your thoughts today? Are they helpful or not so much? There are a lot of articles online about affirmations and positive thinking. Here's one from Mayo Clinic: ... t-20043950

Now, go have those positive thoughts!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu May 23, 2024 9:46 am

Good morning!

Twins - Thank you for opening SHE village and sharing the good thoughts and affirmations.

I have remained thankful through DH memory troubles the last few days that he has not shown any signs of anger or drama. Personality change (for the worse) seems to be a hallmark sign of mental diseases. DH personality has not changed. I am eager to hear what our family doctor has to say about DH temporary memory loss.

I slept in today. This could have been a problem but everything worked out. I woke up 45 minutes after my alarm to wake DD12. I woke up 4 minutes before alarm to take DD12 to school. EEEK! Thankfully DD12 had woken herself up and was almost ready to go. My other alarms went off without a problem so I can only assume I slept through the 5 minutes of the earlier alarm ringing. My sleep score is high from last night so I must have REALLY slept great.

Today is last day of school. WHOO HOO!!. DD12 has semester test this morning or I would pull her out of school to go with us to the city. DH has appt at 11 and DD12 gets out of school at 12:40. Hopefully we will be able to make it back in time.

Celebrating the small things -
** DH made our daily tea jars this morning. Yesterday he didn't remember how to do it.
** Even with my alarm failure, DD12 arrived at school on time and with a smile on her face.
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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu May 23, 2024 9:54 am

Post and run, I'm heading to body work. While I will go to the bank for cash for dog sitter and pick up ddog's Seresto collar. First time driving in over two weeks, all these places are close, tho.

Dh and I will eat out tonight.
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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby Nancy » Thu May 23, 2024 10:22 am

I have been up since 4 got the bedrooms vacuumed.
I got the carport swept.
Glad for this forum thanks gals!

Joke : My carport is the cleanest area of my house.
Sweep carport done!

Lunch & nap happened
Played in the back yd with ddoggo got some fun vids. of hear & flowers and my plant cage will be up next mo.
still need to schedule them. Beautiful day.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu May 23, 2024 5:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby CathyS » Thu May 23, 2024 10:31 am

I woke up before my alarms. :shock: Dh was fussing the air conditioners and fans all night, plus he says he spent a lot of time sleeping on the couch.

Thankful that mattress is being delivered today. Dh spent less than 30 seconds laying on the mattress before proclaiming that was the one he wanted. The old mattress has been wrapped in the bag they gave us and taped very securely.

Compost, garbage and recycling is at the end of the driveway. Dh took a load of stuff to the landfill, including garbage from the garage.

I "defrosted" the chest freezer and did an inventory of it while he was gone. I also tried to straighten up the "junk" drawer in the kitchen.

Island is almost clear. The only things on there belong on there. (Toaster, bread and butter and peanut butter and small compost bin.)

Leftover spaghetti for supper tonight.
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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu May 23, 2024 1:41 pm

I'm home! He primarily worked on my achy hips and gluteals, and my arm and wrist. Some adjustment to shoulders, particularly left. Hopefully I'll sleep better and feel less achy. I won't be able to go back until after the beach trip, so next appointment is 10 June.

I had to come back home because I forgot my planner book where I had a check to cash and the graduation card to drop off. So I went back out and did those things and picked up the dog stuff. I also celebrated my new-found freedom by getting a fast food burger for myself.
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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby Harriet » Thu May 23, 2024 2:33 pm

Hi! This is my sports day.

Our green-eyed boy, looking for all the world like Alice Cooper with long triangles of black (grease paint?) from eyes down to sides of mouth, posed for photograph with teammates (also painted black under their eyes) after they won their baseball championship. His hair dripping with sweat, his uniform looking absolutely powdered with dirt, he is the very image of a happy kid. This is his fourth straight championship.

This afternoon is WonderBoy's Soccer tryouts and I'm on deck as his chauffeur while his family attends big brother's graduation a few hundred miles away. I'm to pick him up shortly after 5, come back to our house, then, before 7. In the meantime, I plan to make a lasagna and salad.

This morning, I went on errands to home improvement store (new straw broom for porches, new 2-gallon planter pot) and to grocery for all the fixin's I'll need. Thought about getting gas but ran into confusion at pump with the whole place filled. I was bewildered enough that I dropped the errand and HRH went out and handled that later with a few errands of his own.

"Thoughts" today - Ran into an old church friend/student at grocery and enjoyed chatting. Was a little nervous but grateful for her questions. Was able to explain clearly why, no, I'm not attending there anymore, seeking out instead sermons by those who believe all may preach and lead, as our scriptural examples did. HRH reminds me that I don't know how that will be relayed to others, perhaps saying only, "she's still mad", :roll: . But I know I tried.

LadyM, all that sounds very positive.

I remembered another planter pot from before dd25 was born, and have brought it out for all the extra impatiens I have. Surprisingly attractive, but poor drainage. Hmmm... ..

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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu May 23, 2024 2:56 pm

celebrated my new-found freedom

Sweet!! I am so happy for this healing moment to finally arrive.

DH visit with our family doctor went well but it was a long visit. We were in the doctor office for about an hour with almost all of that time being with the family doctor. The doctor isn't sure about the diagnosis of Transient Global Amnesia. He says that is a nothing diagnosis when they can't find anything else. He is leaning more toward transient ischemic attack (TIA). However, the brain mri is clear, DH wore heart monitor for 2 days in the hospital without showing any problems, his cholesterol numbers are good, his blood pressure is good, his blood sugar is good, DH doesn't have any headaches/migraines, so all the typical causes are not there. The family doctor thinks DH might have had a microscopic blood clot and decided to put DH on a low dose blood thinner. He also scheduled an ultrasound of DH liver. After we left the doctor's office, we got a phone call from the family doctor telling us not to fill the new blood thinner prescription yet. He wants to go through all of DH test results from the hospital again and do some research. The family doctor will let us know something later today.

DH memory continues to improve. For the first time since this started DH can now remember what we did on Saturday (hiked in nearby mountain refuge). That means DH memory continues to return and his memory loss is about 48 hours. He has no memory of anything that happened on Sunday & Monday.

We made it back almost in time to get DD12 from her LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. DD12 called us because we weren't in our typical place where we met her at school. We were a couple blocks away so only about a minute late.

Take out Pizza is what we are eating today. I had no time to cook something, and everyone was hungry.
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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu May 23, 2024 3:52 pm

I napped. I was awake so long last night trying to fall asleep. I know that may cause difficulty going to sleep tonight but felt I needed it. But I had laundry going while I napped. Since, I've folded the load that was forgotten in the dryer, and moved over the load that was going while I slept. I need to take sheets off the bed upstairs and wash them so dcleaning lady can make it up tomorrow.

And I still need to s2s. That is next....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Thursday Thoughts PWYC

Postby CathyS » Thu May 23, 2024 4:18 pm

Mattress was delivered. We both had naps after dh helped me put everything on to the mattress that was required.

Leftover spaghetti and meat sauce is reheating at the moment.
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