Fab Friday PWYC

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Re: Fab Friday PWYC

Postby Harriet » Fri May 24, 2024 4:45 pm

Hello to everyone.

Today would have been DeeClutter's birthday. Her input here was always so important, and she set such a positive tone.

WonderBoy stayed the whole evening until his family got home, later than eleven. He certainly didn't have to. But I think he got his alone-time out during the rest of the day. And that way he got 2nds of lasagna and big salad before I put the leftovers away, lol.

This morning at 8 the fellow who will do some work around here for us arrived and looked at plan to paint the little storage building, potential resurfacing of our porches, and the chimney's problems. HRH has been waiting on him for months.

The quilt package had arrived yesterday mid-day. Turned out it had had a second label created (I don't think UPS will continue to accept a label made too long previously) but nobody thought to tell me, so I was still "tracking" the wrong number.

I had no bandwidth for opening it yesterday or this a.m. until the house quietened. And I realized it was sort of "Schrödinger's quilt", holding either satisfaction or hopelessly-too-late dissatisfaction inside. There was a little of both, but with some philosophical thinking I can put it into the satisfied column and move on. I'll be chatting about that and next steps in A, C and Needlework thread.

Dd44 called to remind us of the next event in this busy time - Dstepson is hosting a cookout tomorrow to celebrate DangerBoy's graduation. I mentally went through what's in my freezer and fridge and know what I'm bringing. I'll bring veggie-chicken-patties which I'll already have baked in our oven so their coating is nice and crispy, and coleslaw.

, the zero-turns we have had have worried me, too. And ds drives his so fast when he mows here now - as you watch it, you can "see" so many possibilities of something going wrong. Cameras are so ordinary now - not something families think twice about, it seems.

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Re: Fab Friday PWYC

Postby Nancy » Fri May 24, 2024 7:38 pm

Not really so fab today, tubby issues in the a m too much coffee I think sent food promptly through me.
Did not do as many errands cut it to just that one & returned home to walk ddoggo glad for that as weather was good then.
Not so good now a bit of wind & rain, dark clouds had been threatening but went on by.
I did get the drive way swept.
HIp has been out not a lot but I am babying it do a task then rest has been my p.m.
Do I did not really need the outside chair anyway that I was going to get.
Rested a bit working on a few catch up items with my p.m. stuff.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri May 24, 2024 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fab Friday PWYC

Postby MysteryWoman » Fri May 24, 2024 9:51 pm

Good evening!

I am looking for the BGS. We are going out to dinner tomorrow — WAY out! We’re having dinner with DH’s aunt in Toronto. That’s right, we’re driving 5 hours (likely more, given T.O. traffic) to go to dinner. We’ve got a hotel room, and we’ll drive back after church on Sunday. I think. It looks like his aunt’s church doesn’t have a parking lot. It’s embarrassing that I can’t walk as far as a 93-year-old woman, but it’s true. So I may end up suggesting that we take the travelers’ dispensation and just skip church.

Monday we will be getting together with friends to play games and cook out — although we may be cooking in; it’s supposed to rain. Actually it’s supposed to rain our whole way to Toronto tomorrow, with the possibility of thunderstorms. Yikes!

I thought of Dee recently when we were at our AHL team’s playoff game. It made me think of her husband and daughter’s “fun job” and thus of her.

Anyhow, I need to pack my overnight bag and put the rest of the clean clothes away. I’ve got a load in the dryer that I need to get out of there so I can put the wet clothes from the wash in the dryer before they mildew.
I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped. -- Prince Humperdinck

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