Sun. Memorial Weekend

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Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby Nancy » Sun May 26, 2024 10:17 am

CI ~
I am up today. On Memorial Weekend in the us.
What are you doing?
Me I made blueberry coffee cake instead of muffins with a jiffy mix that turned out well.
Most of my journaling is done one Paige still to do.
I picked up the back yard.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun May 26, 2024 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 26, 2024 12:06 pm

Nancy - Thank you for the start today.

We are home from church. We attended small groups and then left before church service started. My intuition was telling me that DH had all the noise/talk/interaction that he needed. When we arrived home DH asked for an aspirin because he had a headache. DH still can't remember random things. I asked DH if he wanted to eat lunch at Igo's. He replied, "At their house?" **sigh** DH didn't remember they opened a restaurant a few months ago. When I reminded DH about their resturant and Sunday menu, he still didn't remember. These are friends that we have known for decades. I haven't found the limits of DH memory loss.

I am doing quick and easy for lunch. Frozen chicken nuggets in the air fryer. I'll fix a green salad to serve with them.
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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 26, 2024 12:43 pm

On to Plan B.

The refrigerator froze my fresh produce so I pivoted and went with canned and boxes side dishes. Canned green beans, canned pinto beans and boxed chicken dressing. Lunch was here and hot. It met my minimum standards.
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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby CathyS » Sun May 26, 2024 12:51 pm

I went to Walmart early to beat the noise/crowds. Got yogurt/bread/milk, etc. I also bought dh a pair of "running" shoes.

He was in a snarky mood yesterday and today he's quiet. I asked if he was okay. He says he feels like he's been beaten up. Said he couldn't sleep last night, he's tired today... Day number 2 on the couch being moody/quiet.

I have a few pieces of clothing that |I need to make decisions on today or tomorrow. I also need to go through drawers and see if there is anything I can donate.

Supper tonight will be sausage on a bun for dh. Just sausage for me. No idea what else.

It's foggy here today. No rain at the moment. Thinking of Mystery as she drives home from Toronto.
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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby Dove » Sun May 26, 2024 12:57 pm

Thanks for opening today, Nancy. Blueberry muffins sound delicious.

Hi LadyM. Thinking of you often as you deal with memory loss issues in dh ((hugs)). I'm glad he was agreeable to you laying out daily cards as that sounds like it will be very helpful to him.

Hi Cathy. I've been thinking about my clothes closet & dresser drawers while reading about you cleaning out yours. You're inspiring me to do more than think about it :) .

Today I've been puttering after our morning walk. Dh mentioned that he is on his last pair of white socks & carried the hamper down to the laundry room. I wasn't planning on doing any laundry until at least Tuesday but threw in a load of whites for him. While I was at it I sorted the rest of the laundry into loads.

Made macaroni salad & cookies this morning to take to picnic with friends tomorrow. We'll be keeping an eye on the sky as forecast shows rain is possible. Wrote donation checks for local food bank & homeless shelter in next town. Took some pictures with my phone of our roses. We replaced several very old plants last spring & these new ones have what looks like triple the flowers as we used to get. They look so beautiful.

It's way past time to throw the whites into the dryer. After that will make some chicken salad for lunch. Dinner tonight is gyros from a kit with lettuce & tomatoes. I keep romaine in the house for sandwiches & baby spinach for salads but we always buy a head of iceberg lettuce when we are going to have gyros. Remembered to buy a container of Tzatziki sauce as the little one that comes with the kit has only enough for one meal & we get two meals out of this.

~~~ Waving to everyone. Hope you all have a wonderful day. :)

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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby Nancy » Sun May 26, 2024 1:18 pm

CI #2 Have moved the lawn chairs to mow later today or tomorrow.
Walked ddoggo , got a purple burmedia sp ? grass plant that was on the side of the road in the gravel and
it now resides in front of my house, they would have just sprayed it with weed killer anyway so glad b/c I'd been wanting one.
It was sunny now has clouded up.

Thawing out some pre cooked chicken I did up and had in the freezer yea for having a plan!
Had a good talk with my dsis.
Will watch another episode of Bridgerton at some point today.

I finally got around to doing the dishes I'd been putting off yea!
I have Calif-lower sp? cooking on the stove now.
Got the back yard. mowed!

It is quiet & peaceful here kids and two of the dogs next door are gone. :mrgreen:
I rested napped & then went out side and sat in the shade for a bit perfect weather for it.
No mowers going so that is good too.
Then I came inside and spiffed up the kitchen from previous actives in there.
I've swept the deck and patio it looks better and was a good minute to get up and move around.
Shredded the last of the papers on the table that needed it.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun May 26, 2024 7:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby CathyS » Sun May 26, 2024 4:40 pm

When dh saw the sausages in the fridge he asked if we could have sausage/potato/onion and peppers cooked in the oven. It is now in the oven. Dh tried on the shoes and they fit.
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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 26, 2024 4:54 pm

69 cards completed.

DS15 has had friends here for the last couple of hours. We just returned from delivering DS15 to his girlfriend's home. Twelve miles there .....twelve miles back home. We will repeat the drive in a few hours to bring DS15 home.
Note to self....71 days until DS15 can drive himself.
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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby Harriet » Sun May 26, 2024 7:38 pm

Dove, good job making contributions when you think of it, rather than "meaning to". Congratulations on your green thumb with your roses, and presence of mind to get photos. My ddil had given me a "floriferous" or "everblooming" rose bush about 6 or 7 years ago and it is amazing with blooms (at the other house, of course, lol). I noticed it the other day and told the boys I was going to start calling the rose bush by their Aunt E's name, so that they would always remember it as her gift to the house. Oh, how my dmother would have dreamed of a rose that would bloom so much. She loved her "Miss America" rose, beautiful but skimpy for her in blooms, spring ONLY. "The Aunt E (lol) Rose" has many, many more blooms, and 3 times a year.

Dove, is that kit a brand name? I have never seen one in our stores, and it sounds interesting. Pita?

Tangent - Google tells me that I may be slightly misstating the name of my mother's rose, which was probably the famous 1965 "Miss All-American Beauty", often shortened to "Miss America" and also called, "The Maria Callas Rose" for some reason. I think that's right, because I believe I remember my mother's twin discussing her great respect for Callas in connection with it. Anyway, these were conversations that were famous/unique to the late 1960s and very early '70s.

LadyM, so wise to venture with dh on short, not long, treks into potentially draining social situations right now. It is not a race. You always seem to know when to be demanding, when gentle and when to raise your eyebrows (smile) in caring for your family.

Cathy, HRH often asks me if I have been beating up on him in his sleep. He makes a joke of it, but really does feel achy and the kidney issues are not innocent in that.

Travel hopes for ordinary pleasantness to Mystery and Twins'!

((lucylee and dmother)) So much to manage. Is the new prescription for cellulitis a pill? I was surprised to read the first one was not. I worry that she might vomit, or nearly vomit, the one by mouth as I kept doing - it was a profound repeating experience I'd rather her not have to endure.

I've felt at loose ends today. I helped with loading boxes into the young man's truck, but I was basically just opening doors for the two of them. Otherwise, a strangely still day outside, seeming to translate to the indoors as well. Prayer meeting last evening was lovely, though there was a general feeling of folks being tired, trying to do too much.

Dd44's transformer blew out, and that was the only interesting thing all day. I heard it - seemed very near us it was so loud. I even grew angry with some unknown deer hunter I thought must have shot too close to houses, and on a Sunday. Nope. No one there!

I need a dose of blessedwith2.

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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby Harriet » Sun May 26, 2024 7:50 pm

More of my tangent, answered by searching here -

This from our May 9, 2014 PWYC re: Mother's Day

Then ds, ddil and my green-eyed boy came by and stayed several hours. They brought me a rose bush called "Double Knockout Rose", in full bloom, in a large container.

1) grateful we can learn from searches here
2) able to report, after eight years, the rose is gorgeous, living up to everything ddil hoped.
3) HRH takes all credit for healthy rose, having planted and once staked after a bad storm.

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