Sun. Memorial Weekend

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Re: Sun. Memorial Weekend

Postby lucylee » Sun May 26, 2024 8:50 pm

Harriet, both of dmom's rx's have been pills -- the first one, Amoxicillin, was a HUGE pill that she said she had to cut in half, and she still almost strangled on it. The second one, Levoquin, (I think) is also a large pill, but I think a bit more manageable. Both give her an upset stomach, but Amoxicillin is the worst one. I cannot take it at all.
I've been out to her house today--
she came to MY house, right after I got home from church, to tell me her phone has quit working (landline) and she still has done nothing about getting her cell phone unlocked -- she did something and now can't remember the password and it's just a big mess.
So -- I called AT&T, reported her phone out of order, etc. She had already left the house when they texted back that they would be there Tuesday.
After the dgrands and I ate supper, I drove out to her house to tell her this, and the phone is now working.
I texted them back to report that it was fixed.
I started to leave. Phone is no longer working. :evil: :roll: :evil:
She used my cell phone to call them back. They say their office is closed today. :evil: :roll: :evil:
I don't know what's going on.

I have completely lost my voice. I mean, I can only speak at a crackly sort of whisper. It is hard managing two children with no voice, but they have been very good for the most part.

I am on day 3 of the z-pack, and I am very surprised that I suddenly have lost my voice. I would have thought the steroid shot would have helped. I'm also still coughing a lot, but I think that is a little better.
it was all I could do to stay awake in church this morning, and I'm pretty sure it was MORE than I could do at a few points during the sermon. I kinda did that head jerk thing, you know. I bet the preacher really hates to see that happening... :oops:
Kids let me take a long nap this afternoon, but I could sleep for days, still.
Tomorrow is another day.

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