Sunday Smiles

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:47 pm

K in C I cleared out stuff that did not fit a few seasons ago left me with very little to pick from in my wardrobe.

Dgkids did great at church with us this morning it was their first visit with us at this church. We got compliments on how good I did with dgd in the service she went to the nursery at the end and did good I was delighted bc she's been shy w/ strangers in the past.

I'm making progress on digging out the kitchen after this weekend.
Got the hot spots re-claimed.
Grands are gone again now. Sniff sniff we miss 'em.

We went on a mile walk with 'em earlier and then after they left I finished up with the other half mi. that I usually do. Sun came out from morning rains for our walk so that was great!

I rinsed out a couple things of the grand kids to have ready for school and the next flag fb game. H. helped dgson with part of his boat load of home work, the other granny is on track now helping with that too now hoping this helps him conquer this grade on time and up to spped keeping our fingers and toes crossed about it.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:26 pm

I'm still struggling with the ideal sized wardrobe. I cut back a lot last summer (just brought up half of what I own in summer things) and that went fine. But I haven't given away much of what I left in the basement because I have the room and like the items. I just liked having fewer things to choose from day by day, so think I'll just take a subset up to the bedroom each season.

When I travel, I only have a few things, so I know I can exist with very little. And even when I'm home, I find I choose the same things I travel with. They really are my favourite clothes.

Dinner is done and cleaned up. The garbage is out at the curb too. We had another hail storm blow through, covering the deck with hail. That's weird weather for us, especially at this time of year.

I should come up with another item to do but I'm very tired so might just head to bed.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Harmony » Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:04 pm

Hello. We had to do a computer repair before I could get here. DH ran off to buy a new mouse since ours wasn't responding. It was the easiest thing to try first. When new one didn't work either we switched wires around and determined we must have a bad port. I guess. Anyway, it's working now.

Today was spent mostly at church helping out at family picnic. It was nice. We had some pastors there from long ago and that was interesting, a trip down memory lane since I've been there for 31 years and DH for a few years longer than that.

Saturday I spent all afternoon working on our leather furniture. It is all very clean now, but unfortunately is starting to look very worn out. The leather itself is worn, the padding and shapes are fine. It is 10 or 11 years old.

OKay, was sorry to read about your DBro last setback.

We took a nice bike ride today and one yesterday. Good to get that exercise. See ya tomorrow.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Harriet » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:45 pm

for the past 2 years they wore hats on anniversary (which was today) and so that's why I wore hat today. I was the only one with a hat on.


I own too much, especially in the wrong sizes.

Am now there, am now doing that.

Dh came in and upset the apple cart.

Mine considers this his regular exercise.

Sometimes I can find girl caps

The reason HRH is scared to let me shop for caps for him.

Norma, getting the baby on the jumbotron. That is some good gramma-work.

Yes, so good to see Indiana improving. There will be a lot to tell soon. Keeping you on the front burner of my prayers.

sherinjoy, my dgsons would follow you around!!

President movies - the one I like is the one with James Garner and Jack Lemmon. Just love that one.

helped dgson with part of his boat load of home work

dd13 has a boatload, too, and lost an important paper again. Sigh.

Harmony, sounds like your church had "Homecoming" to put it in Carolina-speak.

So nice to see Lynlee's light on some today!

The morning with my ddad was kinda hard. Hard conversations. Dstepson, ddil and dstepgd took dd and me to see "A Dolphin Tale" and HRH stayed with my ddad for those hours. At first I wasn't going, but HRH spoke to dstepson about my hard day and he invited me purposefully. We enjoyed the movie and would recommend it, but ddil and I would both warn, take tissues. There must have been 7 trailers that they showed beforehand, and I would love to see all of them. "Hugo", Muppets, a Christmas elf one.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:57 pm

Got 3 mi. done on the ex. bike yesterday did not get my full walk in so figured better late than never!

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby Lynlee » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:18 am

waving back to Harriet.
sorry I'm not such a constant visitor to the village these days. I checkin ... some weeks more than others. feeling a little silly leaving a prayer request but I know the prayers here are most sincere.
summer is on its way here and I see the moon is rising in the north again. rainy today at times so cooler at this moment..

trying to make good progress on estabilishing better habits and routines.
a few have "caught" for now. Long sought.

I'll send extra prayers from here - for Indiana healing, for the Dees in prep and travels.
for MT and your new place, and Nancy with changes too.
I admit - I have not read everything so if I'm mixing up where you all are at - I 'm sorry.
Also including the many of you with elder care duties too. Life gets so complicated trying to juggle the many needs.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Sunday Smiles

Postby BookSaver » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:23 am

Hello villagers ~
I took off for a sewing retreat 8-) Thursday afternoon and got back this evening. The group I was with reminds me very much of this villager, caring and supportive.

I left most of the stuff in the car because I didn't want to take the time to put it away tonight.

Since I walked in the door, I've been alternating between cleaning the kitchen (which the water heater delivery men need to walk through early in the morning) and catching up on everything else that didn't get done while I was away.

Break time is over, must get back to work. I plan to work another hour tonight and then collapse in bed.

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