Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Lilac » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:22 pm

Sunny, we have a 50% chance of rain mixed with or turning to snow overnight. It is raining and 39 out. I am not ready for winter. When I came home from dd2 house, I lit the pellet stove. They have a fireplace in the sunroom but putting a pellet insert in wouldn't circulate in that house like it does here, so I would hate to waste the money to put an insert in. On the other hand, we can put in a pellet stove and vent it through the wall, in the main part of the house. We had told ourselves that we would do without this winter and if we really miss it, we will put one in next fall. Already we have both commented on how much we will miss it. We don't save money by using pellets but our house is warmer than most.

Went to the bank and they said we should know in 5-7 business days.

This afternoon I watched the 2 little girls while dd2 went across the street to the school to be a room mother for dgs5 Halloween party. She was so excited to do it. When she worked, she just contributed to it, candy, plates, napkins, drinks, whatever was needed. She will help in dgs7 class for their Christmas party.

One of our furniture stores is having a 50% off sale Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I plan to go in tomorrow and see if I find anything that I like.

Guess I better wash dishes. Uggh! Some meals really create a lot of dishes and tonights meal was one of those.

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Harriet » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:27 pm

Hi, everyone - photos will be fine with pulled curtains, Emptynester.

Hoping Kathryn is still pain-free.

Sunny, I read about the lights but have seen nothing here.

Lilac, hope you find something - ask about any guarantees and the return policy even if the sale is great, okay? (voice of experience here!)

Enjoy the hustle bustle, OKay. Promise yourself quiet comes at a different time.

Happy Anniversary to the atlantic flyers!

Hoping Indiana is better and better (well, I know she's better and better, I mean I hope she FEELS that way :) )

Dee, just one foot in front of the other! Lots of fun ahead.

LOL, Elizabeth, "who wrote this? Oh yeah, me."

Nancy, Ore-Ida makes a nice sweet potato fries in a bag like their regular fries. But you'd have to ask at local groceries to find out who carries it. You and I don't have the same stores.

Dr. called with test results this morning and I said, "you know, I don't feel so good" :( , and he had me come in. He did 2 throat cultures but didn't see anything. He thinks (I admitted to this) that I am having to speak so loudly and long, repeating myself to take care of my ddad in our home now, that I am actually hurting my throat/ears with a new pattern of vocalization. Does that make sense? He wants me to act as if I have larangitis (sp) for a few days (which he thinks I will have if I don't change) and see if I perk up. He says it will take more time to get right in front of my ddad's face each time and get him to lip-read more, but it is needed. As far as those test results, they are monitoring my thyroid and even though it is not enlarged and blood work is fine, there's a nodule to possibly biopsy, so I will see a specialist for that - no big deal. It was good to have someone to talk to about my eldercare.

HRH's girlcousin, whom we visited yesterday who is caring for her sick father, suddenly showed up at our door this afternoon in tears and came in and watched Funniest Home Videos with us. Dd got her a box of tissues, we talked "shop" on eldercare, and she composed herself and went back home after the show. She and her father had had words over a dr's phone call and new appt, just as she herself was returning from the dentist, and she is just about at wits end with the many, many tests, procedures and bad news coming at them fast.

And, dd31 called and her family is driving in to see us late Friday. It's nice that Friday is a teacher work day so dd13 will be here with me to help get ready.

I have exercised. Need to get Evening Dailies finished. Wouldn't it be nice to get a long sleep.

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:43 pm

I've cleared the kitchen table and put a tablecloth on it. Done some work on the counter, where do I put everything? I rechecked some overdue library books, thank goodness for online renew! Next 15 will be bathrooms, yuck.

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby bittersweet » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:50 pm

Today was actually productive at work! I was able to leave at the end of the day knowing that things were more caught up in my area than they have been for over a month. DH picked up a take n bake pizza for supper, and he's now upstairs watching something or other on his computer. DS has some friends from work over, and they're watching some episodes of some zombie show or other :roll: I'm going to clear the dining room table a bit more and do some sewing...then it's off to bed for me. I'm off tomorrow, but have promised DD that I'll go with her to court (more of SD and his antics trying to take custody of DGS :roll: :? :roll: )
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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby lucylee » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:51 pm

(((Bsweet))) Hope all goes well tomorrow.

(((Harriet))) Hope your throat feels better SOON, also. It makes perfect sense that you are probably straining your voice to be understood by ddad. (((BIG HUGS))) Good to have a doctor and dcousin to commiserate with. It will be good too to have dd31 & family around for the weekend -- maybe they will kinda create a "buffer zone" of sorts, or at the very least, some distraction & entertainment for ddad, and give you a little relief.

I was :D @ Elizabeth's proofreading, too.
Ditto yuck @ bathrooms. But you have a bonus now: no MAN messing it up. That should help a little, right?

I also wanted to ditto the thought that curtains closed would make no difference at all in pictures, MT. In fact, depending on how the light shines in, you might have needed to pull them anyway to keep from having a glare.

Weatherman said Northern Lights were visible in parts of North Alabama last night, but I certainly couldn't see them. Probably had to be a little farther north, and maybe at a higher altitude than we are, based on where he was reporting the sightings. I'd love to see them, though.

Lilac, oh my... nooo... it CAN'T be time for snow. Brrrr... But I did see where there was snow in Colorado, I think. * shiver *
I think our high tomorrow is going to be in the 60s. That will feel cold for us. It was cold last weekend, then warmed up, now cold again this weekend.

WTG, LO! Sounds like he is doing sooo great, OKay. He is so blessed to have you & your family in his life.

Waving to ... Indiana... Dee... Nancy (WTG on getting menu planned out already. It sounds great!)

Thanks for the encouragement, Sunny... one day at a time... I know my problems are so tiny compared to what so many are facing today. I shouldn't let myself get worked up like I do. And I am doing better. I'm talking a lot here... but I'm staying busy and I'm not really falling into a panic attack or anything.

DH & I went out to McDonald's w/ds, for McRibs. They're available "for a limited time only" and dh & ds just LOVE them. I never eat them -- I just stick with the regular hamburger. Ddil wanted chicken noodle soup. She thinks she has a stomach virus and called in sick tonight, which was her last sick day until -- I don't know when, but ds said he thought it was her last one. I don't know what they do if you go over within a specified time. Fire you on the spot? Surely not.
Dfil also has upset stomach. Must be something going around.

I've washed two loads of clothes and graded a set of papers... have a bunch more to go...

And I talked to dmom, and had the distinct feeling that I should have checked in with her earlier. :( She probably could have used some help or some errands run or something, but she said she was okay -- but she "would probably need me tomorrow if things didn't go better than they had today." I told her I would be sure to call before dark tomorrow!

Okay... back to the papers... need to exercise...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wonderful & Awesome Wednesday!

Postby Harmony » Wed Oct 26, 2011 11:08 pm

I wish things were easier for some of you. Hugs for (Lucylee) and (bittersweet). Also (Harriet). Do know the throat thing. DH has sub-par hearing, probably better than your DDad, though. If I'm speaking up a bit to him I'll get that throat sensation you're describing. Uncomfortable feeling. Does he wear his hearing aids at all? DH refuses. We use the closed caption on the TV, that helps a lot.

Well, we had another eye-opening day here. We spent all afternoon in the shop with much moving around of heavy things, loading lumber on shelves, and some welding and installing a bracket on a wall about 13' up. I managed to get dinner made also.

Tonight, DH went to bed early, and I was so exhausted I couldn't get out of the recliner. We had a conversation about how this little bit of work (we've done much much harder) did us in. Recently our work just wears us out. He agrees with me this change in our ability to work has just come down on us like a ton of bricks all of a sudden. We speculate how it would be if DH quit doing this type of work and just got a job, but with his shoulders, nobody would probably hire him. At least the way things are he can get his helpers to pitch in and do the things he's not able to do.

It's just hard, this aging. It hit us both hard tonight, thinking about it.

I'd hoped to catch Sunny here tonight or on FB but didn't see her. I didn't want to call thinking she might have turned in early as she takes DH to hospital tomorrow for his tests.

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