Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:40 pm

s2s Journaling x
Up next -> pet chores.
Moving a bit slow here today.
Lunch is done.

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby OKay » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:01 pm

I've heard about shirataki noodles and been wanting to try them. I have looked for them in our local store without success. I just ordered the angel hair ones. From the reviews I've read - you either love 'em or hate 'em. I've hesitated to order because I had to order 6 packages. I hope we are in the "love em" group. :shock:

Progress made on another project that has been on the back burner for a llllllooooooonnnnnnggggg time. Years ago (yes, YEARS ago) DD borrow the power cord to our spare laptop. She never returned the cord so the laptop has been sitting unusable (none of our existing power cords would fit it). I finally stopped and searched for a replacement power cord and got it ordered. It feels good to be making progress on these OLD projects that have been waiting for time/focus.

Once the power cord arrives, I plan on setting this old laptop up for LO to use.

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Nancy » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:37 pm

I'm back from my walk. Yesterday I saw ten deer all does with their babies.

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Harriet » Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:47 pm

I have been in little baby delight for the last hour - we all have. Ds26, ddil and little boy-blue-eyes were here. We got, I hope, some good photos. As usual, fascinated with quilts on the wall, which I have decided are good for a baby's brain development, considering how all our babies have stared at the graphic quality of them and focused intently. Got a photo of HRH holding him and of dd holding him, both in front of the ABC quilt, so I'm pleased with that. HRH is satisfied because we got a photo of ds with his grandfather and baby. I gave him my socks gift - candy-corn-design socks this time. Dd13 says I am the Sock Grandma, but I really do think they are always a needed gift - and cute. Last time WonderBoy was here, jumping in puddles like LO, he ruined a pair and his Mom was glad there was a Sock Grandma that day to provide Spiderman socks when needed!!!

OKay, I am as proud for you as if I had something to do with it! :D 3 inches is so good. I wish it could make a difference for your niece and nephew.

bittersweet, dd's roommate from college (an otherwise sensible girl with a degree in civil engineering) named her firstborn Braxton. Really. Her dh just heard it so often during the pregnancy :roll: he started thinking the name sounded good, and after tossing out a lot of other names, they ultimately decided on it!

I walked with my ddad 3/4 mile. Got a load of black clothes through to drip dry.

We are really seeing the deer here, too, Nancy, but usually early morning.


Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Indiana » Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:51 pm

i'm ok bu havenit read

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:13 pm

Indiana, glad to see you checking in. Have you checked in with your doc lately?

I got home around four and had a nice little nap with the ddogs. I've been goofing off since then but need to somehow unstick my tuchas from this kitchen stool and get moving.

Round of three:
-reboot laundry
-put away a huge basket of laundry
-empty the dishwasher

I'll treat myself to 15 minutes off when I come back.
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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:28 pm

I did that round and a little clean up in the family room and MBR, then finished reading the newspaper. Going to fold a lol, take meds and call it a night soon.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby lucylee » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:57 pm

I like the name Braxton -- but if I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions throughout pregnancy... hmmm... I think it might have lost its appeal. It is NOT ds's name, but I have recently met at least one, maybe two, young boys with that name -- so perhaps, like a lot of "old-fashioned" names, it is regaining popularity.

I am just now, at almost 9:00 pm, showing some semblance of productivity.
I washed & dried sheets earlier, but still have to put them on the bed.
We visited both dinlaws & dparents (ddad was at church, just saw dmom, who seems to be doing some tiny bit better today).
I have a load of darks in the washer, and plan to do a load of lights before bedtime.
I need to finish grading the 1.5 sets of papers I left undone last night, in favor of George Clooney.

Movie Review: The Ides of March
I'm really interested to see what some of you think about it. Don't want to give away anything. It is interesting -- kept me awake from 11:00 p.m. -- 1:00 a.m. Of course, the fact that George Clooney stars in it had a LOT to do with that. In the words of Charlene Darling, he IS a pretty man... ... but I digress. The movie... Very interesting... believable... lots of parallels to today's political climate... and we both enjoyed it very much... but -- well -- after you have seen it you will know what I have a BIG question about. I can't say b/c it might ruin the story for you!

Soooo glad for rain in OKay's neck of the woods. I bet LO had a BALL playing in those puddles.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Oct 09, 2011 10:15 pm

I'm exhausted but it has been a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Dd's friends' family are all wonderful. Such warmth from both sets of parents and siblings. There were 14 of us in total, our family of three, the hosts' family of three, her mom and sister and his sister, husband and two young children. I guess it shouldn't surprise me that the two families got along so well, because my hosts are so wonderful, but it still did.
Dinner was amazing, especially remember that wheat, dairy and a host of other items can't be had by the cook. I had mentioned weeks ago that our family tradition included Pillsbury Crescent Rolls and so dd's friend bought and made some up for us.

It was also the baby's first birthday so it was a double celebration. She was gold all through it, even though she didn't nap except for about 45 minutes when the mom & sister and I went out for a walk to gather up decorations for the table from the nature area behind the house. We popped the baby in the stroller and she went right off to sleep.

We stayed long enough to put the furniture all back where it belonged. And now I'm off to bed because dh is climbing in. We'll be back at the house tomorrow morning before we head off to see dh's friend who just moved. There is one of dd's friends who I don't want to leave town without seeing, so he'll be by in the morning.

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Re: Sunday Beautiful Day in the neighborhood

Postby lucylee » Sun Oct 09, 2011 11:37 pm

Happy Thanksgiving, Kathryn! Sounds like y'all had a wonderful day.

Progress --
Last load of clothes is tumbling before hanging to dry...
I have sewn a button on dh's pants, & ironed them, along with a blouse of mine and three pairs of dh's shorts which I refused to pay to have ironed.
I have NOT graded papers or put sheets on bed. * sigh * Saving the sheets for last, b/c there's no way I can put that off till tomorrow... I'll grade papers next.
Tomorrow is another day.

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