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Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:30 pm
by DeeClutter
Momentum from yesterday, Kathryn? I had zero, notta, none so anything is up from there, right? Got quite a bit of picking up done and took a few things over to dd's MH. Asked dh to get that moved over by DS-R's site this weekend so I can get the slide open. There's no electric where it is right now. Need that done so I can get to the drawer under the dining bench. All the Christmas wrap is in there and I can't get that particular side open. :? Really don't want to leave it to the 'last minute'.

I'm not quite the slug I was yesterday so I'm getting better. Was never really 'too' sick just under the radar. Think I finally figured it out last night. I always, always, always get to feeling a little 'punky' several days after my flu shot -I know, I know "you don't get the flu from a flu shot". No idea why, just do.

Think I'll go see our neighbor before she thinks I've disappeared. She knows, though, that I wasn't feeling particularly well.

Dpastor was supposed to come tonight for dinner, but that's been changed to Thursday. Worked better for me.

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:38 pm
by sherinjoy
Good morning! MT and Kathryn - you made me laugh about wishing to drink when stressed. I don't drink either and there have definitely been times when I have said, "I need a drink!" My DH always laughs when I say that.

Sorry to hear about the stress MT - this process should be a happy one for you, since you've wanted to sell the truck for so long. Too bad the Nervous Nelly buyer is making it so difficult.

Waving hi to everyone in the village. I've kept my momentum from yesterday, still working slow and steady today.

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:26 pm
by Nancy
Winds have kicked up here.
We are back from town and done with my errands, hubby had a couple he needed to take care of but did not get his done.
Lunch is over.
I got a few things at the groc. store.
Dgd is napping now.
We did not get to the plant pet chores so will head over for that in a bit. Forgot to stop by on the way home.

We've done story time and played with the play doh. :idea: That is some thing special we do here that they do not do at school or the other granny's yet anyway. :mrgreen: So we have to do that for a little while at least each time dgd is over here.

I need to get a pizza in the oven after school for snack as dgson has football practice will need it for energy.

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:13 pm
by Elizabeth
I am in hurry up and wait mode. A file I need is being transferred and it is a LOOONG process. So I decided to check in here. I have learned that my Friday will be very complicated, Thursday somewhat, and Wed maybe. My file is ready, gotta go.

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 5:34 pm
by Harriet
Hi, Elizabeth.

sherinjoy, I'm so happy to hear someone has momentum!!! :D

Indiana, I hope you are continuing to improve. Agreeing with Twins Mom - keep the dr abreast of how you've been feeling, okay? That's why we pay those guys the big bucks.

Nancy, I sort of envy your ability to do as much as 'the other granny' ! (smile) I can't compete with the other granny of DangerBoy, WonderBoy and littlebritches at all. She gets to see them 4 or 5 times a week! :( She's a sweet lady and it's impossible to be jealous of her, really. She can't help that things have worked out to keep them so close to her and so far away from me. I do feel like I have a lot to offer, would love to "play school" and teach them, and keep thinking "if only they were close". But I also know that my extensive eldercare responsibilities are one reason ds and ddil decided ddil can't go back to away-from-home work. They DO live close, so if I were free, I could help them and provide some childcare time, but that's really not an option.

Dee, I personally think the flu shot has a lot more impact that is admitted. My dear aunts used to feel lousy after cousin took them for theirs. I remember thinking we noticed it because we were all keeping such close tabs on them, while other people probably wouldn't mention it or think about it much.

My ddad is already asking for his sleeping pill (Tylenol p.m.) and talking about just calling it an early night. This has really not been his day.

I tried taking just an enteric-coated low-dose aspirin for this neck-ache/headache, but it did nothing. Finally, I tried one Excedrin Migraine and there's a little help. Not much.

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:39 pm
by Dove
Hi everyone! :)

I'm with Sherinjoy today-- working slow & steady. No running going on around here :P ! This is Zone 3 week which for me is the attic & basement. Usually I work on one or the other depending on how hot/cold it is, but in the spring & fall I can bounce back & forth between both. Made a dent in the attic this morning, but got really sidetracked up there, too :roll: . That's where a lot of books are stored -- 'nuff said ;) .

I spoke with dh the other day about commiting to an hour or two twice a week to get the basement cleaned out. We have plans to convert the finished portion into a family room & rearrange the laundry room. But until we dejunk it won't happen. Dh used to have his computer, printer, etc down there. He has since moved it upstairs & made it fit in our shared office, but the large folding table, chair, old printer & misc stuff are still down there taking up so much space, right in the middle of the room. There is also a huge storage cabinet with more office misc but I can't remember the last time he ever used anything from it.

He has agreed to work on it with me tomorrow, & I think it might be easiest to have him sort things into sell & donate boxes. Oh, & of course throw away :mrgreen: ! Then we can figure out a storage solution for whatever is left that he wants to keep. I'm going to go through the large "kids section" storage area -- toys & puzzles that I keep for when any children visit. I know I can purge close to 3/4 of it to donate, if dh is agreeable. That will free up a lot of space as well.

Looking forward to a check in from Indi saying that she is fine. Not sure if she is not posting because she is busy at her new place or because she is still not feeling well.

Out of time to respond to all -- hungry dh just popped in to ask what's for dinner :) .

Waving ~~~~~ to everyone!!

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:39 pm
by Emptynester
IT IS DONE!!!! He wasn't so much a nervous nelly as just a jerk. But $$ and paper work came thru and it is gone.

Oh! and we found out what happened to the down payment - he sent the check made out to us and addressed the envelope to us and then put mutual friend's address on the envelope. This friend has a business, doesn't know the jerk but knows us. Go figure.

DD#2 has been delivered to Dbro. Dbro has delivered cargo trailer to us. Truck is gone. Insurance claim and repair facility for broken 5th wheel window are good. $$ being transferred from IRA to house escrow. And tomorrow we have the house inspection.

I am kicking back now. We will go out to eat.

Gotta go check that bank balance one more time.

PS: Who needs booze - I found chocolate!!!

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:04 pm
by lucylee
Things were somewhat calmer in some ways... but I'm still pretty much overwhelmed with my work load right now.
No bonfires, though. Not enough time.
I left school fairly soon after the 3:00 bell... went to get headlight on the SUV replaced... went back to Walmart for dmom...
went to dparents' house... did very little but take plates for dh & my supper from contributions of the two people who had brought their supper tonight! :oops: Dmom pretty much insisted -- said there was no way they could eat all of what had been delivered to them. They really have great friends. If I were in dmom's shoes, we'd probably be starving to death. :oops:

LOL @ all the non-drinkers who sometimes "need" a drink! ME, TOO!!! Oh my goodness... sometimes it has seemed like it would be so wonderful to just get roaring drunk, you know? But that is just a passing thought. I would never actually succumb to that temptation. I have tasted a few mixed drinks, but I am a confirmed teetotaler. You can take the girl out of the Southern Baptist church, I guess, but you can't take the Baptist out of the girl. Chocolate IS a good enough sedative for me, I guess. As long as I also have my Paxil. ;)

Oh well. I did NOT get to bed early enough last night, but tonight is looking promising.

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:37 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm home now. It was a long day.

I skipped the dinner at the church (a wonderful, 100 mile, roast beef dinner) in favour of Subway so I could avoid having to resist the pies at the church supper.

We sold a lot of books so that was good. Next week I only go on Friday and Saturday (all day for both days) and then the following Tuesday, I'll take boxes to a Fall Women's Group rally instead of going in to volunteer.

I'm off to bed now. My back is killing me.

Re: Keep on Running Tuesday!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:48 pm
by Nancy
Football practice was cancelled but the grands enjoyed the pizza any way. ;)
They like the cheap cheese kind so I got pepperoni it's easier to pick off than the chopped ham lol! The other grandpts were "hogging" the grand kids last week but I got a break did not realize how much I needed it. Got a bag of invidually packaged peanut m&m's today for grands to have as snacks after school for snacks and put in my purse. Then saw the sale is tomorrow sigh oh well.

Did not do as much home work today just reading but I like it to be fun some of the time here too for dgson. Got the stuff needed to mix up more cookie dough did not get that done yet.

Kit. is cleaned up.
H. got the trash to the curb.

I picked up mail at dgkids house for them, fed cats, watered plants, and brought their vits. over they've not been taking them. Plus warm clothes as it's cooled off here now.

Walked 1/2 mi. after dinner this evening at dusk.