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Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:45 pm
by OKay
~~~~~waving Hi to all~~~~~

Been a busy gal - almost nonstop - since I last posted yesterday
** Picked up DGS14 from school (58 miles drive)
** picked up DMom meds from pharmacy
** fed DGS14 & LO on the way home (drive through)
** delivered meds while arraigning for a sibling group trip to visit DBro#1 in hospital
** home to fix supper for DH and myself - less than 10 minutes to eat, bath and clean clothes on then out the door
** picked up DSis, stopped at DParents to fix DBro#2 a sandwich (he had been physically working for hours without anything to eat)
** Picked up DBro#2 and drove an hour away to visit DBro#1 in hospital
** DBro#1 had a small stroke ...and some serious heart problems yesterday. He was alert and doing amazingly well. We had a good visit
** Stopped and got DBro#2 more food to eat on the hour drive home
** Home to do bedtime routine with LO and DGS14
This morning -
** Up at 5am and on track with normal doings. Seems everyone else was up early too because I took 3 phone calls from family members before sunrise.
** MPB and banking chores
** home to prepare breakfast and help LO get his morning cards done
** Went to DSis home and picked up PC, monitor & printer for DGS14.
** Home to assemble it and start the updates (2 hours worth!!)
** Lunch prepared, served, eaten

I declared a DPepsi break and sat down! :lol:

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:59 pm
by Sunny
I just had to pop back in to tell Harriet's dd13 that I would enjoy her scrambled eggs any day! I don't like my eggs the least bit runny or soft; to me that is undercooked! ;)

OKay sorry to hear about dbro#1. He and all your family are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Thinking about Indiana too. Keep feeling better!

Things are moving along here...the dining room table is clean, all the paperwork, calendar, checkbook etc. put away. I've showered and changed my clothes, so I'm ready to go out to eat when ds#2 and ddil get here.

Norma, Cowinkie & All, enjoy your Saturday!

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:03 pm
by Emptynester
OKay wrote: I declared a DPepsi break and sat down! :lol:
And well you should, My Dear OKay.

It is good that you could go see Dbro. Family around is good. I, and I know my DD#2, worry about my Dbro as he has no family around him except us 6 mos. of the year. He does have a good circle of friends.

I tried to do more in the 5th wheel but I am to the point where I'm getting all fidgety. Too many decisions right now. So I declared a mid-day break and I will go back at it tonight - maybe pick a different section to pack until I can figure out what to do with what.

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:07 pm
by Cowinkie
Geesh Okay....I got dizzy just reading your post. Looks like Sunny is on a roll too. ;)

Another load of laundry done and put away. One more in the washer and one in the dryer. I had to take Willis back for his ear checkup. Everything looks good for the moment. He's so funny. When I get ready to give him his ear treatment I get out his treat bag. As soon as he sees/hears it, he sits and I give him his treat. Then he lays down and rolls over so I can put the drops in his ear. When I'm finished, he gets up and I give him another treat. I told the vet about it, and when he finished examining Willis, he got out his treat bag and Willis did the same thing for him :D Sometimes I wish I could train Sweetie like that :lol:

Dryer buzzin.....................zoom....................

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:53 pm
by DeeClutter
We've had an inch of rain and it's still windy and rainy -just plain 'carpy'.

DH is snoozing in the recliner. We had thought about using a gift certificate at a steak restaurant but they have no specials on Saturdays. Didn't want to go bad enough to pay double what our gift certificate will cover -especially when any night during the week it will pay for whatever we want.

DH took a load of things to the recycling plant this morning and then took a few bags of soda/water/beer cans to another recycling place. That's it for the year! Then he took DS-A's truck back and winterized his motorhome. So he really accomplished a lot today -much more than I can say. Think I've done about nothing.

A fella from the other side of the campground who loves to cook brought dh a good sized container of chili so that will be supper.

It's going to be time for me to start moving this week if I ever expect to be ready to leave in two weeks!

Been trying to get dfriend/old boss and her dh zeroed in on a date here for dinner. Guess I'll have to call her back -she forgot to call me when she got home to her calendar. She had warned me she might forget.

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:59 pm
by bittersweet
I'm with Sunny!! Give me Fay's yellow-yellow eggs scrambled alllllllll the way through! No runny or soft eggs for this Gramma! :lol:

This morning, I find I'm much more alert...guess that's what 13 hours of sleep will do for a body! :lol:'s afternoon, but who's counting? :P

It's been a fairly slow day...have messed around on the computer emailing photos of DGD to everyone, posting them on faceb**k (if anyone wants to see, send me a PM with your IRL name, and I'll 'friend' you). I've also managed to get the cat boxes all done...needless to say no one bothered with them yesterday, although DS did remember to at least feed/water the critters. Now that I've had my shower and am dressed to shoes, I'm going to take my meds and head off for a couple of hours to see the newest darling :D

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:48 pm
by DeeClutter
Oh yeah, well done eggs for me too.

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:47 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Long day.

It's over.

Logistics of being a one-car family went well.

My course went well.

Hat/fascinator shopping was not successful but I know I tried hard so I'm not disappointed. I could have broken down and bought new but, starting at $75, that wasn't going to happen. I looked at buying supplies to make my own and that's possible but not likely to happen just because I'm not sure how creative I can be. I'll have a look on Google tomorrow.

Dh and I went out for dinner and then groceries before coming home.

It is a dark, rainy, windy, night. Our route was closed in the past but both detour signs were missing so we assumed the road was open. Nope. That's the second time in 7 weeks we've been caught by that. We are not amused. Either kids are removing the sign or they are blowing away but you don't hit the closed road until you've traveled 2+ miles past where the detour begins. If the original sign had rough dates on it, we'd have known the detour couldn't possibly be over (it started in June.) But since there were never any dates posted, with both signs down, and since it has been 6 weeks since we've been this way, we assumed the detour was over.

I'm home, groceries are away and I have some prep to do before church but I might let it wait until morning.

Re: Forever Young Saturday

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:02 am
by Harriet
I've been a successful nag and dd's homework is done.

Dstepson was here most of the day and will be back tomorrow for more of a visit, bringing ddil and dstepgd. That will be fun.

How great to have supper delivered, Dee!

Kathryn, would you consider shopping at a consignment shop? I don't know how I'd feel about that - hats are a kind of personal clothing item since they are seldom cleaned. Maybe I'm talking myself out of this idea.

Smiling at "DPepsi". I use Pepsi for medicinal purposes. And the list is long.