Monday Music!

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Harmony » Mon Oct 17, 2011 11:26 am

900 girls, Elizabeth? Wow.

Harriet, DGSs class was taken to see Dolphin Tales before they made the trip to actual acquarium where the dolphin is actually kept. I must ask them how that went. They did like the movie, like you did.

Our celebration yesterday at church was 50th anniversary. Interesting to hear how the roads around here were, narrow 2-lanes through dense vegetation at the time. Our property was supposed to be a school property, but school didn't want it and bought their own site, so we got it, 5 acres plus all the clearing thrown in for $1500!

Been up awhile, finished at desk, waiting for DH's call so I can finish proposal (he had to rush out before giving me instructions). And I awoke with bad headache which has gotten worse. I am trying to ignore but not successful, have taken painkiller, currently have upset stomache that started before the painkiller.... I just know it is diet related, sigh.....

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:07 pm

Note to Nancy -I have been having some surprising results with my BS the last few weeks. The only thing I can attribute it to is I started taking vitamin D and that's when my BS #'s came down to a good level. I'm not 'advertising' that that is it, but that's the only thing I could think of that I'd changed. I am a bit more careful about what I eat, but I also am taking 1/2 of the BS meds that I was taking too. (was taking 2 in the a.m. & 2 in the p.m.) Had to lower them as I was too shaky in the morning. Part of that is getting used to lower counts I'm sure. Plan to ask the Dr. next week if she thinks the D has anything to do with it. Weight is slowly going down too.

Think after I give dh his lunch I'm going to try doing about an hour in the MH. Been taking things over there to pack but they're all piled. Need to get the MH ready to move later this week. DH will move it over by DS-R's camper so it can be plugged in for the winter. Also needs to winterize it. I have Christmas gifts to wrap but the paper is in the drawer under the table/bench. Can't get the drawer open with the slide in -so have to wait for dh to do that.

Think while I'm waiting for dh to come for lunch I'm going to try to rearrange my closet. Have photo boxes stacked in the end and it's on top of a thing that has to be removed so dh can get to whatever is underneath. Know under his side is the water heater and filter. So have to be able to get to that too. Think by switching a couple of things he'll only have to remove a basket/bin to get at them.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Sunny » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:20 pm

Hello Everyone! I awake to music every morning as I have my alarm set on the radio and not the obnoxious buzzer alarm! The station is a local 70's music, but once in a while I change it to the smooth jazz station.

I love Mondays! The house is always still neat and clean from weekly chores done on Fri and Sat, so Monday dailys are easy. Usually Mon. is my desk day, so I'm glad for a calm day after our busy weekends.

Saturday afternoon we met dfam#2 at an Italian restaurant near our home; the guys that ds#2 works with like this place and wanted us to try it. It was good and meal servings generous; I had to bring some of my lasagna home there was so much. I just had it for lunch. They came back home to visit for a while in the evening.

Sunday dfam#1 came to visit. We had a roast chicken dinner and played dominoes with the dgkids after supper. They came early enough in the afternoon that the dgkids could play in the back yard before dinner.

So the next thing to do is tend to the lol in the washer then finish up my paperwork for today. Dh is mowing the lawn in back yard at the moment and I promised to make some iced tea for him. We're supposed to get a lot of rain between this afternoon and Wednesday morning so he wanted it done before then.
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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:27 pm

Accomplished so far: Halloween party invites to the girl scout troop, permission forms faxed to library, collected and printed info for next girl scout activity. Still need to do: find out what restaurants are open Thanksgiving. I have DD and I don't want or need to cook a huge amount of food. I also need to find out what is open in the way of fun things to do on Thanksgiving and the Friday afterward. This is my first holiday after the divorce, I want it to go ok. I've also figured out what I need to get done on the house tonight in preparation for the party.


Re: Monday Music!

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:57 pm

I want to take care of a few things and I will be back.

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Dove » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:03 pm

Hi everyone! :)

Had a fun weekend which included a used book sale, time with a dfriend & a craft show. Book sale was absolutely mobbed. Found a few things at both & enjoyed browsing.

Dh was a good sport & we worked for several hours in the basement last week. The second day, after two hours, I was hungry for lunch but dh was still plowing through his stuff & I knew if I stopped, he would, too ;) . We didn't eat until 3PM that day.

The good news is that dh completely cleared off the desk he had been using as an office desk (except for a few small odds & ends & a lot of dust). I filled 4 1/2 donation boxes with kid toys, coloring books, games & jigsaw puzzles. Also did some pick up & put away, & added some items to our sale table for flea market next spring. It is coming along, but there is still so much to do down there. Baby steps. Can't officially count it as decluttered since the boxes are still in the basement. Have to make a trip to Goodwill later this week.

Found a huge rip in ddogs bed along the seam & mended that this morning. It was easy access -- just had to unzip the corner & fold the material back. I took the whole thing into the dining room & sat on the floor next to the patio door where there was plenty of light. Ddog sat with me the whole time, keeping an anxious eye on her bed :lol: . Her expression was priceless; you could almost hear her thinking, " Why did you bring my bed in here & what in the world are you doing to it?" :)

It's Week 4 which is Office/Dining Room/Pantries for me. Hope to make a dent here in the office after lunch. I set up a small table to work on something weeks ago. The project is done but the table has become a huge hotspot -- stuff piled on top of & underneath it :roll: :oops: . Once it is cleaned up that table is out of here! Too easy to put stuff on it that I'll put away "later" -- ha! Desk needs attention too ... one thing at a time.

Off to switch laundry & have some lunch. Waving ~~~~~ to everyone. Have a good day! :mrgreen:

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:48 pm

LOL at Dove's Dog anxiously watching what was happening to her bed!

No progress here except for a little tidying and I watered the plants. I've been doing a couple of emails, got confirmation of a phone message I left on Thursday and dealt with two church phone calls.

I'm spending too many worry cycles on the Resource Centre. From sources all over, I'm hearing frustration from people who have placed orders and then wait and wait. The email exchange this morning was about that and I think I've settled that problem (not my job but a friend is involved and it is easy for me to deal with this.) I'm only seeing a small subset of the problems so I can only shake my head at the big picture.

I'm not one to talk though, I put things off far too long here and thus there are similar screwups. They just aren't as visible as the Resource Centre ones although I imagine there are times when the church gets frustrated if I don't keep the website completely up to date.

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby BookSaver » Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:53 pm

Hello, villagers ~
The good news is that I did NOT lock myself out of the house. That's the best I can say for the day so far. :P

It's a good thing I decided to set my alarm clock for this morning. I was sure that I would wake up with DH's alarm but slept right through it. I guess after 3 nights of sleeping on a wooden dorm bunk with just a thin foam mattress, my own bed was just too comfortable. :)

But that put me behind schedule for the cleaning I wanted to do before the water heater delivery, so I skipped breakfast.

Then the delivery guys were running late and had to call for directions because their gps sent them to the wrong location.

Then they came in the house, took one look at the old water heater, and immediately said they couldn't install the new one. They were nice enough to give me the model number for the one we should have ordered, and then they took off to their next delivery.

I had time to wait until the store would answer their phone, and tried to do some research at home. The dial-up modem was much too slow for my patience level at that point, so I grabbed my keys and went to the library to borrow their high-speed web connection.

Unfortunately, with the style of water heater we are replacing, there are very few available options. I checked 3 other stores. Of course they all cost more than the one we bought. Plus none of them has the longer warranty which was a big reason we chose the model we did. The longest I could find for the style the installers told me we need is 6 years. (We were trying for 9-12 years.)

I called the store but the salesman wasn't there yet. He had given me his card and I called his cell phone. He was at another job but was able to talk freely. He will research the problem and call us as soon as he gets back to the store, although that won't be until 6.

In the meantime, I went from the library to a burger joint since I hadn't eaten yet. I have a sink full of dirty dishes, my stove top is a mess, and still no hot water.

I'm going to go put the kettle on to heat water to wash the dishes. I'll put them in to soak and go take a nap with the cats.

Maybe when I wake up again, the day will reset to start going smoother. :?

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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Emptynester » Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:00 pm

Indiana - so glad you are feeling better - try not to over do now and keep the O2 on high. What did your Dr. say when you called him?

Ah!! we have found the missing checkbook from the trust account. DH had it all the time and wasn't listening when I described it. He knew where it was. Go figure!!

Anyway - $$ transfers are coming along very well and we will be ready to close very soon. I just have to get a final figure from the Trust Company. Closing costs and our share of taxes and transfer fees.

DH just came in and we will go out for lunch and to the post office to mail off some things.

Might as well - I've run out of boxes to pack with and I don't want to eat anything I have in the house. So TTFN and I'll see you later.
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Re: Monday Music!

Postby Indiana » Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:22 pm

MT he said exactly what you just said.

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