Conga Line Friday

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Emptynester » Fri Oct 21, 2011 10:59 am

Happy Birthday, OKay. Hope you have had your coffee by now.

It is going to be cooler here today!! 84 to 55 are the ranges today. We have had the AC off in the 5th wheel and on in the MH to try to save a little on the electric bill. But I can still see the little wheel racing around in the meter.

I'm almost out of boxes again. In the 5th wheel I have the upper cabinets around the living room yet to do plus the bathroom vanity. I haven't even started on the sheds. I think they will have to be for the 2nd load.

I'm not going to kill myself - I have all winter to move if we need it. I will have enough to live with by moving the 5th wheel stuff into the house - as we duplicated things between the 5th wheel and the MH. The stuff in the shed (except for my crock pots and toaster oven) is all storage. So that can come later when I've unpacked into the house.

Yesterday, I ordered a queen size blow up mattress. We will use that until I find (or build) a bed I like. I'm going to use our old bedding until I find just what I like. We are going to take the table and chairs out of the MH for the house kitchen for a while, too.

Now to get moving here - I need to:
    Strip bed and wash sheets
    Fold clothes from earlier in the week
    Erase footprints
    Take Netflix disc to mailbox
    Pack the last 3 boxes I have
    Get a handle on what to do with shed stuff
So I'm off.
da da da da.. dee.. DAH!
da da da da.. dee.. DAH!
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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:04 am

Yes, wishing Okay a very happy birthday today!

Did that round except for writing notes. Trying to work a Goodwill drop off in for today so I don't have to continue transporting that stuff around!

This round.....
-write the three temple notes
-water plants - indoor and outside
-make the bed
-get myself dressed and cleaned up :oops:
-administer frontline to ddogs, get Moe's invisible fence collar on him, take out treats, meds to garage for dneighbor

LOL, the rabbi is worried to death I won't get there today to sign some certificates for him....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:14 am

Happy Birthday OK!

I'm up looks like the sun will be out at some point today it is partly cloudy outside now.
46*-65* Is the temp. range for us here today.

Dd brought us a shirt that had a cut label and sleeves are whacky so it needs to go; I need to decide what to do with trinkets from their trip key chain note pad & book mark.

I spiffed up more counters today.

I have a couple of things done, swept steps and deck yea bathroom is realtor ready,
doing rbr this morning.

Next up continue with taming hot spots and floors!
Seriously if you have a fruit hat this is the time of year thrift shops would be thrilled with a donation like that as it would be a great costume item!
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:47 am

Drat. Forgot to set the timer, but I know it's been at least 25 minutes. All except watering the plants done. And email from rabbi reminding me of yet another item I need to deal with today!

This round:
-water plants
-email re matter rabbi reminded me of
-email to temple re a board member
-get my passport out and put in purse
-reboot laundry

Trying to plan the rest of the day. I have two temple letters to write regarding the matter in Members only and a ton of other stuff on my li$t. Most aren't lengthy items, except that I also need to submit by bulletin writing today.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Sadie » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:17 pm

Happy Birthday OKay!

Off to work.

Have a wonderful Friday!

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:19 pm


Happy Birthday OKay!

I looked at the C Mor. video too and enjoyed! I found myself looking at that tiny waist, wishing I looked like that!

Lotta packing going on in the village these days.

Lotta decluttering. DH got on my case about what he calls my let's-not-be-hoarders mania. I admit to liking things cleaned out and organized and have no problems letting go of stuff I'm not using any more. But he's lost everything through moves, life struggles, and a house fire about 4 times so decluttering is very stressful to him. If I lived with someone just like me, we'd live in one of those magazine-picture homes!

Puttering around today. Some stuff to the recycle bin. Dishes done. 1 LOL hanging. Washed curtain valance taken down on bedroom window last eve. during the lizzard search, found it to be very dusty, so that's out drying now too. Worked some in the garden. Found receipt for pepper plants that died immediately upon planting, he is going to replace them on the way home & we'll replant.

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Norma » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:20 pm


We are on our way to Virginia City to show our Indianapolis friends the Comstock where the gold and silver came from to finance the North's Civil War.

Yesterday we went to Lake Tahoe and they were amazed.
I go to nature to be soothed and healed , and to have my senses put in order. John Burroughs

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:21 pm

Happy Birthday OKay!!!

I am still proofreading a document at payroll. I have started a 3rd page of things that need to be fixed, most minor. Tonight starts the weekend I have DD for the whole weekend while XDH is on a hunting trip. Tonight I also have her favorite friend to babysit and sleepover. They are going to do Late Night at the Library with games and scary stories while I work on bills and accounts. I will be feeding them at Arbys. I should get a small container of milk too, so they can have cereal tomorrow.

At some point I need to try on the dress that forms the basis for my Halloween costume. If it doesn't fit, I need a Plan B. I cannot host a Halloween costume party and not be in costume myself.

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby BookSaver » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:23 pm

Cuop took longer than I'd planned, but I needed to read since Monday morning. After each page, I got up to do something.

Lilac ~ Thanks for the permission to rant. :) However, my purpose in coming here was to calm down enough to make another round of phone calls. I will start that soon. Since we're still on dial-up modem, once I start the phone tag I have to stay offline -- just another annoying part of the process!

Dh and I agree that it's finally time to upgrade to high speed internet. It's been nice paying only $10-11 per month for internet at home. However, computer lab privileges at the library are becoming so restricted that we're both having trouble getting what we need. I've been researching costs for DSL vs. cable internet. As soon as I get the water heater squared away, I will focus on installing DSL service.

Carmen Miranda could do a lot of dance moves in her extremely high platform heels! I'll stick to my flat walking shoes. :lol:

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Re: Conga Line Friday

Postby OKay » Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:30 pm

THANK YOU for the birthday wishes! What a wonderful feeling it is to be greeted that way!! (((((Group Hugs))))

I am loving this moment. Sitting down with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. MMMMmmmmhhhhhhh

After lab work we stopped for breakfast and coffee. Omelet was a huge disappointment. Without sounding prideful.....the omelets I make at home are 100000 times better than the ones we were served. I gave up on eating mine after forcing about a 1/4 of it down. However, it wasn't a total waste because their coffee was wonderful and LO enjoyed his fruit smoothie.

My arm started hurting almost immediately after getting blood work done. I've never had that happen before. After eating, it still was hurting so I returned to the lab for her to make sure it was okay. It had a large knot and was hurt without touching it. She asked if I had carried my purse on that arm - nope - I don't carry a purse, but I do have a lively 3 yr old to hang on to. She told me to ice it down and she put a compress on it. Soooo I guess I learned the hard way that immediately using arm is a "no-no" after having blood work done.

DGS16 went home this morning, LO went with DH to pick up I am HOME ALONE! And so quiet I can hear the refrigerator motor humming. Sooo quiet! Very nice for a change of volume so I am soaking up this experience, while also looking forward to the normal chattering to return in an hour or two.

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