Saturday Musings

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby lucylee » Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:28 pm

Oh, (((Harriet))) (((BIG HUGS)))

I am s2s now, and sheets are washed & in the dryer, and I am waiting on dniece, who is coming to "hide" party supplies here at our house, so dsisil won't be tipped off too early.
Then, I'll be off to the other party.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby Lilac » Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:42 pm


Last night was the homecoming dance after the game. It is always on Saturday night but someone switched it. Dgd15 had to cheer the second half so the varsity cheerleaders could go home and get ready. Dd2 took dgd15 home after the game and she hurriedly made the switch to dress, etc. One of the other cheerleaders had volunteered to give her a ride. They came at 10:40 and the dance was over at 12. Other dgd15 wouldn't wait on the cheerleader and went ahead. In the end both girls were very disappointed in their first homecoming dance experience. CLdgd15 because she was barely there an hour. She met her date/boyfriend there. Other dgd15 was disappointed that everyone else had a person to meet but her. She had had a boyfriend and broke up because he was too quiet. So both of their mothers are disappointed for them. It is only when you look back that you realize how small potatoes these things really are in the grand scheme of life.

It is just torture for me to watch dd2 deal with her boys being at their dads every other week. Dgs7 has started to tell her he hates her and wishes she wasn't his mom at least once every week she has them. When she finally has enough of his nonsense and gets on to him, that is what she hears. Their dad says they are perfect at his house. I really think they are and then come to dd2 and let all their pent up agression out. Also, I think the boys are playing their parents against each other as in we went to the movie, bowling, etc. We ate at fill in the blank. We had dfriend over for a playdate. Dd2 feels like it is a competion and doesn't want it to be that way but they trap her anyway. Also, when the boys are at their dads, it is the 2 of them with 2 adults. At dd2 the majority of the time it is her and 5 kids. I am pretty helpless in this situation except to be there for her. If I could change it I would in a heartbeat. I was there when their dad brought them home. He acted really odd, so I am wondering if it is marital problems or something else. He has told dd2 that their best times are when the boys are with them. I often wonder how long he can continue to put up with the control freak he is married to.

Oh yeah, I came in here to comment that my husband qualifies to be the car wash inspector general, if there was such a position. He kept finding tiny places that I had missed. Considering how much I have to do, he is lucky I helped. Grrr....

He is dreading the move but every time we move it is me who packs every single household box and unpacks every single box. Granted he does do a lot at the actual move but I always do the utilities, handle all the many details, etc.

Guess I better head out to see if he is ready to do another car. I hate car wash marathons!

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby OKay » Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:53 pm

~~~~waving HI to all~~~~~~~

Our internet was not working when I got up this morning. VERY unusual. I reset everything then called and left a message with ISP. Usually I hear back within minutes, but I didn't and I was busy so time passed......At 11;30 I sat back down at pc to looks something up and noticed ISP was still not working. I called them again and they responded almost immediately. Somehow I had fell through the cracks. It worked out okay because I got extra cards done this morning (instead of being on the internet :oops: :lol: )

Sauteed radishes??? No way!! After putting mounds of radish tops in the compost, I started wondering if they could be cooked like I do other greens. SURE NUF' Then I discovered radishes can be cooked too (instead of eating raw). I feel like a little kid that just discovered a new kind of candy. :lol:

4 days ago the lawyer asked if we had been served papers yet. UHmmmmm....I didn't know we were going to be. She answered Yes, and I'm suprised you haven't already been served. I am on pins-and-needles watching the driveway and waiting for a stranger to pull in and serve us legal papers. The lawyer expected it to happen almost 3 weeks ago.....ignorance is bliss in some circumstances.....I went through 2 weeks of not waiting for it to happen. Now, I kinda wish I could wipe it out of my mind so I can stop looking at every strange vehicle that drives down our road. :?

62 cards completed today (so far). LO is down for his nap so I'm going have a DPepsi and focus on paperwork for a bit.

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby Lilac » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:18 pm


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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby Norma » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:48 pm

HARRIET AND OKAY - Big Big Hugs ! I am feeling for you both.

Hi COWINKIE! I see you peeking!

We drove our Indianapolis guest to the airport this morning and I am feeling lonely. We had soooo much fun and did sooooo much in 3 days. The day at Lake Tahoe was wonderful and the trip to Virginia City yesterday couldn't have been more perfect. DH drove all over town showing them "history" and as we came down one street who should we meet but 7 or 8 Wild Mustangs. One of them a darling little colt. In Nevada we love the wild horses. They are so important to Nevadans. Our friends were thrilled to have seen them and taken pictures. :o :o You don't always see them just standing on the corner waiting for .... whatever. I love them so much :D

Now, gotta' get ready to leave on the 5th for Maui. I am excited.
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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby OKay » Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:56 pm

Awweeee - Thanks for the (((Hugs)))) and right back at ya! I'm sure my whining about things happening in my little corner of the world are tiring. I try not to, but sometimes it pops out of my thoughts into words on this screen. :oops:

I went outside to move the sprinkler before I started on paperwork focus......after moving 50+ bricks AGAIN into a different outline of garden extension.....I was came back inside

Then I decided before I started the paperwork focus that I needed to finish adding ingredients to a pot of salsa I have cooking.....

Which lead to me deciding to cut up ALL the jalapeno peppers on hand (138!!!) and prepare a slew of stuffed jalapena poppers. Most of them are baking in the oven now, but I did experiment with some - I put a dozen stuffed peppers in the freezer and another dozen UNstuffed peppers. After they are frozen, I will cook them and see if it is a viable way of preparing the rest of the pepper harvest (plants are LOADED and need to be picked clean before the freeze happens)

end of jabbering........I am going to do some paperwork now. REALLY!! :D

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby Nancy » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:10 pm

I'm gald we went to the flag fb game of dgson's they won and his photos came in. Dgd fell asleep in her dad's arms. I took my journal and got that done sat in the car for a bit, then the sun came out. 8-) My ear was acting up so I stayed in the car till half time.

For lunch we used coupons at Arby's and enjoyed that but yesterday I was feeling better today the food was better but had more carbs so figure! LOL! Left over chili & hot dogs for dinner here.

The house is good except I still need to vacuum and tackle a paper work pile or two.
I've not gotten to any reading yet today.

Did mend a hole in my pocket that was big enough to fit a whole glove through! :roll: Glad to get that done.

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:16 pm

Exhausted. One more day of super activity and then a rest.

The book sale went ok. I got to play 'super connector' and introduced people around. A super connector is someone who knows everyone's strengths and expertise and when someone needs to know something, they can come to the super connector and be connected to a person that does know the answer. Sort of a real-life, social 'google'. I don't have to know anything myself, just know who does know stuff. But everyone then thinks I'm amazing.

So I spend a lot of time getting to know people and trying to remember their strengths so I can introduce them to others that might be a help or can be helped by them.

I also spent time gathering up books for Tuesday night's book sale which I'm doing on my own. And learning how the distribution of books works in the church (or doesn't work if one wants to be accurate.) We convinced the resource director to keep the cash from the sale for our level of church governing and send only the credit card payments. That should work out to our 'take' for the sale. They haven't paid us for last year's sale so this is why we suggested taking drastic measures.

When I got home dh wanted to climb the tower, even though it was almost dark. So I spotted him for an hour while he did that.

Dinner was in crock pot so we could eat when we got in. I had just tossed things that I thought would work into the crock pot this morning and they did. So yay!!!! With garlic bread, we ended up with a nice pork stew.

Dh cleaned up since I'm exhausted (and cooked.) I still have to make up maps for my destination tomorrow. I also have to load my mp3 player with music my friend likes. I have a playlist of her favourite hymns from when we worked in the church office together.

Luckily, I called home in the morning to double check on the crock pot and found out my Montreal boyfriend was coming tomorrow with bagels. I said that was too bad I wasn't going to be there. I swear, I love my dh but he's dense sometimes. I've been talking about tomorrow for weeks. It's been on the calendar for 4 months. My friend has called every second day to check it is still on and yet, still, dh forgot I was going to be away. Dh called my Montreal boyfriend back, and he said he'd wait until he could see me. We are driving to Montreal on the 6th after church so we'll see him then if not sooner. He's been waiting for good weather to come visit; he rides a motorbike so he needs good weather.

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby lucylee » Sat Oct 22, 2011 9:27 pm

Clean sheets on the bed is the beginning and end of my accomplishments for the day.
Well, and making my appearance @ dcousin's bday party.
I am sooo sleepy. It is DEFINITELY a little bit due to carb overload, plus antihistamine overload... but my nose/ears/eyes/throat aren't running/itching/etc as much as before.

Kathryn, is dh climbing your tv antenna for exercise? Did I completely miss something here? If I sound insane, just refer to previous sentence re: carb overload, antihistamine overload.

I fell asleep during last half of our game. Obviously, so did our team. I think I'll go nap through last half of Other School's game.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Saturday Musings

Postby Harriet » Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:03 pm

I appreciated the hugs. Usually, I enjoy driving as it does get me out of the house these days when I so often am tied down. I think that's why HRH volunteered to "let" me go. He says he told me the intersection was immediately after the hospital, but I don't remember him saying anything like that.

The girl that would have stayed if dd did is really an excellent match as a friend for her. In fact, her father mentioned it to me, too, and told me how much his daughter enjoys dd. They have exactly the same body type, even, and could be sisters except she has blond hair. But it would be impossible to invite her for anything alone, because she is the first cousin of the birthday friend and we only know her through the friend. In fact, it might even hurt the friend's feelings to invite both, since she is certainly not used to having to share dd. And I can hardly commit to having extra people over right now, especially someone who lives at such a distance.

Norma, I didn't realize your big vacation is so close! I know you will have a great time.

Lilac, I'm sorry dd is having this struggle.

I'm just not feeling up to par lately - I don't really think I'm coming down with anything but just a general nagging bleah. Maybe I'm fighting something off.

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