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Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:14 pm
by Emptynester
We are kinda in limbo here - first load all packed and can't get any more in the cargo trailer. Have packed some of second load but need the boxes from the first load.

I made the decision to move on Wednesday so we are playing a waiting game. I wanted to have one last Tuesday lunch with friends.

We are packing a few odds and ends from the shed - some canned goods, soda pop and other food stuffs and laundry products.

I did wash one load of clothes this morning and have another for tomorrow. It seems like I'm going thru two outfits a day - a long sleeve/long pants in morning and shorts and sleeveless in the afternoon. It is right on the cusp of being hot enough for the AC. But fans help a lot.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:27 pm
by Twins' Mom
Well rats, just lost a post. Long story short I found a chlorox leak in my laundry room - I use the gel type so there was a pool of it on a shelf, and had gotten onto some items being washed.

Anyway, back to it. I am chopping veggies for the turkey chili for supper.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:33 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Had church this morning and then I spent over 4 hours outside working on the yard.

On my own, I got the final garden cleaned up (that was from my September to-do list!), the front gardens ready for winter, transplanted two plants, the garage cleaned out, the shed tidied (and the stuff from the garage put in it), the snow shovels in place for winter, the front porch swept, the Halloween decorations put out on the porch, the electrical laid for Halloween and Christmas and the car vacuumed out, the winter mats put in, and it washed.

There is room for ds's car in the garage now (because the bikes and the gardening supplies are back in the shed.) In the winter, this is important, it means if it is snowing when he visits he won't have to clear his car off when he goes to leave. Visitors to the house really appreciate that we keep a space for them in the garage.

Dh came out too and worked on a project he wanted to get done, trimming back the mock orange hedge between us and the neighbours. It was encroaching about 4' onto our side and has gotten all spindly and thin because it hasn't been trimmed in years. It should have 5' taken off the top and the sides trimmed on their side in order to force it to fill in again (it used to be lush and full with only a narrow path for the children to cut through to visit the children next door.) But the hedge belongs to the neighbours so dh just trimmed our side.

All he got down is bundled and out at the road for the yard-waste truck to pick up.

We still have to rake but not all the leaves are down yet so we are hoping for one more nice day to do that and put up the Christmas lights.

We are both stiff and exhausted. The front hall is a mess because the inside Halloween decorations are lying all over the place. I'll work on those when I dust and vacuum tonight. If that happens.

Luckily, dinner tonight is leftovers so we don't have to make any effort.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:55 pm
by Twins' Mom
Finished another round - moved laundry over to dryer, cleared kitchen table and folded clean laundry. Also finished chopping veggies for chili. I'm going to take a slightly longer break this time and rest my back a little. Perhaps I'll set timer for 15 minutes.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 5:57 pm
by lucylee
BIG WTG, Kathryn. You have been amazingly productive today!

(((Twins))) Yuck -- Clorox leak. I have a PineSol leak on a shelf in my bathroom that I have just been ignoring. I mean, it's not LEAKING now... but the sticky mess is still on the shelf. Yuck. I don't guess it's going to evaporate on its own.

So anxious -- in a good way, I mean -- for moving day for MT!!! I know you'll have so much fun getting the new house just like you want it, especially with the holidays coming up! And IKWYM about the temps. It is cold here at night and in the morning when I leave for school, but as I mentioned earlier, when I got outside and started walking, I was fine with just a t-shirt. I like this weather though... I dread sooo much the really cold weather of winter, when you can't go out without a heavy coat. I just keep reminding myself that our really cold weather doesn't last too awful long. * whew * (((HUGS))) to all those who are already in a snowstorm. Brrrr...

I thought it was awfully quiet here, too, bsweet! Did I do that? :oops: I'm just kidding -- I know everyone is sooo busy... Dee getting ready to travel... and Harriet getting dd & dgsons off on their way back home... and everybody with Sunday stuff. Seems like Sunday evenings are sooo hectic for us, once we get through with our naps & newspapers.
On the plus side, today, I apparently traded my nap for a three-mile walk, so I'm hoping I can sleep better tonight. I've been sleepy this afternoon, but I also have apparently got a big adrenaline rush.
Talked to dbro for awhile, too.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:42 pm
by Harriet
Happiness is...

Remember those? My favorite was ,"Happiness is a warm puppy", which is quite true.

Today I had a lot of happiness'is:

With dd31's family, ds26 and ddil, dd13 and dstepson all around our dining table enjoying a happy, laughing lunchtime, and me in the rocking chair across the room watching them and rocking a half-asleep little blue-eyed baby, HRH came up behind me and stood for a while, and quietly asked, "Are you happy"? :) I was happy, yes! At one point I noticed that from my rocker with baby, we were looking along a straight line of grandsons in stair-step order. And at the table beyond, our big boys talking man-stuff.

Happily driving along with dd13 in the pickup, bluegrass music on a radio station we found, vistas of beautiful rolling countryside neither of us had ever seen before, we went in search of the farm with the pullets. There we found a delightful couple, very proud to show us their fancy show-chickens, 2 breeds of which I have never seen before. Very chicken-efficient dd13 and lady plopped two super-healthy girls into my cage without too much flutter 8-) and we hopped back on the road again. A GREAT mother-daughter day.

Right now, Fay is a new hen. She is animated, strutting, standing taller. It is fun to watch her from the window, showing new sisters how the ramp to the henhouse is navigated. Her little chicken heart must be light tonight.

Also right now, potentially great photos are on the camera, ready for HRH to download. I hope they turn out well. The children took my ddad out in the yard (gorgeous fall day) and even Sammie joined at one point for a photo-fest by ddil and dd31. LOL. They got me in one. They got HRH in zero. You have to be stealthy with him!

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:27 pm
by OKay
YES to happy days!

LO woke up this morning with runny nose and red eyes. :cry: I could tell he didn't feel good because he immediately agreed when I told him we were going to stay home from church. :shock: That told me more than anything how rotten he felt.

We had a slow paced morning. DH went to church by himself. I cooked the boys bacon/egg/cheese breakfast burritos and then gave them hair cuts. By that time the sun was brightly shining so we spent an hour outside playing & working in the garden. After lunch, we loaded DGS14 stuff (filled the truck of the car!) and headed to town. LO stayed at home with DH and took a much needed nap. We made stops at Sams & WM for items on buy list and took DGS14 home. I arrived home just in time to cook supper.

My dropbox account is full (free = 2GB) so I went on a search for something else before paying $100 yearly to continue using Dropbox. After looking around I became overwhelmed with various options of cloud storage/backup plans & real time syncing. I finally gave up and emailed DSon for recommendation. He highly recommended crashplan so I am going to switch to it in the next day or two.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:13 pm
by DeeClutter
I guess I've been wondering (without realizing it) -are you planning to sell your lot where you now are, MT?

I've been busy all day. Church gave us a real nice send-off today. Stopped at ds-A's & he wanted us to come for pizza tonight. Simply decided we had too much to do.

Had 3 lol which I took to the local laundromat -hate doing that.

DS-R & family stopped by this afternoon. Gave them more of our left over food. Gave both boys' families any Christmas presents I had ready.

Going to try doing up the dishes I have before I go to bed. Then, hopefully dishes will be done. Have 2 large suitcases in the car and all our 'paper' stuff. have 3 smaller suitcases on the bed and 1 (for Nashville) by the patio door. I'm putting out the little step stool so dh can remember to crank down the antenna in the morning. Little by little we're getting ready.

Not sure how long I'll have internet in the morning but I'll get here before we shut down. I wonder if we asked cable to shut everything off on the first -that means it won't be shut down tomorrow.

Have a good night everyone.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:15 pm
by Harriet
Back at home trying to catch up on all the chores that have gone by the wayside with such a busy weekend. I needed to get by the pharmacy but didn't make it. I don't suppose I'll go out now... ...course it's not gettin any warmer... ...

Helped dd13 made changes to a science paper her teacher didn't like. Teacher said her paper was wrong about the quagga (it's an extinct zebra, more or less) having descendants, so I found her some sources that proved it (tedius).

A load of dishes has already gone through the dishwasher, because we have just been overrun with meals and meals. I need to get all that dried and put away and start right in on another one.

Dee, I hope you are rested and chipper for the start of adventure tomorrow.

Feel better, ((LO and OKay)).

Ugn, Twins Mom! Btdt with the bleach. Hope there's not too much damage.

Re: Sunday Happiness

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 9:33 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
The evening was just as productive.

I washed up the dishes, tidied, dusted and vacuumed the main floor, put up the inside decorations, helped dh get the garbage and recycle out and dug my SAD light out from the basement and put in on my desk. Plus I watched Amazing Race.

Dh is climbing into bed now so I'll head up and go to bed too. I may read for a bit, or I might go straight off to bed.

My fingers kept looking wrinkly and finally I clued in that I needed to drink water not put on hand lotion (my hands weren't in water so had no reason to be wrinkly.) I've had 60 oz since dinner. That might be a bad idea if I want to sleep through the night, but I was suddenly thirsty enough and had only been drinking tea or diet Dr. P up until that point.