TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby OKay » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:03 am

THANKS for the shared cheers of joy, kind words and encouragement!

8:00 CI
** Laundry room opened for the day - LOL switched to dryer, boy bed #2 sheets & comforter put into the washer,
** LO up and snuggled, PJ's off and dressed for the day/boots on. Sippy cup (milk) prepared. "new" box of toys given for him to play with (tubs of toys are rotated daily so they seem "new" to him)
** SF Jello (orange & green) made and put into 8 serving cups
** DH sat down with me to go over 9 questions that he still needed to give his response. I typed up his response to each question as he gave it.
** completed SHE card count =20

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:36 am

SAD light done, breakfast eaten, dishes from yesterday are put away and the laundry is on the line.

Coming up: some zone work.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby bittersweet » Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:55 am

Oh my goodness, y'all sound so energetic and productive this morning! I didn't even make it here yesterday, having just enough time to do basic critter care before heading off to payroll. After that, I went to pick up DD and DGD to go to a monthly crafting get together - they've all been wanting to meet/snuggle DGD. We had a great time, but left much later than planned, so it was after 10pm when I got home.

Today is the first of four days off - two are already booked solid. Thursday is housework in the morning, then picking up DD and the kids to go visit DBro and DSisinl at Mum's. Today is dropping DS at work on the way to dropping ddogs at the groomer's. Then home to do critter care, corral Trudy and Brutus and take them to their new home half an hour outside the city. I may or may not attend the staff meeting at work today - there are so many changes going on in scheduling and processes, and I'd rather not depend on the meeting minutes to fill me in on what happened. By the time that's over, it should be just about time to pick up ddogs and bring them home. By 5:30, I want to be on the far side of the city to attend a NaNoWriMo write-in. Yep...definitely a full day! :?

Guess I'd better find the BGS and go get myself dressed!
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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Emptynester » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:03 am

I'm finally up and S2BF. Need to do Breakfast and meds yet. But doing some research online.

Harriet: Thank you for the milk paint page. It does give me some great ideas.

Dee: Does your Dr. give you scripts for 90 days with 3 refills - also known as a year's script? The only hassle you should have then is the first script after that it is only refills. Month to month are a pain - we found that out early. I get all scripts at the same visit and then I'm good for a year. - unless Dr. forgets to mark the refills as he did last time.

We are headed toward the old lot to pick up more stuff today and have lunch with our friends. So I won't be able to be in on the TOTH and BOTH fun. Keep up the good work and I'll catch up tomorrow.
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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby OKay » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:05 am

9:00 CI
** Breakfast prep'd/served - Stuffed pita bread (sausage/onion/salsa/eggs/cheese mixture) for DH, just the mixture for me. Mandarin orange slices for LO. Everyones vitamins handed out for the day.
** Kitchen restored to MM. Did dishes as I cooked so it was minimum clean up at the end of the meal.
** LO care = monitoring him playing (trying to build the longest train track yet), helping him brush teeth, comb hair and do #2 (he can't pull jeans up/down by himself yet). LO plays 3ds while I cook (he sits at the table and plays the game) EASY way to keep up with him when I am at the stove and he can't be by my side.
** chili meat/onions/spices cooked and put into pot. I'll let it simmer a couple hours then do a taste test to see if it is seasoned okay.
** LOL out of the dryer and hung up. 1/2 LOL from washer to dry - the bedding is too bulky to dry all at once so I will do it in 2 sessions
** LO & DH launched. DH is taking LO with him this morning to give me some time to hopefully pull together & FINISH this project I have been working on for several days.
** completed SHE card count = 31

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:32 am

Ground floor windows cleaned on the inside (this hasn't been done for 6 months and my paper towel was awfully dark from the patio door window, sigh...), ground floor dusted for cobwebs, dishwasher cleaned out on the inside (remove the food trap at the bottom, clean it all out and then run with vinegar on the rinse cycle.)

Now to do my weekly kitchen chores and maybe get my pantry cupboard tidied.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Nov 08, 2011 11:59 am

Coffee is on now.

Did you see the Dr. Oz they showed a wt. loss show last night it was good a rerun that I'd not seen before.

Dgd has a cold but is on the mend yea!

EN yes one of my Rx is for 90 days others are not, do not like all of them to be for that large of amount bc we are self pay. I get them at the same time when I can. Some are very spendy and a three month supply is just something we can't do.

It's trash day here.
I have granny duty in a while more like mid - day.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:23 pm

I'm done the weekly kitchen chores and the remaining zone work for today. Now to change into dressier clothes and get ready for volunteering and my meeting tonight!

See you all tonight or tomorrow!

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:17 pm

Last night instead of moping, I cooked chicken for myself, did the FlyLady sink shining procedure (first time for new house), rode my exercise bike, and put away a box. I have a lot more boxes since XDH brought over more. At payroll I am proofing someone else's document now. I wanted to have my car washed and vacuumed, but it was raining and the place closed before I got there.

Tonight is Girls' Night Out with DD9 and we will probably do Chinese food then Chuck E Cheese. I need to recheck some library books and call the vet.

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Re: TOTH or BOTH Tuesday

Postby helia » Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:52 pm

Good afternoon all! I have just returned from the Sec. of State's office, and dd16 now has her level 1 driver's permit! :D The wait was very reasonable, maybe 15 minutes, and we were dealt with very efficiently so I was overall pleased. Dh discovered this office location and likes it better than the one we used to use. It is less busy and much faster.

Kids aren't in school today b/c of elections, I think. . .

We are in the middle of a balmy spell right now - at least for us, highs in the low 60s. Well, the high yesterday was 58; dh and I went jogging along the river at 5 pm yesterday, and I got hot in a sweatshirt. But I know that S stuff will be arriving soon. . .I think we need to keep our hens warmer this winter. I think they got a little frostbite on their combs last winter; dh isn't sure. Also, we've lost one so there are fewer bodies to warm up their coop when they're locked in for the night. And they pecked off and ate some of the insulation on the coop last winter. :roll: Dh may have already replaced that - not sure.

I sent a long chatty email to my sil in England this morning. She had sent me an email yesterday, so nice to hear from her. My dnephew22 has a girl friend now, that was her big news. Dnephew22 (how did he get to be so old?) is just beginning his residency? for medical training, so he still has some years ahead of him, and he's been talking about becoming a medical missionary for a couple years now. He even spent a short time in Africa last summer giving some sort of medical help. He's very driven and incredibly "on fire," if you know what I mean. I am proud of this dnephew on several different levels, can you tell? :) Actually, this dsil and dh have raised 3 really incredibly faith-filled young men in England, so encouraging to me. The girlfriend is still at Oxford, music major I think. She is really lovely, dsil sent a photo.

Anyhow, my a.m. routine is done, except for laundry, which I will do next. Then, I will settle in to study. I might also take advantage of the warmer temps to work on fall yard clean up. Dd13 has her oboe lesson at 4:45; dh and dd13 are going on their date night tonight. Then, dh will head to his ceramics class and I will maybe head to my book club at 8. It's not clear if it is happening or not. . . .

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