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Postby CathyS » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:45 am

Trying this.

Does it show? TA DA!! I'm here!!
Last edited by CathyS on Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CathyS » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:49 am

So, I went and cut the grass. Called our favourite ice cream place and asked about ordering a 5 litre tub of tiger tail ice cream (orange with black licorice) and put the hammock back up. I had it down hoping for rain. It's a huge cloth one.
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Postby Harriet » Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:23 pm

typed - but deleted - about still waiting on info I need to complete church budget this time. Sigh. Every time.
time passed - emailed, left computer and had brunch, etc. - back again and no response yet.
think I'll go ahead and send budget and change the wording in cover email to see if new phrases light a fire.

Phone calls on other subjects at the church off and on all morning.

Took care of ds' children yesterday for a couple hours. He was supposed to spell me a bit earlier, but there was yet another fireman death (sunstrke/heatstroke perhaps - unknown) and ds took off for that station to pay respects and be a part of consoling that man's co-workers. Again someone with whom he has not worked, but in a way it's still so close, because he works with so many who have worked with the deceased. Dd36's childhood friend and classmate is this man's captain. This has become emotionally exhausting for area firefighters, so discouraging to have so many deaths close together. Many are reeling.

My green-eyed boy hurt his foot, stubbed bare toes pretty roughly, while he was with me and there were many tears. We decided together that his body was healing itself quickly enough that we didn't have to call Mommy. But it was a hard decision for him. I honored his wishes and didn't even tell her when she got home, but she was monitoring his oddly cling-to-Grandma behavior and she'll probably figure out he'd had a good cry. BabyC had patted his arm and turned upside-down trying to see his face, cooing to him.

lucylee, what are your ds' children's ages again? Ds here has 4.5 (4-and-10-months) and 13 months. I thought of you yesterday as I saw how big a boy our 4.5 is getting to be. (Dd also has a 5-year-old and just-turned-2)

Cathy, here there is talk of an upcoming show as the "last" gun show, and I think they mean they are changing venues for it in this area. But many are taking these ads to mean last in the area. I imagine this particular show company is choosing words to create interest, and it's not the "last" of anything.

Dd tells me she has a sunburn on her shoulders, and insists it is after applying "50" sunscreen twice yesterday. She had gone to an amusement park and of course that stuff just washes or wears away. I am discouraged, having butted heads against another parental "But I talked my head off.. ... " moment. I had begged her to wear a light colored tee rather than sleeveless tank, or have it to change into. She says I said "white" and she couldn't think of a white one that she has, so forgot about it. I must admit I got a little loud at that point, listing light blue, light yellow, light green, light pink, etc., etc. :x How do we teach lessons so that our children learn without having to prove it to themselves, pain or not? At this point in my parenting career, I begin to believe it's not possible.

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Postby lucylee » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:32 pm

Harriet, your ds's children are just a few months ahead of mine -- dgs will be 4 on the 26th, and dgd is almost 7 months.

I know what you mean about dgs growing up sooo fast! Dgs really enjoyed the TMNT movie. I kept hearing him talking during the movie and I said something about it (dgs was sitting between dh and ds) --and dh said, "he was talking about the movie -- every time the turtles came on the screen, he would name them all: that Rafael, that Michelangelo... Etc"

Today will be fantastic if the AT&T man gets my Internet working again!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:34 pm

Learning through pain is acceptable. You'd like to spare her that, but some things require that.

Remember, sometimes the lessons learned include much worse than burned shoulders so be thankful for what you have.

No progress. Glad to see that Cathy may have uncloaked herself. Now to see if this solves the situation in MO forums.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:01 pm

fantastic friday to you all.
I slept until 10:30 eek what is wrong with me. I think my body is trying to catch up on sleep.
I am hopefully home today 8-) keeping fingers crossed

to each and everyone of you - have a good day.

dd younger's teacher invited her and myself to go sailing on lake michigan tomorrow in am (yay - last year I didn't go at all and I was going to rent one for this summer even though it would take a chunk out of my budget... the only problem is that when I go I miss dear dad) and I am going to see paul simon at ravina with dear family tomorrow night (also fingers crossed). I had planned on cleaning house for the next 4 days... mmmm best laid plans... but I am happy.

My week has been switched around again... today I am treating it like a monday - and a sunday. (so bathrooms, laundry room, paperwork, grocery store for food tomorrow)

I see a lot of us had a good night sleep - good for you.
no d harriet I don't think even adult d kids listen and have to learn on their own... it will be the same with their d kids and so on - my d mom told me a lot ... did I listen until now ... no lol
wishing you all the best!!!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Nancy » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:07 pm

I have 99% of the wool spun up and what was spun up is plyed into yarn now. PrekkidN came early today. I have walked ddog. We are outside much needed digging time is happening now. I have a plan for lunch, dinner is h's choice. LR is picked up.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:14 pm

I have been struggling with CHOAS d book myself (from not being home) and the more the stuff stays out the more my brain gets cluttered) I honestly don't want to start (lazies and thinking the work is harder than it is)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Postby Harmony » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:27 pm

Hello Gang! I see a lot of lights on right now.

Not a real productive day here. I've done my dailies, planned dinner, worked a bit at my desk. Checked county site on computer and looked up our problem project. Mad at inspector who hasn't checked off one thing. Maybe he's embarrassed, because DH called him on his mistake the other day. Men are like that. DH isn't the type to goad it over anybody, he just explained the situation and the plan the guy neglected to look at. Meanwhile we wait and worry and guy who's doing the next step waits and fumes.

Had a big rain here. It's clearer now. DH needs me to come to jobsite and bring him home with a load of rubble, while leaving other truck there for homeowner to fill with different type of rubble. If we separate types the landfill fees are less. We can burn the wood here. Our fires have to be smaller because now there's a fence and smaller fires are ok but big huge ones are too hot. I'd always thought that anyway. I think 6' high is the legal limit.

Helia, not all ends of things are problematic. Some women have more lingering symptoms. I had less than 6 months of too-hot-at-night. The whole year before, my emotions were up and down like a roller coaster, but I was going through relationship changes too and attributed most of it to that. Maybe it wasn't. Life straightened out and became more stable about the same time my moods did. Moods became _____________ instead of &^^^^(%$#^^^^^ all up and down if you get my drift. I was glad to feel more in control of myself, so that was a good thing and like I said, not all aging is bad!

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Postby Lynlee » Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:29 pm

DD rang last night. We decided on the day for me to go down - Mon week. She asked me to show her some back exercises before she heads off on holidays to SE Asia. Dog sitting for me. One of dgd's friends is lined up to walk their 2 dogs.
I need ring home help on monday to canc the following week.
bedtime was 11.30. I'm still to get to sleep.
Just had what probably counts as breakfast, but will try for sleep again soon.

Harriet - I think our children and dgc insist on learning things for themselves. Hopefully - they do learn something. If we can stay out of their way long enough.

Dgd is into B grade rowing (Up from D) and has rowing camp with 5am starts (dd to deliver her there) for some days before they leave. She also has had her best ever English mark. DD is delighted as she has inherited dd's and my difficulties. I think I finally found the odd HS English teacher who better appreciated what I wrote too. It does ones spirits good. Wondering how she will deal with the sun and heat of Asia as she told me she hated our autumn sun in May..
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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