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Twins' Mom
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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:27 pm

-make the bed
-get rid of 10 pieces of paper on desk

Okay, I went off and took care of some papers so I'm striking that above, now need to s2s, make the bed, reboot the laundry and get out of here.

More.....responding and replying....

Elizabeth: to me GPS is now Genealogy Proof Standard! and GMAT is Getting my Act Together, no graduate exams!

Trouble is, Kathryn, that most of the to dos are my own mind pinging me. I've been out of town about 13 days of the last three weeks so there are a lot of deferred things, tasks related to the stolen purse, things I realized last week (when away learning) that I should research or order, and even routine stuff like light bulbs needing to be changed out.

More to Kathryn...and I declared the weekend "Off" once I got home, then spent yesterday on genealogy down the rabbit hole, when I should have at least been organizing and working on time management. And I'd have to turn off the entire internet, too, not just cell phone and email! I'm so distractable.

Lovely to see that Helia will have time today to write and think. And yes, it was a good call getting him out of my hair today. He will be tired when I crate him for my evening meeting, and I don't have to worry about what he's getting into.

Harmony, we are guessing that Chief is only about 18 months now. They had estimated he was 18 months last Sept when we adopted him, but he's obviously still puppy and has also grown taller. He will settle down - in many ways he has already but I think we've been off schedule and training with our vacation and then me out of town when he was boarded last week.

I suspect I would be an owl also.

Planner talk - I've used a Franklin Covey planner since it was only a Franklin planner. The company was bought or merged with the Stephen Covey people. Before that, accountants used a "Day Timer" to plan and record time. The FC symbols are still printed on their planners. Like most of us, I like to tinker with a planner and/or apps for lists, often to the exclusion of actually doing things. There are so many pretty, artsy decorated planners out there. For my needs right now, I have the wire-bound for one month planner that is only about 3.5 by 6.5. To do list on the left with any appts, the opposite page for meeting and other notes. If I take notes that I need to save, for example, for mother's dr appt yesterday, I take a photo of the notes to put in Evernote.

I'm actually feeling planner deprived. Last month the ddog chewed the planner so I lost some pages and the wire binding was misshapen and wouldn't turn nicely. This month the stupid thing disappeared with my purse on June 9, so I've been without. I'm using a small bound notebook, similar to the Moleskin note books.

And I really do need to get going.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:37 pm

Harmony, you had the same thought as me making Elizabeth an owl; smart and wise :D

Twins... Did the trainer see you leave with Chief before class was over. I would think they could work directly with him while you were there showing you first hand on how to work with him. Remember Willis was a very stubborn dog. I didn't want to run him like you because we had a terrible experience with Sadie at a dog park. Two othe boxers tried to attack her will their owner watched. Sadie was able to out run them, but once she returned the other dogs tried to jump her. We broke it up, but the owner did nothing.

Willis is a funny looking dog as he has a pit-looking head, a boxer shaped body and little tiny feet... However most just see his head and assume he's a pitty boy.

I don't take him to places where other dogs can come up to him. I'm afraid if there was ever a fight Willis would be accused of starting it and considering his perceived breed would face consequences. That left it up to me to make sure he gets plenty of exercise. He was very bull-headed when I walked him and tried to drag me everywhere we went. Nothing worked to curb this behavior, not even a trainer. Frustrating to me because I am trained to change human behaviors.

My last ditch remedy was an e-collar along with treats. Within a day he was heeling with no problem. When we would met up with other dogs he would sit and wait while other dogs passed us on a walk... Before he would whine and bark and pull like a maniac.

Our next door neighbor has a little badly dog that barks at Willis, and he likes to bark back. Now I can put the e-collar on, power off and Willis doesn't bark. And when he see either Sweet or me just reach for his "necklace"', his behavior changes in an instant. Tell me dogs aren't smart.

Harriet.. The pups go out in the mornings for an hour or so while Sweetie is out in the yard doing his "stuff". It's way too hot to walk them even though our sidewalks are treated to they sort of stay cool. However the stree asphalt is a different story. That would burn their tootsie's fast.

Due to extreme high temps in the summer, major highway work is always done at night. They bring in huge lights and light up the highway to look like an airport runway. However many other people who's jobs require them to work outside aren't so lucky. This includes police and firefighters who are weighed down with 40+ pounds of equipment. Several years ago during one of these extreme heat waves a hiker got into trouble and one of the rescuers died from the heat trying to reach him. We've had 6 stupid people die because they ignore the warnings. A female cyclist/personal trainer died while out on a ride. Her two companions were doctors and they couldn't save her.

I'm going to venture outside in just a few minutes. Need to go to Wally World and I want to get my toes done. Both are close to me and I will drink plenty of water, wear my alien sunglasses and keep my hat on... Oh the joys of living in the desert ;)
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Postby CathyS » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:27 pm

When dh came home at lunch he gave me a play-by-play description of our cat now having the score of

Cat 3 Mice 0

Ugh! I didn't need the particulars.

He also told me that his mom called the office and told his boss that she had to speak to him so she could sing happy birthday to him. He was out in the shop trying to do something that he needed 2 other guys assisting him with. So now everyone at his work knows. Something that he had successfully kept from most of his workmates for many years.

A lady friend of his texted me this afternoon asking if it was his birthday because she didn't see anything on FB, so being the you-know-what disturber that I can be at times, I told her to go ahead and extend her wishes on FB... he won't say anything to her because he cares deeply for her as a long term friend whom he has bared his soul to many times over the years and he helped her get through her divorce as he was a good friend of her husband as well.

My dh has so many wonderful friends. He's a good man.
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Postby Elizabeth » Wed Jun 22, 2016 3:52 pm

Lunch is over and I am once again banging my head on duplicate table entries. I've figured out which is the problem child, but not what to do about it. Animal org drama seems to have died down after I pointed out that receptionists generally deliver messages for their vets rather than make diagnoses themselves. Chief troublemaker is just a bonehead. Can a man be a drama queen or would that be a drama king? Or would that be the back end of a donkey?

Tonight's plan:
  • Dance class
  • Letter for DD14 at camp
  • Start on muslin to check fit of dance costume design
  • Shore excursion research
  • Cruise check in documents
  • Backup computer
  • Bills (if money transfer has taken place, shows pending right now)

I know someone who had to 'farm out' a dalmatian for the same reasons Harmony was describing. He learned herding from the other farm dogs, so it really worked quite well.

Ramblinrose: There are leather dog booties for sled dogs that also work quite will for other things. Not sure if they work well enough for a dog to take a long walk on a hot street, but if you just need to get the dog across a parking lot and into your car, they help. We got ours at REI and used them to protect from those awful goatheads. DDog had a love/hate relationship with them. Love because it meant hiking, hate because she didn't like people messing with her feet.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:00 pm

Dh and I went out for lunch, very late and then walked by the new Farm Boy (a scaled down, less pretentious Whole-Foods style store.) I was hoping for a soft opening but nope. We'll go back tomorrow (grand opening day) for the breakfast hot bar though. And I got 4 coffee coupons so will give 3 away tonight at the meeting.

Ran into neighbours from the penthouse floor at the bagel shop with their adult son. He has MH issues but seems to be doing very well right now and is friendly with us much to their surprise since he mistrusts most people. He lives in a group home but we run into him a fair bit and always say hello to him. I find it helps people, especially those who are depressed, to know they are not overlooked by everyone around them; some people see them, smile and acknowledge their existence.)

My service for July 3 is coming along well. Will change gears and work on RA meeting stuff. I have 3 hours until walking club with the meeting immediately following. Must buckle down.

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Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:11 pm

At home again - ddog is worn out, thankfully. I need to leave soon and will crate him when I leave.

Some real live ta-dahs from today:
-called the hotel where I stayed last week about hanging clothes that I left in the room closet, they are to ck and call me back
-return shorts near mall, bought a couple of t-shirts on sale
-glasses are within the one yr warranty so replacement frames are ordered, and it only cost me 30% the original cost
-walked through mall looking at purses, didn't buy
-bought a pencil bag at B & N for small stuff within purse
-drove by post office and mailed three letters, found one still in car, however
-ordered genealogy document file from nearby county
-paid a bill

Off to the temple for this meeting....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Postby lucylee » Wed Jun 22, 2016 5:57 pm

Fairly busy around here today... not many wonders, I have to say... guess I'm not taking time to notice.

S2S first thing
called the hope-will-be-new doctor
went to post office, doctor's office, got forms to fill out
went to wmart, got cake for tonight @ church & ordered cake for dgs's bday this weekend, card and gift certificate for wedding gift
dropped off cake at church
home, read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, built stuff w/Lego's (the big ones) filled out forms, took them back to doctor's office, mailed card & gift certificate
back home, went BACK to town w/dh to fill out forms at USDA office (we have some (inherited) land that is planted in govt trees)
FINALLY home again -- back to church @ 6:00

So no... haven't done any dailies or weeklies or anything.

Y'all, I woke up this morning w/my brain just spinning. Have y'all seen movies where satellites start picking up every sound/video transmission that has ever been made in history? I saw a movie once -- I think Jodie Foster was in it -- where this satellite was picking up EVERYTHING -- like Kennedy's inaugural address and the moon landing and FDR's speeches and war protests from the 60s and EVERYTHING.
Well -- that's how my mind was going this morning. Almost like I was dreaming, some of it was so nonsensical, but some was like -- dmom-sick-depressed-nevergoingtogetpastthis-dgs starting Sunday School class this fall-dh doesn't like to stay for SS-will dddil start being more regular in attendance when ds is out of town-I feel nervous about going to church supper tonight-that doesn't make any sense-people will think I'm tacky b/c I bring a Wmart cake-dgs will probably start t-ball next summer-that makes me nervous too-of course I want him to play but that is such an obligation-ds out of town so much-what if this doctor doesn't take us and we have to go to a complete stranger-dmom so depressed-Ican'tdoanythingaboutthis- got to let go and let God where dmom is concerned-my hair looks so dorky...
Y'all get the picture??? :roll: I was vaguely anxious, but not in a panic attack -- just couldn't get my thoughts to STOP racing.
I tried to pray and couldn't even get my head to focus enough to maintain coherent thoughts. Finally concentrated on my breathing in 10 counts, out 10 counts.

my own mind pinging me

YES -- that's it, Twins, and I'm getting a LOT of "spam" in all this, too...

That would be the back end of a donkey, Elizabeth... IMHO... (re: your drama king)

Yay for Cathy's cat, LOL!

Happy birthday to Cathy's dh!

Hmmm... wonder what sort of bird I would be. Right now I'm thinking ostrich. I'd like to just bury my head in the sand.
Or a dove, like Harmony said. I really want to scrunch down. I don't think I have many peacock or eagle traits, that's for sure.

Again -- I'm apologizing for lack of responses to other posts. Life is just very distracting right now. I'm glad though, b/c if I didn't have the excuse & distraction of dgs, I'd feel more guilty about not DOING SOMETHING for/about dmom. I haven't even talked to her today, and don't plan to. She said to give her a few days, and I believe I will.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:05 pm

I'm tired.

Yesterday I went hard all day long with only a couple breaks. Today I've been in motion until now. I'm ready to stop.

This morning I took a different walking path that almost doubled my normal time. I didn't think it was that far but by the time I hit half way there was nothing to do but keep going. I was soaking wet with sweat by the time I got back home. I need to move my walking time earlier in the day during the summer months. 8am is too late because of the heat.

LO and I had dentist checkups & cleaning appointments today. Both of us received good reports. I had a panoramic xray done and LO had a single xray for one tooth that was giving him problems. The dentist found a popcorn kernel between that tooth and gum so all is well now.

After the appointments we did a little shopping. HobbyLobby and Sam's.

Tomorrow has 3 medical events. DH and I both have fasting blood work and then DH will get his bi-weekly shots. I highlight the medical appointments in yellow on the paper calendar. This week had 7 medical things highlighted. Enough.

Question - if the bullet journal is used to capture events, questions, accomplishments, appointments, and on my mind things .....then how do you not carry the bullet journal with you all the time? Where do you put the OMM notes as they occur?
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Postby Elizabeth » Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:23 pm

Finally fixed my duplicate entries problem. Took all day, bleah. Now I have to do all the stuff I needed to do today, tomorrow. This week is closing out fast and I have buckets of things left at payroll.

Of course, we couldn't go a whole day without more animal org drama. This time the deputy troublemaker is at it. Same issue, more complaining. I really need to tell them that, as much as they despise the current cat program coordinator, they have ensured that she has the position for life. You would have to pay me more than I get at payroll to take on the job. And I have been wondering for a while if I should talk to another org about transferring my cats and my volunteer time. I am the one who has the most cats, too. The coordinator is considering leaving. I hate to see this org destroyed. I have been fostering for them for almost 20 years.

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Postby Harmony » Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:45 pm

Twins, well if your dog is 18 months or so, he will likely settle a bit in a few months. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. You sure have worked with him a lot.

I've been at my desk for ages now. For the first time in a couple weeks I can see the wood top. I've updated I don't know how many files and I put away all the fence stuff and organized all the receipts. DH never came home so he probably went out to the jobsite to work this evening until it gets dark. I need to go out and put some dinner together for when he comes home. Oh, also need to check and see if the laundry is dry enough to bring in.

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