Snowy Sunday

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Lilac » Sun Feb 26, 2017 1:53 pm

There is a couple from my hometown who live in or near M oses L ake, W ashington. They have posted numerous photos on FB of their winter snow. They too say that they have never seen a winter of snow, like they have experienced this winter.

Dh had marked the location of each drawer. They went in fine except for one. Dh finally got it in. 5 slide real easy, the other 3 are a little draggy. Guess I will put less needed stuff in them, if they don't loose up after being back in their slots after so much time, stacked in the sunroom. My little bumpers are not going to work. They make the drawers stick out too much, so I will just be careful, but might check on brown, felt bumpers that are much thinner.

Guess I better get around. I think I'll call dd2 and get permission to go and pack kitchen boxes, so that they can take them home this afternoon.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:07 pm

It is 37* outside here now so fluries are turning to slush on the ground. I did some laundry while I was on the gazelle. I slept in till eight! :twisted: Laundry is folded. I have leaves unfolding on my new roses.

Snow is sticking on the grass now.
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:29 pm

Dee: I see no reason why your dh can't root for Ottawa since it is closer to his summer home than TB!
Well, said, Kathryn. I'll have to remind dh of that. Actually he'll be wearing his Rochester Amerks shirt and dd will be wearing her Orlando Solar Bears shirt. She's actually working the bus shift tomorrow morning so can leave right at 3:15 in the afternoon. Picking dh up about 45 minutes later and they'll be on their way to Tampa.

I'm actually a tad chilly here today. Think I'll put on a sweatshirt. It's breezy and there's a nip in the air. I see it's only 65 in Daytona, coupled with a pretty stiff breeze there too I see. But it is very sunny so expect people in the stands will be more than warm enough.

DD mentioned last night that she has a realtor friend coming by next weekend to look through the house. She wants to get things moving and really wants to list the house. So we'll see if this motivates dsonil. It will one way or the other. At least she might find out for sure if he wants to move or not. If not, then there's plenty she wants to do to upgrade the house. All new floors, new window treatments, new counters in the kitchen a few improvements to the bathrooms (there's 3).
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Harmony » Sun Feb 26, 2017 2:42 pm

Dee, from my point of view, someone who is selling a house needs to get the price right and clean and declutter entirely. Some of what we did meant nothing at all. Staging that I did (we didn't do much)...I suppose it would have meant more if it had been shown more or longer. There is some sort of bubble at least around here for sellers, though it has flattened a bit. I hope your DD has a lot of luck with the house.

Yesterday I spent 8 hours at a jobsite with DH. He couldn't get a helper, we have to let the temp agency know a day before if it's going to be on Saturday; the guy he called didn't call back. Sigh...I am the B team I guess. It was really hard work, we tore out 1/2 a bathroom, working in a confined space hauling everything out to the truck. Drywall and tile, cement, a bathtub which was the lightest item of them all.

We ran home and showered and went to Sat night church service. Stopped for dinner on the way home at a pancake place that had a surprisingly full menu and was a very nice break for us.

DH was out painting this morning and I stayed in PJ's until just now. I am now trying to do some work in the house as it's a wreck around here. I've updated checkbook and had breakfast and that's about all. Going to fold clothes next and definitely the kitchen needs work. I have most of the garbage gathered up for tomorrow too.


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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Sunny » Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:29 pm

Hi everyone! It is a nice spring-like day here in the Sunshine State. I have been keeping an eye on the weather in other parts of the country, though! Looked like dfam#3 had some rough weather yesterday. Our amaryllis is still blooming this week, even more than before. When the blooms are done I will have lots of seeds to collect. If anyone wants seeds, I'd love to share them -- just let me know!

We were up early this morning to have breakfast and then watch our church service. Morning and lunchtime routine done and I have a basket of laundry gathered. I think I'll wait till tomorrow to do that though. I want to just relax this afternoon; check my planner for the coming week then maybe read or find something to knit or crochet....haven't done any of that in a while and I've been glancing at my yarn basket longingly.

We will be watching the Lightning/Ottawa game tomorrow also! I'll have to watch for dh, Dee! We had gone to a couple of games a few years ago when ddil#1 had gotten tickets. At one of the games they had given out free t-shirts and when I was going through my clothes the other day I found my shirt. Ds#2 had given dh a shirt for Christmas, so now we can wear our shirts when watching the games! 8-)

Wanted to tell LadyM that I'm glad you and the two neighbor girls were unharmed yesterday during that scary encounter! Sorry about your mailbox, too.

Safe travels to you Kathryn and Helia!
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:46 pm

Didn't get this posted earlier today:

Home and making up a bulletin board announcement for church. This is direction from the deacons regarding listing our offerings from each Sunday.

Only our bass singer and I for song leading, of course. And he took off quickly as well because his dd is in ER for extreme allergic itching that's driven her crazy. Hope they find out what on earth is wrong.

Continuing mistakes in the bulletin regarding various women and upcoming what-we-do are becoming almost funny if they weren't troubling. Now our disbanded SS teacher's name instead of mine as teacher of the Tuesday study - is it possible someone has her on their minds feeling guilty? :| As if she had any other teaching ministry to go to. Um... ... no guys. She has a Masters in teaching, that class was her only chance to teach in her church, and now it's gone - own up to it.

Went to grocery after church. Back home and realized I never posted!

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:18 pm

Home from church and lunch with DFriends. On the way to church, the nursery coordinator called me (from California) and said she was just notified no one would be working in the nursery today. I volunteered to do it. Thankfully there were only 2 babies today. I like those easy times!
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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:26 pm

On our way to stores now. I am exhausted and have missed my nap time. We drove back to see senior friend since she is feeling poorly. It was the right decision but my nap is the price and a high one for me to pay this week.

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:04 pm

Sunny, your post sent me to my home extension sites to read. I don't think I'd be able to grow amaryllis here from seed. I knew I'd never seen anyone here do it. They sound beautiful, though.

I did not miss my nap time. :| It was truly needed. Definitely a response to social situations and multi-people-ing.

Awakened from a dream about rickety vehicles in India to the sound of men's voices in the hallway - obviously 2 different voices but too sleepy to catch them. Blearily went out to find ds was here, having used my printer quietly but then forgetting to be quiet as he chatted with HRH.

He had worked a night shift for the first time in 2 years and says he's out of practice on just falling back to sleep when you have to, no matter what is happening. So he didn't sleep well. There was a big fire in early evening - the reason for the substitution. Then there was a one-car wreck "wrapped around a pole" a few hours into his sleep. And then a nursing home called because a late-90s resident was breathing his last. He had to step in then, to stop some over-zealousness and point out the do-not-resuscitate order beside the bed.

So talk turned to these things at about the time I sat down with them, and while they were amused at me regaining thought pattern. He was telling HRH that he hoped everyone knew it was alright to allow him to die if the situation arose. He complained that he would have to keep saying that through his life, though - that no one believed him at 31, but he knew what he was talking about. HRH was telling him that was as it should be though, because through your life, sometimes you change your mind. HRH said, "like right now, do you realize the sexiest woman in the world to me is 60 years old? Do you see how much I must have changed - at one time I'd have told you, if I said a 60-year-old woman was sexy, get me to the hospital." Ds didn't miss a beat and said, "Why do you think I call before I come over here?"

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Re: Snowy Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 26, 2017 8:52 pm

Love the family banter, Harriet!

Dinner is done and cleaned up. I'm not running way behind on my schedule.

I left dinner cooking to dh and stole 20 minutes of shut eyes and lying down. Not a 20 minute sleep but at least some horizontal time. Still had to take a pill for the tiredness headache.

Our dinner was a nice steak that wasn't nice. It was a strip loin, AAA meat so there's no excuse for the chewiness. I'm tired and my jaw is sore so I noted in more than ever. I'm starting to prefer ground beef, not just the price but the fact that it turns out consistently. It isn't a 10 - $15 gamble.

I need to get packing now. I've been puttering along at it so probably just need to do clothes. But I have to make decisions.

Dh's aunt wrote to say she's looking forward to seeing us but the visit won't be as nice. His uncle was just diagnosed with shingles. We should be ok if we boost our immune system (so extra vitamins are packed) and if we take care. But it means we won't be able to go off exploring with them and I'm sure she won't want to leave him behind on his own. He was starting to get confused years ago (and didn't have all his original brain cells due to alcoholism) so I don't even know if she can leave him alone even when well.

Oh well, seeing her is the prime reason for the trip but we said we'd be exploring the area on our own so that will happen no matter what and there's no need to cancel that part of our trip.

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