Managing Monday - Toward end of February

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:25 pm

One report done and made available. Another being examined. There is a possible bug and a definite formatting issue. The formatting worked well until users requested four proxies instead of two. The corresponding CSV looks awful.

Just made the limits for number of phone numbers and number of proxies in the test database match that of production.

TwinsMom should have the items shipped if there is a chance they will not be in stock.

LadyMaverick should try decaf tea bags. Lipton and Luzianne both have them. Or visit me, all my iced tea is decaf.

Elizabeth should get some lunch!

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby helia » Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:06 pm

Hello SHE friends! I'm greeting you from Tuesday morning here down under.

Travels here were uneventful -- but very long. I just calculated - 28.5 hours of traveling from Phoenix to here, from the time we left for the airport to the time we arrived here at our airbnb. My feet tend to swell up when I fly long distances, and they're still a bit swollen this morning, though not as badly as last night. Dh thinks that's because I don't drink enough water, and to make things worse, I think I started the journey somewhat dehydrated.

It is 6:15 here right now. We got up about an hour ago, which isn't too bad really! We're going to go for a short run when it gets light. It's going to be hot here, so we need to do that first thing in the morning. It's already 28*C and it's supposed to get up to 34*C.

This airbnb is perfect for us, a little apartment in someone's very large home. It's in a very nice neighborhood. The proprietor is extremely friendly, which we've found most Australians to be. Her tiny white fuzzy puppy is also very friendly! :) It has an open lay out for the living - dining - kitchen areas and a nice sized bedroom with a huge walk in closet, which we won't use much. And of course, it has a bathroom, a bit on the smaller side, but we don't need much. The main downside is that the kitchen is not well-equipped for cooking, which was a surprise -- but the proprietor told us to ask her for cooking things, and she'd supply them from her own kitchen. We might ask for a couple pots and then buy a few small items. Also, we don't have our own Barbie. We can survive without - or we might ask if we can borrow theirs and then share the fruit of our labors with them. :) I think staying for 2 weeks is a bit unusual; most guests just stay for 2-3 nights.

The screen door is open, and we can hear the magpies calling every once in a while. This area is hilly and has nice mature trees. There's a bus and a train line that go straight to the Univ. where dh will be doing some work, so that's convenient.

We made a cursory run to the groc. store last night, but we need to get more stuff today.

so far this a.m., I have:
- had tea and a banana
- responded to emails; we've been in touch with 3 families from church with whom we were friends when we were here 9 years ago. There are 2 other families we're trying to get ahold of. One evening engagement is now on the calendar.

Main Goals for Today:
1. Jog
2. Unpack my stuff
3. Groc. store -- get more things
4. Go to coffee shop dh and I used to frequent last time we were here; perhaps go explore our past environs. I think dh is not going in to the Uni today.
5. Get kitchen set up for cooking.
6. Meal plan of some sort? I think lamb chops will definitely be on the plan one evening!

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:28 pm

Elizabeth - Thank you!!! Why didn't I think of that? So simple of a solution but something that I never use so I didn't think of it. Thank you!!

Helia - Glad your travels are going well. What is a barbie? Are you and DH playing with dolls? >>>>grin<<<<<

Schooling is done for the day. I'm off to the grocery store to buy some decaf tea.
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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:01 pm

Insane day.

In Toronto at the lounge now.

Travel is going fairly smoothly although I appear to be locked out of my google account. Not sure why but I'm sure of my password so this makes me really nervous. My email is still in because it is separate software, but on my computer I have not access to my other Google services.

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby helia » Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:38 pm

He he he LadyM! I'm trying out my Australia speak. A barbie is short for a barbeque -- a grill.

I hope things get figured out soon and your google account is safe, ((Kathryn)). Where are you off to on this trip?

The jog was terrible, probably my worst run in about a year. LOL! I guess that is to be expected since (1) I just got off a plane, (2) I'm not used to running in the heat, and (3) it is hilly here. So, I guess I'll be jogging on hills, which will actually be good for me -- but will make my runs slower and shorter so my body can cope.

Dh is on a work phone call right now. He worked almost nonstop the entire time we traveled. When he wasn't sleeping or eating, he was working on the planes. Sometimes he ate and worked at the same time.

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby helia » Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:41 pm

- breakfast; I don't usually eat much for breakfast but I'm hungry right now.
- s2s and self care; I'll need to shave my gorilla legs so I can wear shorts and not die in this heat.
- reclaim the kitchen
- unpack my stuff

I made the bed before we headed out for a run.

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:45 pm

Twins: $28 to have someone go pick out the lights, package them and deliver them to your door sounds like a wonderful deal compared to the alternative.

We got off on time. Some stuff was left undone, including vacuuming. But the apartment didn't look too bad.

I had done most of the packing last night but today was my purse and tech. Those things take a lot of time. Also got some posters up and had dh arranged our health insurance. It was expiring the day before we got home so had to be extended ($64) or just bought for the next year ($300. We opted for the latter.

Ds showed up around 8 and we had a nice breakfast together.

Our drive to the airport was smooth. I really love ds's new car. It was full of his stuff including skis and yet there was more than enough room for all our stuff and us.

Had a light lunch in the lounge in Ottawa and am now having a major snack in this lounge before supper.

Dh is busy watching movies. That's his new form of travel, he downloads a ton of movies and just watches them all the time.

I need to find my mp3 player. I think I may have left it at home because I haven't found it yet. While I'm searching through stuff I'll reorganize so I'm ready for the plane.

Good morning Helia! I'm off to San Francisco for 10 days. We'll get in at midnight body time so I'm hoping to nap on the plane for at least part of the flight.

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:59 pm

KidN was only here half a day today, I got some sewing done enough blocks for one quilt now and 5 for the next one, I have a batt for one, more solid ones to cut out for the next round of sewing. Finshed watching the movie I started last week. Dumped trash, dishes are going, walked ddog, snow melted enough to let hens out a bit, dinner is in the oven.

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby lucylee » Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:50 pm

Managed to get most of the laundry done, changed sheets, and we went to pick up tax returns...
Kept both grands for about 3 hrs...
Went to 2 drug stores...
Ate supper w ds & dgs...
Giving dgs bath now...

Kinda looking forward to the earlier bedtime ddil has mandated. ;)
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Managing Monday - Toward end of February

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:10 pm


I'm kinda down because of dreaded phone or email stuff. Seems like it's all discouraging. Takes my time.

Also found out new secretary is only working from home - she will never come in to the church to do any work, just show up on Sunday mornings to set out bulletins. So help from her in sorting mail, or calling her to learn anything - never going to happen. In fact, I keep thinking of more and more I had assumed she would do that I see she will not if she doesn't actually come in. I wonder who else will be as surprised as me.

Actually wrote that earlier and was interrupted.

Took care of ds' children for a couple hours tonight and we "juggled" (2 balls at a time is all I can do, but they were very impressed). The green-eyed boy puts up with so much from a toddler and still smiles.

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