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Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:55 am
by Twins' Mom
I am feeling better today, dfriend M brought me Gatorade and I had a light breakfast and some of dd's pizza from yesterday too.

I have heading out to pick up meals for dmom and visit, didn't do that yesterday.

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:57 am
by blessedw2
I am taking dogs to the vet... wish me luck... 8-) :lol:
french done... My teacher meets with me Thursday

glad you are feeling better today d twins.

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 11:51 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Went down for snacks and ended up staying down in the lobby chatting as we waited to see if it was a person or body coming down from the 4th floor. Lots of police and EMTs. The person was elderly and alive (could only see an arm.)

Moved furniture around so I can set up a card table next to my desk for sorting tax paperwork. Trying to break this down into very small bites.

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:22 pm
by Sunny
Good Morning, Everyone ---- (it still is morning here!)

I have been mostly cuop, but either get interrupted or I'm not organized enough to post. :(

I have been working this week on my clothes. I've pulled out all the winter (haha) clothes....long sleeved blouses, sweaters and tees....and packed them in a box marked "winter". I have enough to fill a bag for donations also. Now I can go through the rest of my closet and dresser and probably fill another donation bag. Wednesday we took all the games and puzzles and got a box full of mostly little kids games and will donate them. The rest are family type that all our kids and dgkids like to play. We have a veterans group coming for pick up on the 27th, so we will see what else we can add to those things.

Yesterday dh had a regular check up with primary care dr. He got another good report on the blood test from last week and goes back in three months. He's very relieved!

This morning I worked in the back yard while it was still cooler (warm, not hot!). I got two large barrels of the raked up debris filled; they will go out tomorrow.

Nice to see AustinGranny and SHEsPandora have found us and are posting!
Happy that you are feeling better today, Twins!
Harriet, sorry you had a rough day yesterday!
LadyM, I'm so glad that DS8's dr. visit was a good one! When I was working at Sam's C. I worked with a woman who had Tour. She seemed to have only a small head movement and eye blinking every few minutes.
Helia, I hope your job will be available again in June!
I know there was more I wanted to reply to but that's all I can remember at the moment!

Super SHE Cape, I love it, Blessed! Mine is also my apron, which I need to put on now and get some lunch! Harriet, I have a book I bought at Border's when they were going out of business here in our city. It is called A Is for Apron by Nathalie Mornu and has directions & patterns for 25 apron designs. Every time I look through it I think of you! Dsis read it while she was here last weekend!

Okay, it's lunchtime!

p.s. ... alie+Mornu

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:26 pm
by blessedw2
d sunny... nothing makes me happier than seeing those aprons flying in the wind as we work. (aprons - d harmony recommended these for us yesterday :D )

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:27 pm
by blessedw2
dogs are exhausted after the vet! ta ta for now!!!

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:02 pm
by Nancy
I have 2nd load in the wash now. prunded walkway on the deck. Painted base coat on rocks more for community garden open house. Baloons in this batch. The park where h hid fish rocks has a free fishing clinic tomorrow. How cool is that!?! I sliced up squash to cook up for dinner.

I need to clean out a spaghetti squash to cook up later in the weekend.

H has to work tomorrow he brought home dinner.

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:42 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Tax paperwork is sorted. I'm missing a couple of receipts. Dh is looking for one of them (his trip to Africa expenses were a charitable donation.)

I'm getting ready to start inputting stuff.

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:22 pm
by lucylee
Quick ci:
I s2s first thing and went to get a haircut.
Dh is gone to get his haircut now.

I've got to reconcile checkbook statement :( (sad bc of the work, even more :( bc of the $$).
Then I've got to go to drug store and local produce farm.
The produce farm is run by the man who cuts our hay, and he gave us a gift certificate last year at Christmas. They are advertising that strawberries are in, so I'll get some of those and hopefully some more stuff for supper tonight!

Talked to dmom earlier.

That's about it so far...

Re: Must be Apron Day Friday

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:56 pm
by blessedw2
hi all again

emptied fridge
counters clean
dishwasher emptied and refilled from fridge dishes ... dishes washing themselves.