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Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:02 pm
by blessedw2
they did the same thing with dd younger....we moved from one school district where she had an IEP but the next town where she went to a private school. The district social worker saw in her in week 2 of being in the new school and never met her before and dropped her IEP - she never tested her - she spoke to the both of us and ten minutes later dropped her IEP. We eventually went through her child neurologist to have professionals test her. We wanted a non district/objective person. Problem is that the schools are not as good as professional psychologist/psychiatrists/child behaviourist etc. that deal with issues of the brain. The school helped her but the actual diagnosis from specialists is what gave her the real help she needed. She can't handle the meds. Sorry you have to deal with that. I also don't like the IEPs are only once a year. The school system is overwhelmed (even great ones).

I love that the school is doing what they think is best for your ds8 d lady

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:08 pm
by blessedw2
hi d dee
hi d nancy
hi d sunny
hi d kathryn
hi d lady
hi d twins

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:08 pm
by blessedw2
working on laundry .... pulled myself out of the laundry mine to say hi. Hi!

Nothing is worse than a bored husband. ;) We did go for a walk this morning which is nice...we talked about how very different we are but that we have core values. It was an interesting conversation. :D I still wonder how we stayed together considering we are so different but I wouldn't trade him for the world.

dogs are not to happy with harmonica ... I should switch my lessons to something else

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:35 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Home safe. Off for a nap. Too tired to visit with dgs.

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:43 pm
by blessedw2
glad your home safe!

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:07 pm
by lucylee
Waving to ALL!!!!

Another extremely restless night here. DGS spent the night and he and I went to church, but dh stayed home, finally able to sleep after he showered in the wee hours of the morning. I guess the steam from the shower opens up his head and lungs a little, and the shower itself is relaxing. Otherwise, he would not have slept ten minutes. Every time he dosed off, he'd jerk awake, screaming that he was smothering. I'm beginning to feel as hopeless as he is.

After dgs got out of Sunday School, (I didn't go to SS), we went to Wmart and got ds some chicken noodle soup. DDIL phoned and asked if I could do that, b/c ds was on his way home and HE had the stomach bug that had made its round with dgd Friday night! DGS & I also got S*ubway sandwiches.
I came home, ate mine, read the paper, and then went out again -- with to fill up the SUV, and partly b/c dh was just too jittery to stay in the house.
When we got home AGAIN, I finally got to take my nap.

Hmmm... thinking about what LadyM was saying about the IEP. DDIL just said today that she had been told that a doctor's letter would be enough to get dgs on an IEP. I really wish they COULD get dgs tested professionally. We are all hoping that once he is in kindergarten, they will do this through the school. Thinking possibly that pre-K doesn't qualify him officially as enrolled in the school.

Editing at 6:04 CST

This day has been anything BUT serene, except for the time I was asleep...

DMOM called and asked me to go to the grocery store for HER. She has been sick at her stomach and was just too weak to do anything... so I did that...
And her kitchen table is just completely covered with papers... bills/mail/etc. She assured me that she WOULD take care of it. Other than that, her house was in pretty good shape. I think her housekeeper came on Friday. I put away the groceries & took her garbage out for her but that was all she would let me do.

And I'm worried b/c... me and my big mouth... AGAIN... WHEN will I EVER learn??? I told dgs's SS teacher about ds/ddil wanting to have dgs tested. That wasn't the big thing... I TOLD ddil I told her. :roll: WHAT is wrong with me??? DDIL acted like it was no problem. I told her since she (ddil) had put it on FB, I figured everybody else knew, so I didn't figure it would hurt anything for her to know. Remember, she is dh's first cousin Other cousin she sits with at church all the time is on FB, so she knows... all his other church class teachers know...
Oh well, as long as I'm bringing her chicken noodle soup & strawberry shortcake fixings, maybe she'll forgive me. ;)

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:52 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
I'm up and fed myself.

Will have to cook before dh comes back, there's only one obvious meal left in the freezer. But I didn't starve tonight.

I stayed in bed 2 hours but I'm not sure I slept at all. After the first 30 minutes of trying, I just listened to the hockey game and surfed the web on my tablet. Finally, I had a headache that may have been hunger (never had a proper lunch) so I got up and heated up the last serving of hamburg chowder. Before my nap I had a glass of milk.

My day went very well, I think.

I have a few friends there and was invited out to brunch but said I had a baby at the other end to see. But I was included in parking lot discussion. The movers and shakers of the main church are annoyed with the people in the little church. It looks like they will have to split up. If they do, I'm pretty sure the big church can't afford to have me up. Right now my big fee (because it includes travel expense) is split. On the other hand, I can do the 200 mile round trip in the same day if I only have the second church to go to because their service starts at 11. But I'd still have to charge them $200 ($125 for the service and $75, which is 50% of what I should get for the mileage.) I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Hotels are running $130 - $150, so I don't make money on the trip except for the most part I've been reusing services and MF writes a lot of the liturgy for me, so there isn't the 10 hours of writing a service and sermon usually entails. More like 5 - 6 to make sure things are good.

The drive back flew by. Dh's flight was delayed by 20 minutes so he wasn't going to leave home until 3:20. I called at 1:20 to say I was on the road and when I found out I could make it in time, I drove straight through instead of stopping for lunch. I had eaten crackers and cheese and some veggies at coffee hour and had a banana from breakfast and the popcorn leftover from yesterday as well as a diet soft drink and some soda water so I wasn't hungry.

I pulled up to the building, dh popped into the car and then I asked him to drive so I could shut my eyes for a few minutes. He drove to the airport and I then stopped in at a donut shop to go to the bathroom and check on whether I could go to dd's. They had soup ready for me but dgs was just going down for his nap and there was no way I could stay awake to visit with them so I decided to go home instead.

I'm still not really awake so I may end up going back to bed. I'll try and wait for a respectable time, like 9 before doing so.

I've unpacked. I've washed up the dishes and I've pulled out my bullet journal. That could be updated, since I never got to that last night. I'm having decaf tea now and water to drink because I'm really thirsty for some reason (probably the salt in the popcorn.)

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:56 pm
by Nancy
I have been working a bit this afternoon. Got the rugs shook out, dusted under fridge stove & china hutch, vacuumed m bed rm. & main bathroom. Hoping it helps w allergies with the rain I can do much out side anyway great for getting a few more steps in as well. Dinner is done. Got a box out to the rig that I want to declutter as well. It's time to fed hens. X Dumped trash x. Did some laundry.

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:07 pm
by Harriet
Hi! Rather than use dd18's room, which I had planned, dstepgd "camped out" with Grandpa in the LR and watched some Wolverine movie until she fell asleep on the couch! Sigh.

HRH and I managed not to wake her when we got up at 7. I even sneaked out the door to rehearsal while she slept, but she tells me she was up shortly thereafter.

Even though I sent an email yesterday asking, our bass singer was absent and no one knew in advance. We had a single leader -
me! - for the first time in the 2.5 years the 3 of us have shared the duties, since losing our director. And of course this WOULD be the day minister changed the songs and didn't inform - are you ready for this? - his own son the tech guy. So there were NO WORDS for anyone to see overhead on one of the songs and the truth is, I was soloing!!!

Dstepgd was smart and found it in the hymnbook, but the way I knew that is that I noticed her struggling with the book when no one else was, and wondered why she was doing that!!! So now I happen to know she was alone in finding it! Aaaaugghh! And to make things worse, it was a round. (minister loves rounds) Our pianist was dutifully singing the second parts, and she has a strong voice, though no mic. Afterward, I kept asking people to tell me I hadn't been up there soloing and everybody kept saying everything sounded fine (not what I asked) and quickly walking away!!! No one wanted to be the one to tell me. :(

We bought KFC and sent the chicken home with her folks, who came by to visit all together, since we won't eat it. Also dbil came and visited briefly with his... great-niece... (wow, that sounds strange to say, but true) I'm glad they got to hang out a while. He and HRH made plans to use the tractor to lift dbil's camper shell from his pick-up and paint it here, then lift it back. (I see a "you might be a redneck" story in my driveway soon. )

I was JUST coming back to say I loved Hidden Figures and now lots of you guys already saw it! Oh well, I'm never on the cutting edge! Dstepgd was wanting to see it. At first I didn't care for it, but warmed up to it soon. The music was ideal and helped to involve you with the characters quickly. She got all worried about Glenn, and I assured her we know he made it. She said, "we do?" (Ah, youth.) I think she was on the verge of asking John who.

Elizabeth, all best wishes for looking ordinary to the doctor and having an uneventful surgery Thursday, no surprises unless they are good! Sorry about the stove - yipes!

Re: Serene Sunday

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:51 pm
by lucylee
* WHEW * Everything is done for the night! Made my 2nd trip to Wmart for the day, 4th trip total for groceries on this day (1 stop for ds/ddil, 2 different stores for dmom, which I did not know about until long after ddil called, and 1 trip w/dh.) All the fruit is washed and put away... dishwasher is emptied... (with dh's help)... supper dishes are washed and put away (with dh's help). So all in all, dh is doing better now than he was when this day started.
Now... if only I we can have a good night's sleep and things will go well tomorrow.
And if only dmom will feel better soon.
And dh get well and have a safe trip tomorrow.
Lots of stuff on my wish list.