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Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:44 am
by blessedw2
its just a cloth one with a zipper - we still are having a few mice once in a blue moon and i don't want dd younger's cloths to attract them in the basement or 3 season room. We can't use poison because of our cats so the old mouse traps have to do.

House guests d harriet... how fun! good luck on your cars inspection.. hope its all tip top and bristol fashion :D hope quilt comes clean... so frustrating.

hi d nancy... stay dry

wonderful on setting up your bullet journal d kathryn. exciting about Canada's 150th! I know the Murdoch show has been doing promotions for the 150th - mostly asking and answering questions about Canada. waving at you as you *poof to do work.

I love your dedication d twins. Enjoy your pedicure!!!

Hello to all and also see you soon. dh is taking my car to the store while I wait for the dw and laundry machine to finish their work. I will go for a walk with him after that.

I have been listening to the BBC re: the french elections: I haven't watched france 24 but have it recorded.


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:07 am
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Bed is stripped and remade. Sheets in the washer. Bedroom tidied. I put my new auto-shut off plug into the power bar by my dresser. That's where I plug in the non-auto-shutoff flat iron that has been causing me issues. It takes up 3 of the 6 spots in the power bar due to design of both. Sigh... Thankfully there is just my light, heated recliner chair, and my hair dryer permanently plugged in. My flat iron can share its spot with the humidifier. Both will benefit from an auto-shut off feature.

I've answered an email about yesterday's church meeting (the one I couldn't attend.) Also invited the minister out for coffee if he wants to debrief. I believe he should apply for work in another church. Heard about one close to both of us that is in need of a pastoral care minister. He'd be perfect for that. (MF also wants the job and while excellent at pastoral care is also a 'big personality' and might not work well with this church's very 'big personality' minister. Although I just realized that rumour has it that minister is also homophobic so that isn't a good position for my current minister!)

I need to pick a task from my list and start in on it now. I also have to listen for the banging on the windows. They are washing windows today on the west side and all those windows are shut but if they start down the east side I'll need to close windows.


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:08 pm
by Harmony
Hi everybody. Wasted whole weekend, just being a slug. DH worked all weekend and I think I only saw him for about an hour each day. His truck was loaded with equipment and he took car to church but I wasn't up in time so I went later after he came back to get his truck to take to job. This weekend work is getting old. House he's building with friend is all finaled out and they're working on trim work and a pump house. Seems like all the little details are taking forever.

Sat. we had a nice hard rain for a bit. It puddled a lot in the swale out to the road, but quickly disappeared because the ground was so dry. I am happy not to have to run the sprinklers. It looks like a bit of rain today too.

Too much time in my book and watching TV which wasn't really happy stuff. Need to pull myself out of all that.

This morning spent gobs of time on phone and email. I need to clean up kitchen and tackle desk.


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:27 pm
by Nancy
I was a slug on Sat. Sun. Was better for me.Taking a breather after the doing the following...
Today I "found" the floor on the creativity room and vacuumed it. I also found the main bathroom enough to clean the counter in that room. Leaving TV off for a bit for some quiet this a m . KidN is delighted to play w ddog in kid teepee in the living room I left it out moved it to vacuum creativity room. So I have made progress on the focus room this week. YEA!
I decluttered the gift wrap & tote to kidN's mom. We do $ in cards do not wrap stuff she was happy to take it off my hands. I was pleased to not have to load it in the rig to go.

Off & on rain here this week.


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:59 pm
by blessedw2
being a slug just means you needed the rest!

hi d nancy, d kathryn, d harmony.
quick hi to everyone

d harmony I know exactly how you feel about getting sucked into the rabbit hole of tv (I unplugged our tv over the weekend - my goal is to have no tv like our d helia) - books are never a rabbit hole :D 8-)

d nancy... that vacuumed floor looks nice!

d kathryn bwtg on sheets being washed

dh and I went to a new forest preserve today (closer to the city) - lol dh said his head felt like it was burning.. he has been thinning quite a bit these last few years (you can't tell by looking at him in the front but if you look from the top he is getting a bit of a frier tuck thing going on the top. Time for a hat. 8-)

lunch had

going to play catch with the d dogs


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:24 pm
by blessedw2
I fell into the computer hole for 1/2 hour mmmmmm
time to work


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:29 pm
by helia
Well, count me in the weekend slug count too. LOL! I didn't do much over the weekend. Even my 8 mile run was a fiasco; I fell apart after 5 miles, which was unusual for me. My pace wasn't even very fast. I don't know what that was about. I ended up running 7 miles and walking 1 mile total. I felt very tired and light-headed. Anyhow, I think that made me very tired the rest of the weekend. SO. . .now I have a lot of catch up to do this week.

I've fallen into the computer hole too. Time for me to get out as well, blessed!

Main schedule/goals for this week:
M - dentist and funeral. I've already gone to the dentist. The funeral is at 5 pm.
T - Tot J here in the evening. Help dd21 move home during the day?
Th - drop off car for repairs then on to moms group all morning. Ds' graduation dinner in the evening. Dh leaves for the NL after dinner.
F - ds' graduation ceremony all morning? Do I need a ticket? Ds didn't know as of yesterday. . .
Sa - small group all evening

Exercise -- I'm feeling a bit anxious and weirded out after Saturday's debacle, so I have a different plan.
M - 4 miles flat. Take it easy. I want to remind my body that 4 miles is familiar, comfortable, and easy to do.
T - barre/yoga class with dh
W - 4 miles flat
Th - run shorter; maybe 2 miles sprints? or the arb hill? Or just an easy 2 miles flat?
Sa - 6 miles flat

Make significant progress on:
1. moms group teaching; I'm up Thursday, May 4
2. finishing unpacking the house
3. perhaps start working on bedding to house a family of 6 staying with us next week, Friday - Sunday. Do we have enough mattresses/beds/bedding for everyone? Can we use ds' room or will he have moved home by then?


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:35 pm
by lucylee
Headed to cardio doctor...
Dmom sick, prob needs ride to ref doctor...
I can't be two places at once...


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:35 pm
by lucylee
Regular doctor ^


Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 1:50 pm
by blessedw2
best of luck d lucy!

hi d helia.

heading out again. dogs officially run