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Postby Harmony » Mon May 01, 2017 12:50 pm

Quick post just to say hello. Busy around here. Or I'm too tired to bother with computer. Thought a lot about Harriet today as we had the telephone company truck show up and say we haven't been getting the internet speed we've been paying for. Long story, short version: boxes checked and into house and finally checking our phone jacks and then fixing one and we are twice as fast as we've been for a long long while.

Need to go eat and other work, BBL after I've cuop past few days.

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Postby CathyS » Mon May 01, 2017 1:13 pm


It absolutely poured here last night and again this morning. Septic system is full again, and we have more water in the cistern than we did last week. Our water company is going to wonder if we switched companies.

Dh and I went to Costco this morning for something to do. Our friends were supposed to call when they were ready and they just called here at 1 to say they were still waiting to hear from their lawyer and to get the keys for their new place. We have decided to take the boat to their place on Saturday.

Another friend is moving in all this rain today. Yet another (the one with the really messy house) has a stager coming today at some point.

Dh got down on his hands and knees last night and hand washed the bathroom floor. Awww...
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Postby DeeClutter » Mon May 01, 2017 1:59 pm

That is a nice area, Twins. Been a while since we've 'bopped' around there though.

Had my cardiologist appointment. Dr. was very personable and gave me some good pieces of advice on care here and up home. Told me to stop back by in a week or so and pick up all his notes on today's visit so I can take them home with me to my doctors up there. Also added some things to the labs I'm having done tomorrow. He and my Primary are both in "Lakeland Regional Health" so he had privy to all my info. Then I see the primary next Tuesday. He had me make an appointment for next January as he feels cardiologist up home will no doubt want me to see someone while I'm down here. The health insurance we're thinking about is going to be larger co-pays but the lack of hassle in the long run will probably be worth it. I mentioned that I was glad that our health care had paid all my hospital bills. And I was surprised to learn that insurance has to pay even out of network places if one has an emergency situation like my heart attack. It's the law. Always glad to learn new things.

Just had lunch.

Dh had called me on the way home (have Bluetooth) to ask if I could take the insurance letter he received Friday that denies coverage for his hearing aids, to the office where he got them. I had JUST passed this very location. :roll: Glad I didn't come right home, but went to visit dsisil first as I began to wonder if I could just email her a copy that I scanned Friday. I sent that up to camp for our friend to print and give to dh. He had it inside the hour. And I was able to do the same today. Saved me a toll on the parkway, gas and time! She emailed me back that they received it okay. She has the records of everyone she talked to and the times and what they told her.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Postby Lilac » Mon May 01, 2017 2:06 pm

The beautiful sun is shining brightly today. Dh and I went to shovel the driveway. The snow is so wet and deep that I had to shovel each area in thirds depth wise. We shoveled the area behind where the Jeep is garaged, enough to get it out and the snow blower. Put the Jeep back in the garage and he decided to see if the snow blower would handle deep, wet snow. It is an industrial size so we hoped it would and it did. He did our drive, the sidewalk in front of our house and to the corner in front of the neighbors to the west and then to the east side of the drive of our east neighbors. It has been several years since he has even used the snowblower. I usually just shovel it.

Yesterday Dh put 3 pictures of the snow, limbs and our yard on FB and commented that he wouldn't be mowing today. I told him he needed to edit that Lilac wouldn't be mowing. He agreed he should and then didn't bother to.

Today on FB a local gal said her Dh and friends were removing limbs from trees, loading them on a flatbed trailer, shovel ing etc. for $20-30. We don't want anyone cutting our trees but will need it all hauled away once Dh has cut the limbs down. The city will do it but it will be weeks before they get to it. They said to put it on your property next to the curb. Between our sidewalk and the curb, from one end to the other, except for the driveway is boxwood bushes. The only place we can put them is on one side of the drive. I told Dh once he is done and the limbs are taking up one side of the drive, he needs to put a picture on FB that we will pay x $$$$ for the first person who can haul them away and we'll help load. It would be worth it to me not to have to look at them.

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 01, 2017 2:21 pm

The debate was a draw and I sat and did nothing since my last post. Literally.

Off to have some lunch now.

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Postby helia » Mon May 01, 2017 2:50 pm

LOL! Kathryn! You're quite the debater.
I've had my lunch out with friends, and I've made some progress on the teaching. I know now how I'm beginning and the passages I want us to look at together and a general strategy for doing that.

I'm feeling sleepy; I didn't sleep well last night. Also, my stomach feels off. I'm going to make myself go for a jog anyway, though. I might keep it short. Hebrew is at 5, but the teacher will give us the texts when we arrive, so I won't be translating beforehand. This probably means I'll be getting translating help since my vocab. is pretty poor.

Wow, crazy that you have so much snow, Lilac. I'm guessing my uncle does too. And you'll be in the 80s this weekend?

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Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon May 01, 2017 3:32 pm

Things picked up a little. I had a nice lunch (still working over some leftover cheese) and then got a long-overdue task done. Booked my appointment with the accountant for May 10 so I have a firm deadline, May 8 since I'm with dd on May 9 and it is a morning appointment on the 10th. This year was very quiet so I expect to be done by May 5 at the latest, preferably the 4th.

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Postby Elizabeth » Mon May 01, 2017 3:46 pm

Hi everyone! Today has been very productive for a change. My brain is less fuzzy, because I have not needed a pain pill since 3 am. I saw the surgeon this morning and he said things look good and gave me some exercises. He thinks the bone spur was causing the fluid and it is gone now. After that I had breakfast with the friend who drove me. It was the first time I've left the house in 4 days. I am now cleared to drive as long as I am not taking the pain pills.

Because the water people were showing up at 1, I did cleanups in MBR, Mbath, LR, and kitchen. This sounds like a lot, but it was really more of a footprint removal. All LOLs are folded and put away. The water guy found my leak and fixed it for a grand total of $0.00. The house is open and airing out.

Tomorrow, I have a friend coming to take me to the post office. While I can drive, I cannot schlep two packages around. I have a long grocery list, but am not going to deal with it today, maybe not tomorrow either.

I'm going to work a computer jigsaw puzzle then crochet a bright pink truck while indulging in a BBC mystery.

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Postby Harmony » Mon May 01, 2017 3:53 pm

Belated Birthday wishes for RRose.

Crazy weather! I turned on TWC to see where the clouds were coming from here and got sucked into watching the tornado warnings up in Pa a couple places where I used to live.

Anyway, with no warning today the phone truck appeared this morning. I was skeptical because of the no warning, but there were uniforms and the painted vans with their logo...although one guy looked like Gilligan with his hat :roll: . But he checked box at side of house, box at pole in back yard. Then they went away to check other places but I had to go out to pick out DH. They were at door when we came back and I sure was glad DH was finally here with me as they wanted to check all our phone jacks in the house and the modem back here.

We had all the office furniture pulled out and furniture in several rooms as they checked, and of course he saw any dust bunnies I'd neglected and I was mortified :oops: and they found 1 phone box with some bad wires...and whether that was it or not I don't know, but internet is whizzing along here now. We haven't had speed like this in a long long time and had been blaming it on the old computer. We won't get a credit he said, but I'm just glad it's fixed.

So, lesson learned: clean behind everything all the time. Cable / phone people might be looking. :evil:

Work here and just general keeping up leaves me stressed and tired. I hide in my books. That doesn't work, the work needs done anyway. Today is a new month. We'll see how this month goes.

Elizabeth, I'm glad your surgery is behind you now and your foot is healing. Hopefully that'll be all you need.

Wanted to tell Sunny I'm sorry we left your back yard in such a mess. I didn't realize there was so much. At least we got all the big chunks out of there.

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Postby blessedw2 » Mon May 01, 2017 4:06 pm

how come our day goes by so so fast - I can't believe it's 3 pm! Dh has a clock that plays a clock dinging thingy do every hour from 6 am to 10 pm - sometimes I want to throw my shoe at it - I wouldn't but sometimes I feel like it. 8-)

dh is having a good day! We went to the container store bc we replaced our shelves with better ones (oh my gosh we had multiple of multiples on the shelves! 5 rug cleaners(dh), 4 windexes (dh), cleansers (me), 3 polishers (dh) cleaners that we don't use (me). The items filled up the counters in the kitchen - it shows you how much stuff was there. I told dh that we no longer will be a multiple collector. I dislike clutter, even if the clutter has purpose... we don't need that much purpose.

Now to vacuum and wash down that area

groceries bought but need putting away
dishes washed themselves while I was gone
one load of laundry done by me/dh washing another and dried the laundry I washed.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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