time for Tuesday!

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby Nancy » Tue May 02, 2017 11:24 am

I have started laundry twins. Pruned a bit more on a tree out front. Making progress feels good. Blessed wtg on working on your goals.

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 02, 2017 12:50 pm

Flyby! Actually it was an hour ago but I have a moment to post while on the bus.

Bookkeeping showed a problem. I don't think it is me and on my walk to the bus may have figured out a way around it.

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby DeeClutter » Tue May 02, 2017 1:42 pm

I have been an absolute slug today. Did fall asleep (more than once) in the recliner. Ate too much breakfast after fasting for blood work. Sure my BS went up a lot to make me so sleepy. Did just go put a LOL in the dryer and will fold that when it tells me to. Just dawned on me I need to order meds. Almost hate to until I make sure neither dr. thinks I'm in need of a change. :? But that won't be for another week and there's some I need. Should have ordered by 4/29 but that hasn't happened. Once I get all my meds (and won't be sure of that until next Tuesday when I see my Primary) I need to change our address to up home. Have to order some for dh before I get there unfortunately. So I'll have to have meds going to our campground. We're not supposed to have mail delivered there but sometimes I just have to.

Think I'm still full from breakfast so will forego lunch. DD and I plan to go to dinner early anyway. -before the movie.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby Sunny » Tue May 02, 2017 2:23 pm

Ah, yes...time gets away from me, also, especially when I get distracted from the real task at hand!

It has been cloudy most of the day here. I don't think we got any of the rain that was forecast for our area. Radar shows the rain line, but it never reached the ground here. I feel sorry for those who are being flooded now.

We are just doing our normal house things today, nothing exciting. I have two loads of laundry to do and I try to do some decluttering every day. I bagged up two piles of leaves in the front yard; there is more to rake up again, but that will be for another day. It is also time for dh's haircut, so that will be this afternoon.

Blessedw2, I believe in lifetime education. One should always try to learn something new. It is the best way to keep your mind active and sharp. My dmom lived with her aunt, uncle and cousin when she was young. When she wanted to do something that her cousin was doing, like roller skating for example, her cousin would tell her, oh, no, you can't do that; you'd never be able to learn that. As a result she became afraid to try new things and lost out on a lot of experiences. She later came to realize that her cousin wanted to be the "only and best one at everything". Very selfish! That is so harmful to one's self esteem. Harmony, I'm sorry that you never had a chance to try for your dreams!

Dee, I'm glad you were able to see your cardio dr. and get the extra tests. We pay a little more for our health premiums, but we have no co-pays and can see any doctor. I think with all the times dh has been in the hospital and seen so many doctors it has been worth the extra and more than evened out the cost.

Rose, I hope you heal quickly and easily.

Elizabeth, I hope you continue to heal well and not need any more surgeries.

I've been sitting here long enough; time to get something more done!
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. --- Francis of Assisi

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby Nancy » Tue May 02, 2017 2:38 pm

Back from errands. Planted posies on the deck planter great to see the color!

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 02, 2017 2:59 pm

Gas Leak!

This is turning into quite a day.

Big picture is always important in any evacuation. Number one, walk away from danger.

My stylist's dbil came in while I was in the chair. His building was evacuated due to a gas leak. He was waiting at the salon and having a coffee.

While I was paying a woman came in looking for a walk-in appointment. She figured since she'd been sent home for the day, she might luck out. She didn't. But I learned which building. Not just any building, our biggest complex downtown (where our broker is.) It was actually my next stop so change of plan there.

I'd bus home. Except all buses home run past the building on dedicated streets that are part of our transitway. I checked with the dbil and he said when he left buses were still on the road.

At this point I'm 2 blocks south of building and one block east. I live to the west. It is now raining.

I see a bus that should have been on the transitway on the street I'm on. I say aloud, "bus stop" where are the buses. The lady next to me says up on Albert. I point out there's a gas leak and I don't want to walk to it. She shakes her head at me and says "that's where you have to go."

I'm not stupid, I walk west on the street I'm on, looking for a stop. There aren't any (no buses use this street usually) but eventually a bus that gets me one station from home is caught at a light so I walk up to it in the street and opens the door and lets me on.

At his ending station, another driver crams 10 more people onto the bus so I didn't have to wait and got straight home as fast as I normally would have (because I didn't have to walk up to the transitway!)

I'm making my lunch now.

Dd knows I'll be late.

She posted a video of dgs sitting up. So that achievement is unlocked. It will make a huge difference in ability since he can play with toys now.

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby lucylee » Tue May 02, 2017 3:03 pm

I certainly do NEED to be tracking my time… although it would probably say:
11:00 – did nothing
12:00 – did nothing
1:00 – did nothing
:oops: * sheesh * :oops:
I am KING of the slugs today.
And yes, I am ALWAYS surprised at how/where my time goes, blessed.

And there’s Nancy, up and at ‘em bright and early… WTG! :D

Oh – and blessed – you certainly should not let ANYONE make you feel bad about doing ANYTHING you choose to do with your time, to “improve” yourself or just to enjoy yourself. People who criticize you for learning a new language or any other skill probably secretly think they were be unable to master that language/skill/etc and they are a little jealous of you having the ability and the determination to do it. Either that, or they are just people who always think their way is the best way and they always feel the need to “critique” everyone else.
But they are not YOUR problem. Just smile and go your merry way!

I'm sleepy now so may read for a little bit as I have my coffee. The trick is to not fall asleep.
LOL, Dee – I think I would be able to fall asleep while drinking coffee! (Dmom actually did once.) I don’t drink coffee, but I did have one of those “five hour energy” shot drinks yesterday while at the doctor’s office w/dh. It helped me stay awake to drive home, I think, but it certainly didn’t prevent me from taking a LONG nap later in the evening.
Glad you finally got to see the cardiologist!

DH yesterday did nothing much but have bloodwork and get an injection of Lasix.
Then last night he was extremely thirsty and started feeling jittery and everything, and he was SURE they had put something else in that injection along with the Lasix, but I’m pretty sure they did not.
The nurse practioner also sounded real gloomy about the prospects of dh doing well with travel – eating difficulties and the possibility of long car rides causing fluid to build up.
DH was in quite a mood by the time we got home.

Today, a nurse called asking about putting him in a drug trial that his cardiologist had mentioned he would be a good candidate for… but he is VERY hesitant to do this. He has such terrible problems with most drugs they give him anyway, and it would involve lots of blood testing, etc, over a period of several YEARS. I don’t blame him, b/c there is a 50% chance he would be given a placebo anyway, and it would all be for nothing. Plus, after ddad’s experience with the experimental drug he was given… no… I don’t think we want to be guinea pigs for science.

Have fun with dgs, Kathryn!

Harmony, I think you are doing a great job of prioritizing things and doing the most important things in the morning! Way better than MY method – sleeping through the morning.

Looks like a busy day for Sunny, as well.

And I will join Sunny in sending healing get well soon wishes to Rose & Elizabeth!

I’ve got to get s2s and do supper early today. We’re going to a music thing with ds & dgs, and usually when we go to this monthly gathering, we stop at A*rby’s on the way home… but dh says no A*rby’s for him… so we’re having Philly cheesesteak sandwiches before we leave.

Now dmom is on the phone...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 02, 2017 3:07 pm

The building across from my stylist's is now the command center for the evacuation.

My luck was amazing, getting out in time.

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 02, 2017 4:27 pm

went to d mil's house to check on basement... we had the put the heat back (low though) because we are supposed to have a freeze tonight :shock: :D
but its done. Dh and also went to the dmv and received new plates. Ran another errand

I am so tired: I literally could close my eyes but dh would let me sleep too long.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: time for Tuesday!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 02, 2017 4:46 pm

Day is falling apart.

Dh's second movie gets out at 6:35, not 5:50 as the calendar says. So all of us waiting to figure out what we'll have for dinner after I pick him up is a terrible idea since we won't be eating until around 7:30.

Worse, I'm starving.

I ate a light lunch at 3, thinking I'd be eating again at 6. But it hasn't registered with my body.

The accounting problem has not been solved although I found a problem with my data entry that solved one issue, leaving a problem with our US $ account which I haven't touched with the year end entries. Sigh...

And there's not enough time to get my head back into accounting before I have to leave for dh. So today has been a full loss and tomorrow won't be better. Another notice-to-enter has arrived about water leaking from our apartment to the one below us.

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