Triumphant Tuesday

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue May 09, 2017 2:22 pm

Feel better, Sunny and blessed!

I've made an online order this a.m. May choose this shipped bathing suit for an early-summer plan of taking dsecondmil to see dsisil (her daughter) and all going to the beach together briefly. In catalog, looks fine but I know that isn't a guarantee. I don't think I need anything special otherwise - any quick beach choices will do - but a bathing suit might be tricky, so this is one chance at getting it right. All three of us mature ladies will be living vicariously through dd18, anyway, who will look great in anything and have the most energy to spend! ;)

Otherwise today waiting for dd18 to contact us so we can understand everything she'll need from us, to be able to move out of the dorm by Friday. HRH and I have our eye appts tomorrow, so that afternoon time is out. I believe it is pretty hopeless for her on Thursday, with exams. She needs to find out what the penalty is for staying an extra day, and we might pay it. Very difficult to have a late exam on a Thursday and be expected to be completely vacated on Friday.

In Mother's Day news, I have asked ds to do absolutely nothing for me except travel for dsecondmil's behalf. He will take my tractor to her house Thursday morning before his work and then pick it up Friday after he gets off work. Long drives plus the work of on-and-off the trailer, will, I'm sure, take up a great deal of his time.

This will take a weight off my mind. Dsecondmil has started forgetting how much has already been done for her, believing that a week has passed when it's only a couple days since someone helped with a project, that sort of thing. HRH will use the tractor to do some heavy-lifting yard work for her and maybe she can calm down. :shock: She is starting to become frantic over her own perceived helplessness to get the next project done, as if it is vital, when it's probably been waiting a long time and makes no difference. With her nephew (HRH's sick cousin) requiring chemo and radiation right now, many of her usual visitors (and small-project helpers) can't come, and simply can't invite her over either, but must give their time to that household. She can't seem to understand that.

I spent some time for "storage" Focus week today with dstepson in the storage barn. I'm more company than anything, since a lot of what he's doing is organizing large items, and he's the chief organizer.

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 09, 2017 3:25 pm

how old is your dmil d harriet? praying she feels more relaxed. my d mom is the same lately.

wishing you all a good afternoon.

I feel better now that I ate. I am sidetracked today but on nothing lol! ;) I can't get my focus going.

dining room put away done and it is vacuumed :)
kitchen straightened, counters cleaned, dw emptied, put away.

Still need to do hallway put away. still waiting for the painter. He hasn't called so I will wait a bit.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue May 09, 2017 5:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue May 09, 2017 3:51 pm

Rx picked up downtown. Got some off white crocheted shoes.
Hid some rocks one at point of interest historical marker. Another at a fishing hole we used to go to. came home mowed th back. Bs took a dive having lunch before I finish up in the front yard. X Then s2s.x
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue May 09, 2017 4:18 pm

must give their time to that household. She can't seem to understand that.

IKWYM. This is my DMom. She constantly reminds me what I haven't done for her. She starts every conversation with how many days/hours it has been since I called, visited, etc. Can't please her, so I just choose to love her the best I can.

I have 10 minutes before getting DGD5 from school.

I updated my digital bullet journal with dozen+ upcoming events. I filled out paperwork & wrote check to enroll DS8 in a summer Art class. I want to talk with the teacher and explain DS8 verbal tics and see if she is willing to accept DS8 in the class. The class is only 2 hours at a time so I think he could control the verbal tics for that length of time. Maybe.

I spent the last hour preparing dinner and putting it in the refrigerator. I will be at WW meeting at 5pm (dinner time) so they can just pull out the food and eat. I'll eat when I get home.
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue May 09, 2017 5:22 pm

I snoozed for a bit this afternoon. Have to say I will really be glad when we can get dsonil moved into their bedroom again. I wanted to cook spaghetti when I got home from lunch & a trip to W mart, but he was just getting ready to nap. So! I think I'll get it going tonight shortly and let it simmer for a few hours and then let it simmer tomorrow. And then of course he tells me he has to be to work by 3 tomorrow. Means he has to leave here by 1:40.

I did buy our first thing for our little kitchenette we will have this fall -a toaster. Figure I can at least use that now. We also plan to put in a small microwave & a coffee maker. Since we've been 'spoiled' by a K eurig that'll be a larger expense. DD mentioned the other day putting in a short counter with cupboards underneath on one wall in here. That would be nice. Then we need a couple of chairs to put by the table. Of course dsonil will be in the bedroom by then, but it will give us our own little space & dh can come out here in the morning to read his paper and have his coffee. Well.....we'll see.

Saw my primary doctor this morning. He did up my thyroid med (no big surprise there) but for now he only wants me taking a double dose on my 'busiest' day of the week an see if that lowers my #'s enough. Then he asked about the amlodipine benazepril I took before my heart attack & he asked why they took me off it. They said it was because of the danger with the kidneys.????? But he wants me back on it as well as the amlodipine besylate that they put me on after my heart stents. Said to ease into it -one every other day for a while. Have a feeling either my primary or my cardiologist up home may change that. Then, and Harriet will like this! He wants me drinking even more water. Evidently I'm not drinking enough. I have been drinking water specifically for the last 3 months -other than my one cup of coffee. I'm trying to remember what the suggested amount is per day -8/8oz glasses? That's 64oz -does that include the other beverages we have? I have my coffee & about 4oz juice in the morning. Said my kidney #'s show I'm not hydrating enough. "Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate", he says. :) Asked about exercise & I'm getting in 30-45 minutes walking EVERY day. He was pleased with that.

After I left his office I stopped at the cardiologist's office to pick up transcript from my office visit there last week. He wanted me to have it (9 pages at least) to take to my cardiologist up home. Let me tell you, reading that over was enough to "scare me straight". I'll be out walking any moment now. Evidently they had even more difficult time inserting the 2 stents (they tried for 3) than I even knew. Know I was a very sick cookie -then and when my kidneys failed, but I think I didn't even begin to know. Enough to say -I'm so glad to be here with you! I do know that I'd love to have the word "obesity" off my chart by the time I see these doctors in January! I'm at 166 right now. No doubt about it -it's hard getting it to move lower at this point in my life. But I am determined -even more so now! Somewhere in all this info it mentioned very severe kidney failure -guess I knew that. Hopefully it will continue to stay as is or better yet -improve!

Went out for my 'birthday lunch' with dsisil & her dsis. Brought half of it home for lunch tomorrow. We all had ruebens except I asked mine to be a turkey rueben.

Just now drinking my 'daily' cup of coffee. Have to admit it tastes oh so good.

Looks like it's shading up nicely out there so maybe I'll go try to get a walk in before dd comes home.
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue May 09, 2017 5:29 pm

I am home again from my outing - I had a great time having lunch and catching up with dcousin. She agrees on the choices I hope to be making for dmom and with my thoughts about dbro. The social worker yesterday suggested I try to get the house out of mother's name, but I had to dredge that up because last fall dmom was on a rant about wanting to leave 1/3 to dsis' son. I'm afraid that she's not competent to do it in the first place, and in the second place if I try to change anything in place she will be even more difficult. Dcousin agrees with my feeling that we might just leave it as it is instead of stirring mother up.

Dcousin had also heard from another cousin about the half-sibling contacting them. She told dcousin that she believes that this gal is my cousin's daughter that was given up for adoption, and that she's the spitting image of her father. So far the fact that I gave this new cousin the info hasn't come into the discussion.

I got about a little less than an hour at H ome G oods, looking at pretty things. I didn't buy anything however. Then teeth cleaning, and home again.

Dh is out tonight. Tomorrow is looking crazy busy. I've texted massage therapist about moving appt at 11:30 to earlier because dmom's home health care social work is paying a call at 11:30. At 3:30 I have a meeting at temple to help the new treasurer and prez understand the financial records. I'd really like to be able to say no to this, but I feel like I should help incoming treasurer understand - at least she's a CPA and understands financial accounting, so hopefully my role will be brief.

I have one of those mental arguments going about going back out. I could drop donation library books off, drop of goodwill stuff, and buy plants at Lowes - all are in the same area. Library closes at 6 p.m. today so I gotta go if I'm going.

Harriet, tell us more about this nutrition program you mentioned yesterday, please?
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue May 09, 2017 5:33 pm

I haven't cuop but I only have a few minutes before the next item and I want to vacuum somewhere in this apartment.

Had a wonderful day. Great lunch with all 6 of us at the bagel shop. If they turned out, I'll post a couple of pictures. Lots of laughter and also planning.

Mother's Day will be on Monday the 15th. That's when we are all available and the schnitzel place is open.

The wedding at the end of June is planned. We'll all share the 2-bedroom hotel apartment we've booked. Ds will not stay overnight. He'll obstacle race in the morning, shower and change for the wedding and then change back in the evening after the reception. It is lucky the wedding is the same weekend as the Spartan Race, reasonably close by. That way ds doesn't have to choose between one or the other. He'll be exhausted, though.

After lunch, dsil, dd, dgs and I went shopping. I had a blast with him again. By then he was a happy little boy, he was grumpy before physio (and even more so after - he hates it, but he's making some progress.)

I then took the kids home, put on a good podcast and drove through the heavy traffic to get the car washed for the first time in weeks. Then home, emptied it, putting away groceries, started dinner, and then picked up the mail. Dh is home now after a meeting from 2 until a short while ago. He has to leave at 6:30 but he's working 'in' California right now for 30 minutes.

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue May 09, 2017 5:44 pm

Lots of laughter and also planning.
Wonderful, Kathryn! Always glad for a 'good' family gathering -no matter whose family. :mrgreen: I can remember when dShelley was 'in' for some counseling/therapy. She was due to be released on a particular Monday & our kids were having a big celebration for our 50th anniversary. They wouldn't let her out because: "family gatherings are when most things go awry." We were sure they wouldn't but they wouldn't relent. As it turned out dh ended up in the hospital via ambulance the night before and they were afraid it was his heart -which it really was. But he was out by Monday and the party -though way smaller & low key- took place Tuesday evening -so dShelley WAS there. I was glad they were able to use a lot of what they'd planned for the Saturday celebration and the whole campground was invited -at least those who were there during the week. A very fond memory for both of us.
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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue May 09, 2017 6:03 pm

Back from a walk in the field with the ddog. 80* & sunny out. (When I mow ddog does not get exerise.)

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Re: Triumphant Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue May 09, 2017 6:06 pm

Hi everyone! My triumph is that Elizabeth's Own Plumbing Company dragged out the shop vac, figured out how to vacuum water, and cleaned up after a plumbing issue. (The issue was already fixed). I also went to my financial advisor. I am in the odd position of being ok for retirement, but cash poor in the near term. Assuming of course, that predictions are reasonably accurate and no interim catastrophes. As always, I have homework. This time it is research related to what I call my Forgotten Fund. It is not truly forgotten, but is leftover from a previous job, and, for various reasons, not rolled into the larger funds. DD15 has a band concert tonight.

I am sitting here happily barefoot! No boot! No sleeping with a boot! Because I still have stitches, the orange iodine stain is still there. DD calls it my Trump foot.

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