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Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 2:21 pm
by DeeClutter
You're doing good, Kathryn! Thought of you last night when we decided to cancel our first hotel reservation and try for further up the road. Decided if we stop just above Brunswick GA, it will make the last legs of the trip too long. So we're back to trying for Savannah or very SC. Besides I was not feeling good about our reservation. When I called I was assured it was the 'front desk' but I'm not sure it was. One because she kept asking if I wanted Darien, GA. Right. Then I discovered they had already charged my credit card AND put on a separate $8.00 booking fee -by phone? There were a few other things that had the hairs on the back of my neck standing a bit. So now I just have to find where I wrote down the confirmation number. :roll: I'm usually very organized about that.

DD and I went out in her garage this morning. We spent over 2 hours apiece out there moving some things and cleaning. THEN we started emptying the POD. We have a lot already moved to the garage. Some we decided could just go to Goodwill. We loaded dd's jeep up with stuff we had ready to go -so the back of the jeep and the back seat were full, full, full. Then I talked her into wheeling an old dressing table (she bought it at my dfil's auction many years ago) & mirror out to the road. Also pulled out the large Christmas tree in the carrying case out also. I came in and made a "free" sign. DD and dsonil have gone to 'Books a Million' in Haines City. Shortly after they left a neighbor way down the street stopped. Saw her loading the mirror and all the drawers in her Smart Car. Came to see if maybe we could put the dresser in dd's jeep and run it down. First of all I was sure I couldn't lift it and secondly I don't have the keys. So she pushed it back in the driveway hoping no one else will take it. I may go put something over it. DD is going to be so happy to come back and see it gone though!

For the first time that I can remember I was drenched in sweat. But I do have to say that the extra thyroid pill the Dr has me taking on the 'busiest' day -I really have been a human dynamo on those 2 days. I'm still raring to go. So maybe it won't take time for that 2nd one to 'work'. I'd like to go out in the garage and work on a cabinet that's out there. Told dd I'd try to clean it out. Things have been in it since they moved here over 12 years ago. Then we want to take all of dsonil's books for mechanics, etc and put them in this cabinet (out of the art room). When I asked dd her answer was "YES!" I just have to do it when he's not here.

She really didn't want to go to 'Books' but dsonil kept asking her so she relented. She really wants to finish painting the living room. And he wanted to go out for supper. Think they're going to stop on the way home for something. We're hoping to finish emptying the POD when it cools down a little bit out front later today.

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 3:07 pm
by DeeClutter
Went back out in the garage and worked for nearly a half an hour. Was cleaning out the cabinet that's been sitting out there since they moved from their last residence. Found some things mixed in with a lot of obvious trash that were certificates belonging to dsonil -like his high school diploma and a lot of stuff from the Navy. I did put that all (neatly) in the upper cupboard part. He also has several cloth insignias, etc that I'll put in a cloth bag. Have the bottom part to clean out -another day when everyone is gone. Would like to get all his stuff like that out of the art room for dd though. She has 2 nice glass door cabinets that were in their kitchen in their former house. They've been in the office with stuff just crammed in there. She's going to put them in dsonil's closet once the carpet is in (He has a good sized walk in) and tell him to put all his 100's of magazines in there. He won't get rid of any. But guess what the first thing to go will be down the road someday. ;) Right now they're all stacked every which way on his closet floor. Then there's a huge stack by their toilet and stacks in many other places.

Think I'll take a mini break now. Know we're going to be working on the POD later. She really wants to be able to call them Monday and tell them to come get it.

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 3:39 pm
by Twins' Mom
I just spent a long time helping out my dd. She is babysitting for the weekend and has a temple event this evening that they will all go to. She had forgotten something for the event at home, so I took it to her - this is in the area where we used to live. Unfortunately, she and I weren't speaking the same language with respect to where I was meeting her, and the phone reception was so bad we couldn't connect to each other. Finally she drove out to the main road and called me, and I went to meet here there.

While out I stopped at the Wal mart at the foot of our old mountain and got what I need for the salad. Also found the bread flour I used to use, so I may try to make a loaf tomorrow and see if that makes a difference.

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 4:31 pm
by Nancy
So our day trip was okay till we got back to town. H. Got owly before lunch bc he did not have breakfast. Not sure what was up with that. He wanted to stop by & look at portable sheds I did not bc I knew the day was full enough as it was. Then h stars going on and on about not getting the truck oil changed we had to eat and all the things I wanted to do got tossed ok what ever - sigh then on thd way home the truck will barely run the last 2 mi.a fter the oil chg. Battery is discharging so he had to drop me off and head back to town to the place that has batteries. (Glad it is not happening on a Monday morning.) We got the seat for the other truck but is is still in the back of the other truck. :roll: so goday did not turn out the way either of us were hoping.

I have done nothing today except animal chores & dishes!

Collected eggs, hens are back in now. Took another stroll w the ddog a ten min. One this time.

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 6:06 pm
by helia
Well, the realization of possibilities today was a little different than I had anticipated. I ended up jogging not 8.5 miles, not 9 miles, but 9.3 miles. I took a little side trip to visit a restroom en route back (if it had been on the run out, I could have adjusted the distance to keep it 9 miles), and I decided to continue running when I hit 9.0 miles and still wasn't back at my car.

The parts of me that were sore when I stopped were not parts that are typically sore: my calves and my feet - like the inside and tops of my feet.

I'm quite tired now. I can feel my body exerted itself. I don't have an appetite yet and felt mildly nauseous a couple hours ago. I think I walk stiffly too.

We're going out for dinner. I think we're going to a place that has crepes. We both want something simple, nothing heavy for dinner.

Main Goals for today:
X 1. Ds and ddd21 to the airport. Dh called a taxi for them. Dd21 has texted, and they got to the hotel just fine. I assume they've met up with dd18 and are off on adventures. I think they're going to the MET.
X 2. Jogged 9.3 miles
X 3. Drove dh back to his car b/c he'd accidentally locked the key in it while he was stretching after his run. He went 16 miles and is also tired.
X 3. Dogs packed up and to dfriends in neighboring village.
/ 4. Laundry -- one load put away, one load drying, one load washing. Dh is heading this up.
5. Start packing

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 6:19 pm
by LadyMaverick
DGD5 went home last night so my responsibility for the day is greatly reduced. I woke up wanting to make some progress on the pool room. That room has become a total mess with stuff being piled into the room since the pool was closed last fall. I contacted DGS20 and he seemed happy with canceling our plans for the afternoon. I told DH what I was going to do and he volunteered to build some shelves for me. WhooHOO! He went to the lumber yard and came home with shelf building supplies. I took EVERYTHING out of the room and gathered it into categories. Once the room was cleared then I cleaned the ceiling, walls, and floor. It was after I finished cleaning the room that I realized my blunder. :) DH started building shelves which created sawdust which undid my cleaning. ANYway, DH told me if I wanted to get a new ceiling light he would put it up. So I went to L*owes and HD to select 2 lights and also got new outlets & covers for the room. (A couple of them were cracked).

I stopped to eat dinner because I have been so busy that I haven't stopped to eat lunch. I am so excited to be getting this room decluttered, cleaned and organized. Back to it. *POOF*

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 7:02 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Up the Valley now.

We got off at 4:45 and had to drop my keys off at ds's so that added 15 minutes to the drive.

Dh pulled off just before an hour was up and asked me to drive. He promptly fell asleep.

The grocery store here in town had the 2 items we missed this morning so now the car is fully loaded, or perhaps overloaded. I'll do a repack this evening.

We are waiting for our pizza to be ready and then will head on up to the next town where our hotel is.

So far, success. MF texted me worried about something about the service and I had to send him a copy of the bulletin for the first church. I was packing when he texted and didn't hear my phone. Wouldn't have noted it at all except dh texted me to bring down a hanger and when I heard that chime, I saw the two texts so sent him a reply that I'd get to it tonight.

I'm still going strong which is a miracle. I'm up over 9K steps just with moving around the apartment. It was so good to get the cleaning done. All the dust I was wiping up felt really gritty. Dh and I were sneezing for the first 10 minutes of the drive so wonder if the car ventilation was blowing it off our clothes.

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:15 pm
by Kathryn-in-Canada
Dinner is done. I am feeling a bit better now. Managed the day without a protein bar so that was good.

Dh accidentally ordered a large pizza but there is only one slice left. I saved it to have if I am starving tomorrow afternoon.

Now to quickly repack the car before we lose the light.

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:23 pm
by DeeClutter
DD and I accomplished so much today! There's just a few bigger items left in the POD that dd and dsonil will probably get tomorrow with the hand cart. We did all that work in the garage earlier and it made the garage accessible for all that stuff in the POD. Stuff left is big and that will probably pretty well fill the garage. Know we're going to end up getting rid of even more stuff this fall. Kept coming across more boxes with "Christmas" on them. We started out saying we'd probably get rid of 50% this fall but decided later it's probably more like 70%. She had a large Christmas tree in a zipper portable bag and was just going to drag the tree to the road. Ended up with both out there. Someone took that late this afternoon. The dressing table a person (a hoarder really) took earlier while dd and dsonil went to Haines City. They had to take the dressing table part down to her place when they returned but at least it's out of here.

Dh just called me. DGS17 just sent me the picture taken yesterday of him, DS-A, DH and dgd17 at the accident reenactment for prom night. Even the Mercy Flight helicopter was there. Picture was taken in front of it. Dh and Ds both in full fire gear. Saw pictures yesterday too of dgs in his tux. Seems like they were just toddlin' and now they're ready to graduate.

I still have so much energy but know I should go to bed. Wondering what Dr. up home will do about my T-med prescription.

Re: Saturday: are you seeing the possibilities

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 9:32 pm
by lucylee
Why am I so tired???
Did NOTHING today. We all stayed home from the festival (except ds, of course) and I just lay around and read magazines and did nothing.
Well -- I washed 2 loads of clothes and hung them to dry...
And dh and I went out for ice cream
and made a quick run into the grocery store for one thing,
Dollar store for another,
And convenience store for another.
Then went to get dgs to spend the night.

Dgs is so full of energy that it has me completely drained.
I made steak sandwiches for supper and cleaned up the kitchen.
Dgs in bath now.

I think I'm going to take my bath as soon as I get him in bed, and then I'm going to call it a night.

I'm really tense about our trip coming up. Dh hasn't felt good all day and I'm so afraid I'm going to have to do more driving than usual and that he's going to be sick while we're on the road. Guess I just have to turn this week over to God, right?

Boy -- WTG, Dee and DD!
I wish you could send me some of that medicine!