Terrific Tuesday

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:27 am

I think W gets it from his mom. She buys a tv, takes it home and turns it on and has Closed Captioning (?) on and that tv stays on 24/7/365 until it dies. She sleeps on and off all day and night and she said she never knows where she will be when she does fall asleep, so the tv in the living room just stays on.

Grape jelly seems to have set this time, based on a couple of tests I did with the stuff that was on the bottom of the pan after I had filled all the jars. Now I have 3 different sizes of jelly jars being processed on the stove.
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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:52 am

great that the grape jelly set d cathy... sounds yummy

re: tv: d mil had it on bc she couldn't see anymore bc of macular degeneration. She could no longer to crafts and hated being bored
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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 11:56 am

in the process of making (again) bathroom cards
I took care of another phone call - made vet appointment
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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:14 pm

Good morning everyone! At payroll I will be working on the bane report. Is anyone surprised? Sometime today, I have 2 DPCs and an article for the animal org newsletter to proofread. I kicked butt this weekend and completely finished the yardwork. Sunday, I was unexpectedly called on to serve communion. The Pastor's sister was supposed to, but she was at the hospital with the pastor's son instead. DD15 has finals this week, so she did studying while I did the yardwork. There was no youth group. Sunday Night Sinners was supposed to return, but the hospitalized son took precedence.

Although Monday was a holiday for me, I used it as a workday. I actually got up at 830! Normal holiday wake up is between 10 and 12. I hauled the yard waste to the dump, met with a financial person, had lunch, did the final part of the yardwork, went to a travel agent with the x for Christmas travels with DD, then went to dance class. Good thing about the class: I like it. Bad thing: it's only 6 weeks. I need to find a studio with more Monday classes or with Wednesday classes that are not tribal, a style I enjoy watching but hate doing.

This evening will undoubtedly see DD studying for finals. That will leave me free for my focus: minutes and notes for the animal org. After that will be house cleanup and costume sewing.

$1800 is more than twice what I pay for a mortgage on a 1250 sq ft house!

Harriet: Don't leave a TV on for cats. They are calm, quiet creatures who want to sleep a lot. They don't do well with constant noise. They are also intelligent enough not to be fooled into thinking someone is there.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:39 pm

Dh usually has the TV going when he's home, and it's usually just a beat or two too loud for me. I will sometimes ask to turn it down, but he doesn't always do so - says it's just the commercial that's too loud, or he can't hear over background noise. If it's seriously on my last nerve I go to the ear plugs. I use "Mack's" available at Amazon - they're cheap, and I keep some in my purse and some with my travel toiletries. Nice for napping or sleeping late in a hotel too. So much for the open floor plan. :roll:

I've been working on a transcription for the Pro Gen group assignment for this month. Finally decided on one, I think, and wrote it out as a first run. Although it's fun, so I might do some more.

Need to get moving:
-walk the ddog
-sort laundry and start a lol
-clear kitchen counters
-refill meds containers

When I worked in an office with background noise, I kept internet radio on all the time, sometimes soothing and sometimes oldies. It somehow cut the background noise. I think being at home, away from a lot of noise all day, has made me much more antsy about it.
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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:58 pm

Mentally distracted here. The speech has been put off an hour.

While waiting for it to begin the first time, I got the bed stripped and remade so that's done. Sheets are in the washer.

I had lunch (I had been planning to eat during the speech.) It was only only ok, not great like I had imagined.

I'm still struggling hard with cravings for diet pop each day. I haven't given in but wonder how long it will take for the cravings to go away. In some ways it is similar to breaking the physical addiction of smoking but craving a cigarette when in a situation where you'd used to smoke (for instance a cigarette after a meal.) In my case, at least one of my breaks a day would include a diet drink. Water (even flavoured and/or sparkling) doesn't see to fill the craving.

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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 1:12 pm

hi d twins!

hi d elizabeth! I will be thinking of your dd as she studies for finals! I know it is crazy - but I know California is worse and same with New York and out east. We lived in the country for a couple of years and owned 10 acres (loved the woods) and the taxes for the whole year was that price. lol
When we sold our home closer to the city, moved to the country and then moved back = we couldn't afford to move back to that neighbourhood (only 2 and 1/2 years later ;) )

hi d nancy!

hi d harriet!

hi d kathryn!

hi d cathy!

hi all.

I finished making up my cards for the bathrooms. (it was fun writing the cards but now I have to put them into my card file and actually do the work lol) :D :D :D
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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Oct 10, 2017 1:39 pm

dh is sometimes lazy about listening to directions. I asked him to pick up the permit I should have picked up 2 months ago (they make us get a permit for putting in a water heater (after it is already put in :shock: ) it's $95 geesh. It's at city hall - I put the directions into his phone, showed him a picture of where it was and what is near it and then he still wanted to know exactly how to get into parking - I tried to explain that he should just go over there and see. He wanted exactly how to get into the parking spot - there are so so many places to park and he was frustrated at me for getting frustrated with him not the initiative to just look. oh my gosh!

cards pulled - heading to work
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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:08 pm

Was running a little slow this morning so never got to post earlier. Left for rehab about 9:45. I had gotten steak soup going in the crockpot before I left. I'll see how it turns out. A very simple recipe I saw on FB a week or so ago. Hoping we like it then we can make it again in FL this winter.

Just finished typing up minutes for church council tonight. I'd been waiting on some added info for the board of deacons. But the chair is really occupied with a very ill sister and her Mom needing surgery. Didn't want to bother her if I could help it. Wrote out what I had and hope it's the most of it. She usually gets it done and sends it to me.
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Re: Terrific Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Oct 10, 2017 2:42 pm

Well that was interesting.... the leader declared independence and then suspended the effects of the declaration of independence to allow a dialog with Madrid (seldom have I heard the word dialog used as often in a section of speech.)

So he's disappointed both sides (or pleased them if you are a glass half full person.)

At least there's unlikely to be riots tonight, everyone is going "what just happened?!?!?!" Now to wait for the reply from the Spanish president.

A parcel arrived at my door. I was confused because the only thing I thought was on order, I ordered yesterday morning. Yep, that's what came. So I have my new pedometer on. Didn't even have to look at the instructions. It is much larger than the once I had before but still sort-of fits in my bra.

Now to pack up the other one and walk over to the post office and mail it. That will get "walk" and "mail parcel" off my to do list. So far today, according to my phone, I've only gone 1300 steps.

I left a message with the computer repair place. Still haven't heard back. Sigh....

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