Monday Apron Attitude

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:45 am

Yea for aprons! The boys dad said one of the grannies wears holiday apron so I have bed thinking about that maybe a red one with quilt block pocket. Dsis said might work for adult bibs too. I have a canvas apron with sheep on it, and another with apples on it sail cloth type fabric. Got 2 dish cloths knit this weekend.

I have been in the sewing laundry room sheets are in the dryer. Made up 3 of 5 feed sack tote bags. Yea me. Dishes are current. Hens are fed. I think hubby fed the dog. Need to s2s & made up the beds.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Oct 16, 2017 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:07 pm

Good morning! I don't have an apron, so I will have to get the attitude. The weekend was mostly a raging success! Two friends volunteered to help with party cleanup and my kitchen, LR, hallway, and guest bath look amazing. Master bedroom and bath still need work. Sewing room is a disaster, but has been declared done. The only thing left in the yard is sweep the porch, I forgot about it. DD15 was out camping with her dad.

I created a financial fiasco for myself. My mortgage and credit card are with the same company. Guess who sent her mortgage payment to the CC account (which had a zero balance)! Fortunately, I discovered this before the grace period ended (today). The problem is I found it Saturday. I wanted to simply pay the mortgage with the credit balance on the card, but they only accept bank account payments. While I understand it is normally a terrible idea to pay mortgages with credit, my reasoning was obvious. If I could have talked to a human, it would have probably been done. Instead, I had to pay from my savings account, which is now < $100 and request a refund from the credit card. The entire fiasco will cost me $6 in the end, but in the meantime, my cash on hand is dangerously low.

Because I had people over on Sunday, I did not make church. I did go to Sunday school because we are deciding our next study. I wanted input on that, because I do not need a "women's' study" which focuses on relationships with other people, especially on relationships with men! I probably need a study for teenagers focusing on what am I supposed to do with my life.

Sunday Night Sinners was supposed to restart last week, but the pastor's son's hospitalization took obvious precedence. I didn't find out that this week was cancelled. Another couple had the same problem. While we waited, they told me what the next topic is. We will be looking at Rob Bell. Another one of those universalists. I don't understand why our pastor spent so much time, effort, and money to theological school to become a Methodist minister when he wants us all to become pan-theistic universalists. HE wants to continue in HIS OWN Methodist strongly influenced by Southern Baptist beliefs, but wants us to ditch our "outdated non-inclusive" teachings (you know, the ones from Jesus). Why? I could leave SNS, but I really believe I am called to bring attention to the threat to our church and the church as a whole. I am not a pan-theist and do not wish to become one and if you pastor a Methodist church, you should expect to find Methodists there. Inclusion is an idol if we have to abandon Jesus to achieve it.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby CathyS » Mon Oct 16, 2017 12:36 pm


Took my time getting out the door, which was a good thing on 2 levels. Dh called after 10 and said to bring my car over and take his truck so he could do the oil change. Second thing was that one of the ladies that goes to Monday and Wednesday group fell just outside the library doors this morning and an ambulance was called, so there was blood on the ground and just a lot of "old lady fussing" as I refer to it when old people stand around and discuss the event with anyone and everyone until you have 10 different versions... UGH! When I got to the library, I was informed by at least one of the women. I lost count. We all pitched in $5 for flowers.

Supper tonight is spaghetti and a plain sauce. Meatballs and sausages will be side dishes as dh has a package of hot Italian sausages that he would like to have with his spaghetti.

It is cold here. A bit of wind, but not even close to what we had yesterday.
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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Harriet » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:18 pm

Elizabeth, take a photo of your building's sign with denomination name as prominent as you can, and have it ready to pull out when in conversation about this. It is a simple, clear fact, and proves your point - learning about that tradition is more normal and more desired for those who come to this building/church family, and it's unreasonable to expect (pressure?) otherwise. I was struck by your sentence about what if you are called to stay, bringing attention. That's exhortation, which is worth studying - it's usually in the positive: a "let's do this", rather than a "let's not do that", but includes both.

I was working along in bathrooms and got sidetracked with the character bandaids, labeling the few leftover Muppets and putting them with the Charlie Brown into a baggie with just the cardboard front of the package to save space. It was then I realized I was started to obsess and needed a break. I'll head back with a purpose for bigger things after a breather.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Harmony » Mon Oct 16, 2017 1:48 pm

Hi. Elizabeth, I totally agree. One goes to a specific church because of their beliefs and it's unfortunate when a leader goes off in another direction. I specifically hate when our pastor gets on a kick from some book he's anybody?

I'm trying to settle my nerves and just do something. I was doing fine until DH came in from a job. And told me some bad things about that awful job. Threw me for a loop for sure. Really hard to get back on the horse ya know.

I did a lot of puttering around on Sunday so house is in good condition for a change. I am trying to keep it up a bit more so it doesn't get as bad as it was. I haven't put on an apron for a while. But I do have a drawer full of "work" clothes I put on when I'm doing heavy cleaning, and that seems to motivate me also.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Oct 16, 2017 2:44 pm

I seem to be in something of a slump. I don't think I posted at all yesterday or the day before. I ended up reading a book most the day yesterday, and I can't believe I've wasted so much time today.

Dh came home for lunch and I felt positively paranoid that he was "tisk tisking" because I hadn't done much.

I did get our tax return filed, but had to take dd off as a dependent to file it electronically. It would appear that her amended return in which she did not take herself as a dependent never got into the system, so our return, when we took her, got rejected. Taking her off got it filed today, and left us about even with the IRS.

I got an email Friday afternoon finally about the "on the clock" Google group where questions can be raised and answered without crossing the line of getting help. I was pretty engrossed in reading there on Saturday.

I "Should" do something other than sit in front of the computer today - usually I'm at least going genealogy things.....I'm not even there right now.
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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Nancy » Mon Oct 16, 2017 3:23 pm

Just finished sewing up last of the feed sack bags, watching how to do em o U tu e for ideas. Saw one on how to make an apron out of a feed sack!

Did a rock drop, will get some of the turkey day stuff later on maybe Tues.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:31 pm

Elizabeth: Not that you'll make this mistake again but could you have requested a cash advance on your credit card? Since you have a credit balance, the cost should have been minimal and it might have been faster than waiting for a refund of the overpayment.

I'm s2s. I made the soup for my lunch and washed up all the dishes in the kitchen (crock pot, breakfast, last evening's and the cutting board and knife.)

<much, much, later>

I didn't get the vacuuming, dusting or mopping done because CM called but we are trying to set up a meeting for this weekend. Dh arrived home just as I was typing the previous bit.

I had my soup for lunch and got the bed made with fresh sheets and the bedroom cleaned up. One load of laundry is hung to dry now, another ready for the dryer. The vacuum is in the bedroom ready to run but dh was off his call and had an invoice that needed paying at the bank so we walked over. That got a 2.2 mile in for us plus I'll be walking with my friend tonight.

Now I'm ready for a quick nap before supper. Having a snack try and boost me.

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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Oct 16, 2017 5:49 pm

I hit the floor running this morning before 5am. Fast forward 11 hours later......I'm taking my first break. I did eat breakfast and lunch but did it a bite here and there as I was doing other things. It seems I should have more steps than I do (6K), although I have been in the house all day so the constant start/stop back/forth of the steps doesn't register many of the steps.

Monday is bedroom deep cleaning day for me. I did all 4 of those rooms. It feels good to have them in company ready status. I spent about an hour painting baseboards in the guest bedroom. It wasn't planned but just sorta happened. I moved some furniture and washed baseboards and then the next thing I knew I had the trim paint open and brush in hand.

Homeschool Day #72 went very well. DS9 started slow (expected on Monday's) but quickly got into the groove and focused well. I stayed with him most of the time to ensure he stayed on track. I also organized the Math and Language Arts curricula and lessons. They gradually get messy and become hard to manage.

I got a request from some of my cousins asking me to host the extended family for Thanksgiving. My first reaction was not very nice. I'm glad we were texting and not on the phone. I would have probably blurted out something along the lines of "H*LL NO. It's your idea to gather all the cousins' families but you want me to do all the work?" However, since we were texting I had time to think about it before responding with an absolutely NO. I didn't give a yes/no answer but instead asked how many people are they are talking. 50? 100?

The thing is DMom is the last and only person alive in her generation. All of my cousins' parents have died so they would like to gather with the last remaining person of that generation. I understand that longing for being with elders at holidays.

I would like to see my cousins and their families but I'm shying away from hosting the extended family for a holiday. Just my immediate family is over 40 people and it is almost impossible to get to talk to everyone when we gather. To think of doubling the number......oh my.

I've hosted my family several times so I have a plan and can pull it off fairly easily. But there is a HUGE difference to me in hosting 40ish people who live locally and are used to gathering and know the drill. VS hosting a large number of people who are traveling long distances. I'm thinking they would be focused on spending as much time as they could together. Instead of gathering for 2-4 hours and then going home like my family does. I would be willing to host all the cousins and their families for 2-4 hours but then I would be ready for them to leave. I don't think most people who travel long distance would do that. I love them but I don't want to be stuck with entertaining them for the holiday weekend.
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Re: Monday Apron Attitude

Postby DeeClutter » Mon Oct 16, 2017 6:44 pm

Evidently dgs5 has signed up for the "Timbits" (T Horton's, Kathryn) hockey this winter. DS-A, ddil & dgs went to visit our friends in Ottawa last weekend. Ddil posted videos of dgs learning to skate somewhere around Ottawa with help from our Canadian friends. Lessons were well learned and he's skating much better now -saw new video from this weekend. Rather hysterical to watch. :D

Saw our cardiologist today (both of us). He was quite excited that my results at this point are excellent. Dh not so much. Family doctor changed his fluid medication last week. He's steadily gained weight all week. Today they did a real change up in the medicine plan. They want him to continue taking the medicine the Dr prescribed last week, BUT add in the M etolazone (that he was taking every other day) to 1/2 that dose twice a week. On the days he takes that he's also supposed to take 5, 10-mg potassium pills. So twice a week???? Is that tomorrow, then 3 days, then 4 days? Or is it every 3 days? By today (and they were able to hear it in his chest) he was wheezing and short of breath -very noticeably so. So I hope this regimen helps a LOT fast. Dr. said "Your blood pressure is phenomenal! And all your numbers are good." Very pleased with results from my rehab.
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